T 9249 4000
W brimbank.vic.gov.au
E info@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Sunshine Victoria 3020
301 Hampshire Road
Information Sheet
Home Based Business
The planning system allows some limited business activity to be carried
out in a person’s home without requiring a planning permit. Other
activities may need a permit or are actually prohibited.
A ‘home based business’ is defined as
an occupation carried on in a
dwelling, or on the land around a dwelling, by a resident of the dwelling.
It may include a use defined elsewhere, but not a Brothel.
When you do not need a planning permit for a home based business
A home based business MUST meet the following requirements to operate without a planning permit:
A. The person conducting the home based business must use the dwelling as their principal place
of residence.
B. No more than two people who do not live in the dwelling may work in the home based business
at any one time.
C. The net floor area used in conducting the business including the storage of any materials or
goods must not exceed 100 square metres or one-third of the net floor area of the dwelling,
whichever is the lesser. The net floor area of the dwelling includes out-buildings and works
normal to a dwelling.
D. The business must not impose a load on any utility (i.e. gas/electricity/water) greater than
normally required for domestic use.
E. The business must not adversely affect the amenity of the neighbourhood in any way including:
The appearance of any building, works or materials used.
The parking of motor vehicles.
The transporting of materials or goods to or from the dwelling.
The hours of operations.
Electrical interference.
The storage of chemicals, gasses or other hazardous materials.
Emissions from the site.
F. No motor vehicle may be adjusted, modified, serviced or repaired for gain.
G. Only one commercial vehicle (a commercial goods vehicle, commercial passenger vehicle or tow
truck within the meaning of the Transport Act 1983), not exceeding 2 tonnes capacity and with
or without a trailer registered to a resident of the dwelling may be present at any time. The
vehicle must not be fuelled or repaired on the site.
H. Only goods manufactured or serviced in the home based business may be offered for sale. This
requirement does not apply to goods offered for sale online.
I. Materials used or goods manufactured, serviced, repaired or offered for sale in the home based
business must be stored within a building.
J. No goods manufactured, serviced, repaired or offered for sale may be displayed so that they are
visible from outside the site.
K. Any goods offered for sale online must not be collected from the dwelling.
If you meet the requirements above, you may conduct your business at home. If you are unsure
and need further advice, contact City Planning on 9249 4606, visit our office or email us.
Please be aware that Council may ask for the operator of a home based business to submit
documents to prove compliance with the above requirements at any time. This is to ensure the
neighbourhood is not adversely affected by the business conducted in or from the home.
Please also check with Council’s Environmental Health and Building Services Departments as you
may need separate consent from those departments to conduct your business from home.
When you do need a planning permit for a home based business
If a home based business does not meet the requirements listed on the previous page, some of the
requirements may be varied subject to applying for a planning permit. Council can consider a home
based business that:
A. Allows no more than three people who do not live in the dwelling to work in the home based
business at any one time; or
B. Has a floor area not exceeding 200 square metres or one-third of the net floor area of the
dwelling, whichever is the lesser.
C. Allows no more than one additional commercial vehicle (a commercial goods vehicle, commercial
passenger vehicle or tow truck within the meaning of the Transport Act 1983), not exceeding
two tonnes capacity and with or without a trailer registered to a resident of the dwelling, to be
present at any time.
When making a decision for a home based business, Council will consider the following matters:
Whether there is a need for additional parking or loading facilities to be provided.
The effect of any vehicle parked, storage or washing facilities on the amenity and character of
the street.
Whether the site is suitable for the particular home based business and is compatible with the
surrounding use and development.
Whether there is a need for landscaping to screen any outbuildings or car parking or loading
areas or any other area relating to the home based business.
What if I want to put up a sign for my home based business?
You can erect/display one (1) home based business sign with an area of
no greater than 0.2
square metres
in a residential zone without a planning permit.
If your sign is
larger than 0.2 square metres
in area, a planning permit is required.
Where to now?
If you have established that you do not require a planning permit for your home based business and
you do not require any separate approvals from Council’s Environmental Heath or Building Services
Departments, then you can conduct your business from home.
If you do require a planning permit for your home based business or sign, you can apply online at:
While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the information contained in this document is accurate, no
warranty is given that the information contained in this document is free from error or omission. Any reliance
placed on such information shall be at the sole risk of the user. Please verify the accuracy of this information
prior to using it.