Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Sports Facility Hire,
Licences and Leases
Agreement Policy
July 2014

Sports Facility Hire, Licences and Leases Agreement Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
Major Policy
1.0 Major Policy Aims And Objectives
2.0 Definition Of Terms Being Used
3.0 Major Policy Statement And Principles
4.0 Specific Requirements
5.0 Policy Implementation
6.0 Related Council Policy

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Sports Facility Hire, Licences and Leases Agreement Policy
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1.0 Major Policy Aims And Objectives
To provide direction for the ongoing allocation of community sporting facilities and reserves in
To ensure the fair and equitable access and use of community sporting facilities and reserves to
sports clubs within Brimbank in line with the Community Plan and Council Plan.
To ensure optimal use of sporting facilities to meet community needs.
To facilitate a shared approach to the costs of managing and maintaining sporting facilities
through fair and reasonable charges for use.
2.0 Definition Of Terms Being Used
A community sporting facility and/or reserve is defined to mean any built facility or active sporting
reserve that is used by the community for sports related activity to occur and covers:
a. Sporting pavilions
b. Sports grounds, courts, greens and active participation areas.
3.0 Major Policy Statement And Principles
Major Policy – Purpose
This policy is a Major Policy, in accordance with the Governance (Major Policy Consultation) Local
Law No.3. Council considers this policy to be of major significance, and has committed to a public
and transparent consultation process that provides an opportunity for people affected by a major
policy, to address the Council.
Major Policy - Mandatory Consultation
As a Major Policy, Council will, as a minimum, undertake a community consultation process asset out
in its Governance (Major Policy Consultation) Local Law No.3.
Major Policy - Additional Consultation
Council may, in addition to the mandatory process, consult individually with any person or group
whose interests are likely to be materially affected by this policy.
The provision of Council facilities and reserves to community groups and sporting clubs is a key
part of local government’s role in meeting the community’s need through sport, recreation, health
and wellbeing activities.
The provision, allocation and management of these facilities and reserves must be consistent with
Council’s Vision, Mission and Values and in line with the Community and Council Plans.

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The following themes derived from the Brimbank Community and Council Plan underpin this
Sports Facility Hire, Licences and Leases Agreement Policy:
– the policy and fee schedules recognise the differing capabilities of users to
Standard/ Quality
- the fee schedules recognise the size, standard and/or quality of
Priority of access
- the allocation processes and fee schedules give priority to local,
community use above other users.
– the allocation processes and fee schedules recognise user groups that are
involved in community building and development activities and/ or engage people from
disadvantaged or marginalised communities including females, people with a disability and
newly arrived and culturally diverse communities.
Time and frequency of use
– the fee schedules recognises the time, extent and frequency
of use.
– Council acknowledges the significant and important community development
role that sports clubs play in increasing the health and physical activity levels of the Brimbank
community. Clubs recognise the significant role Council facilities and support contribute to the
success of their activities. In recognition of these roles, Council fees are set at a subsidised
level that recognises these contributions.
Exclusive/ Non Exclusive Use
– the fee schedules recognise the degree to which facilities
are exclusively used by the main tenant or are available for use by other groups.
– the processes in the policy and fee schedules are easily understood by users and
Council Officers.
– the allocation process and fee schedules are consistently applied.
– the policy and fee schedules are easy to administer.
– Both Council and clubs recognise the importance of the partnership they have
in the delivery of sport and recreation opportunities to the Brimbank community.
4.0 Specific Requirements
This policy is to be used in the ongoing allocation and management of Council owned and/or
managed sportsgrounds, courts, active playing areas and sporting pavilions by sports clubs. Any
agreements with sports clubs for non-sport related outcomes (e.g. Electronic Gaming Machines)
will be referred to the relevant Council Department for consideration in line with the relevant
current policy.
These facilities will be allocated under the following occupancy agreements:
Licence Agreements
– occupancy of a specified Council facility for a set period of time (e.g.
seasonal or annual) that is not intended to grant exclusive use.

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Lease Agreements
– occupancy of a specified Council facility for a set period of time that
grants exclusive use.
Hire Agreements
– issued for the use of a Council facility for a defined activity or event, over
a defined regular or one off booking, but predominantly on a casual basis.
The application/allocation process for new, acquired or vacated facilities will be managed in
accordance with the Community Facilities and Reserves Allocation Policy.
Clubs will be offered an appropriate agreement and tenure based on their past history, the
requirements of the sport and Council’s plans for the facilities. Clubs have the right to request a
review of this decision by the Manager Leisure Services. Each type of agreement (Hire, Licence
or Lease) will clearly identify the responsibility of the allocated club for building and facility
maintenance and management.
Applicants will be required to provide information as a part of their application that will allow
Council officers to make an assessment using the following set criteria as to the suitability and
sustainability of the applicant group:
a. History of tenancy.
b. Capacity of the facility.
c. All information and supporting documents submitted.
d. Ability to provide sporting activities that benefit and engage with the community.
e. Applicant’s alignment with Council’s Vision, Mission and Values.
Licence and Lease Agreements will only be offered to clubs that meet set operational criteria in
accordance with the guidelines including being affiliated with their respective State Sporting
Association or Peak Body, being debt free to Council and being Incorporated.
Council will not offer an agreement under this policy to any additional sporting clubs to operate
Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM’s) on Council land.
Council will manage agreements to ensure that the terms and conditions of the agreements are
being adhered to.
Council reserves the right to suspend or terminate an occupancy agreement if it has good cause
including, but not limited to:
a. The club has breached the terms and conditions of the occupancy agreement.
b. The club has failed to pay their fees or utility bills.
c. The club has refused or ignored a reasonable request to share their facility.
d. The club fails to provide information requested by Council by the designated timeframe.
Licence Agreements
Seasonal Licences are to be offered for a period of 6 months and Annual Licences a period of 12

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Playing fields and pavilions operated on licences will, where practical, be available for casual use
via a Hire Agreement by schools and other not for profit groups located in Brimbank.
Fees and charges for use of Council sporting pavilions and playing fields operated via a licence will
be calculated annually according to a formula linked to the standard of facilities identified below
and as outlined in the guidelines.
Table 1 - Playing field categories
Category Definition
Licence Fee
per annum
Field which has been upgraded/ extensively renovated in the last 3 years and/or Field that
has sports ground lighting upgraded in the last 5 years .
Field which was upgraded/extensively renovated between 3-5 years ago and/or Field that
has sportsground lighting upgraded more than 5 years ago
Field which has not been upgraded/extensively renovated in the past 5 years
and/or Field with no sportsground lighting
Defined Open
Defined open space used by a club to support its activities
Category Definition
Licence Fee
per annum
New building or building which has been significantly upgraded by Council in the
last 5 years
Building which was built or extensively upgraded by Council between 5-7 years ago
Building which was built or last upgraded more than 7 years ago
Table 2 - Pavilion categories
Note: Licence Fees detailed in Table 1 and Table 2 above will be increased by CPI on an annual basis
Clubs will generally be charged for the amount of time they are allocated a facility and are eligible
for discounts up to a maximum of 80% on their fees and charges if they meet Council’s community
and sports development objectives in accordance with the guidelines as amended from time to
Lease Agreements
Leases are to be offered for a period of three (3) years, with a further two three (3) year options at
Council’s sole discretion.
Fees and charges for leased facilities will be calculated by a formula that allocates 0.4% of the
depreciated pavilion asset value and adds this to an amount for each sports playing surface as
outlined below. The fee will be set at the signing of the agreement and increase annually by CPI for
the term of the agreement.

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Playing Surface
Fee per surface
Tennis Court
$100 per court
Bowls Greens
$100 per green
Bocce Piste
$50 per piste
Defined open space
Reviewed Date
Reason for Amendment Next Review Date
8 July 2014
Reviewed and Updated
Table 3 - Playing Surface Fees
Clubs are eligible for discounts up to a maximum of 80% on their fees and charges if they meet
Council’s community and sports development objectives in accordance with the guidelines as
amended from time to time.
Hire Agreements
Hire agreements are to be offered for a defined activity/event and are on a casual basis.
There will be no charge for Brimbank schools and not for profit organisations when hiring natural
turf sports facilities in Brimbank.
5.0 Policy Implementation
This policy will be implemented using the Sports Facility Hire, Licences and Leases Agreement
Policy Guidelines as approved by the Chief Executive Officer, which may be reviewed from time to
6.0 Related Council Policy:
Community Facilities and Reserves Allocation Policy
Community Consultation Policy
Amendment of Major Policy
This Major Policy can only be made, amended, modified or revoked, in accordance with the requirements
of the Governance (Major Policy Consultation) Local Law No. 3
Date Designated by Council as Major Policy - 8 July 2014

This policy is designated as a Major Policy,
and is subject to the provisions of the
Governance (Major Policy Consultation)
Local Law No.3.
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9209 0140
Brimbank City Council
Sunshine Office
Alexandra Avenue, Sunshine, Victoria 3020
T 9249 4000
F 9249 4351