Age Friendly
City Plan
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 1
Table of Contents
Brimbank Ageing Community Snapshot
An Age Friendly City
Policy Context
Community Consultation – What the Community Said 6
Guiding Principles
Action Areas
2 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
An age friendly community encourages and removes
barriers to social participation. It supports the rights
of older people to make choices about the way they
live and provides quality services to support those
who need them.
Age Friendly Cities and communities are places
where older people live safely, enjoy good health
and stay involved. Guiding the development of Age
Friendly communities is a process that actively
involves older people in creation, implementation,
decision making and development of a plan of
action to bring about sustainable change in their
The Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022
provides the direction for Council to deliver an age
friendly city and the Plan has been developed in
response to what the community has told Council.
The Plan aims to create opportunities for ageing
people to live active and fulfilling lives, where they
actively participate in community life. The Brimbank
Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 focuses on the
eight age friendly domains and its progress will be
reported on through an annual community report
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 3
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on
the night of the census 2016:
• Brimbank’s population was 194,319 with 50% female
and 50% male
• 33.1% of the total population was aged over 50, an
increase of 17% since 2011.
• Over two-thirds of the population over 50 in Brimbank
were born overseas mainly in Vietnam, Malta and Italy.
• 9.5% of the total population of Brimbank were
beneficiaries of the aged pension.
• 12,473 of Brimbank residents or 6.4% of the total
population indicated a need for assistance with core
activities. 8,924 or 4.6% of people in need of assistance
are aged 55 years and over.
• The population forecast for 2030 will be 215,613 and
57,034 will be aged 55 years and over 26% of the total
According to the Australian Government 2015
Intergenerational Report Australians will live longer and
continue to have the longest life expectancies in the world.
In 2054-55, life expectancy is projected to be 95.1 years for
men and 96.6 years for women, compared with 91.5 and
93.6 years today.
4 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
An Age Friendly City
An age friendly city supports active ageing as the process of optimising opportunities based on health, participation
and security
, and the key to creating an age friendly environment is including older people in the process.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly Domain Framework includes eight domains that when adapted
and applied to a community help enhance the quality of life as people age. The eight domains are: housing, social
participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information,
community support and health services, outdoor spaces and buildings and transportation.
In order to enhance the quality of life as people age the Who Age Friendly Domain Framework provides the basis for
the development of action plans and policies that promote health and positive ageing for all.
1 WHO, Active Aging: A Policy Framework, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002, page 12.
Outdoor spaces
and buildings
support and
health services
Communication and
Respect and
social inclusion
Civic participation
and employment
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 5
Policy Context
Local Government
Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic) local governments are required to prepare Municipal Public
Health and Wellbeing Plans (MPHWPs) consistent with the Victorian state health planning priorities. These
plans acknowledge that health is determined by decisions made by Council departments as diverse as finance,
engineering, statutory and strategic planning, transport, and social and cultural planning. The three platforms
(healthy & sustainable environments, place based approaches and person-centred approaches) identified in the
Victorian Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2015–2019 match well with the eight determinants of healthy ageing
identified in the WHO Global Age Friendly Cities and Communities initiative, and the process suggested by the WHO
for undertaking Age Friendly initiatives.
Brimbank Community Plan 2009-2030 (updated 2013)
The Brimbank Community Plan 2009-2030 (updated 2013) describes the community’s vision and priorities for the
next 20 years and establishes a shared basis for joint planning, service delivery and advocacy.
It is the foundation for Council’s partnership development with community members, community groups, service
providers, local organisations and State and Commonwealth Government organisations.
Council Plan 2018-2022
The Council Plan 2018-2022, was adopted in August 2017. The Plan outlines the key objectives and strategic
directions that work towards achieving the vision for Brimbank. The Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 aligns with
Goal 1, An Inclusive Community of the Council Plan 2018-2022.
Age-Friendly Victoria Declaration
In April 2016, the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) signed an Age-Friendly Declaration with the State
Government, providing a commitment to work together on creating age-friendly communities and Brimbank City
Council signed the Declaration in 2017.
By 2021 Council will investigate seeking the WHO Aged Friendly City accreditation.
State Government
The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan takes a life-course approach, while the ‘Improving care for older
people: a policy for health services’, released in 2003, aims to develop a person-centred approach to the provision of
hospital care.
The Elder abuse prevention and response guidelines for action 2012–14 outline the priorities and actions to help
older Victorians live safely, free from harm and abuse. The Healthy Ageing Program, through funded advisors
working in regions of Victoria; the Victorian Active Ageing Partnership and the Age-Friendly Victoria initiative all
provide a range of agendas for the Victorian health system or program grants to local governments.
Policies and plans that influence AFCC include: Department of Health and Human Services Strategic Plan, Victorian
Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015, Victorian Enquiry into Senior Victorians, Age Friendly Victoria and the NDIS and
HACC reforms.
In 2012, the Commonwealth Government released the Living Longer, Living Better (LLLB) - Aged Care Reform
Package which is aimed at improving the national aged care system; this legislation is under review.
6 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Community Consultation –
What the community said
Council considered older people as key partners in developing the Plan.
From May to June 2017, the community was invited to help inform the Plan.
Approximately 735 people and organisations contributed their ideas to the Plan and the ideas have contributed to
the final Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022.
Planning Meeting with Brimbank Active Seniors
Brimbank Active Seniors Training Session
Community Forum
Service Provider Survey
Online Community Survey
Group Interviews/Sessions
6 sessions: 147 responses
Brimbank Active Seniors Post Survey
735 people and organisations
Key outcomes & themes of consultations
Council heard:
• Council should continue to utilise the Brimbank Active Seniors (BAS) to engage more older people and lead Age
Friendly awareness in Brimbank.
• Council needs to continue to engage with older people in Brimbank to identify concerns and issues.
• Ensure information and resources are available in community languages, in plain language and follow the
guidelines for accessible printed information.
Council will:
• Continue to work with the Brimbank Active Seniors to investigate, formal and informal ways to engage more with
older people in leading age friendly awareness for Brimbank.
• Regularly engage with older people so they can have their say about the community in which they live.
• Ensure information and resources are available in different community languages, in plain language and that they
follow the relevant guidelines.
Social participation
Social participation
Respect and social inclusion
Respect and social inclusion
Communication and information
Communication and
Civic participation
and employment
Community support and health services
Community support
and health services
Outdoor spaces
and buildings
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 7
Services Brimbank Active Seniors Training Session - 10 participants
Services Community Consultation Workshop - 77 participants
Community Consultation Priorities
8 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Guiding Principles
All actions of the Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 will be underpinned by the following principles:
Ensure ageing people’s
participation in decision
making and consultation is
conducted with ageing people
for ageing people.
Listening to ageing people
and recognising their
knowledge, experience, hopes
and aspirations.
Provide a community
environment which supports
inclusive and accessible
opportunities to increase the
sense of belonging for ageing
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 9
Action Areas
Council Heard:
• Older people want a review of public spaces to
improve access
• Public facilities should be allocated according
to community group size
• Public spaces need to be easier to hire for
community groups
• Buildings need to be accessible
• Public toilets need to be clean and well lit
• Improved lighting and signage
• Footpath repairs required
• Improvements required in rubbish removal
and disposal areas
Council Will:
• Continue to investigate increased seating in
and around shopping centres
• Pursue funding for improved lighting around
public spaces and carparks
• Continue to conduct audits of footpaths in
Brimbank to identify and fix broken pathways
• Seek to increase rubbish bins in public spaces
to reduce litter
• Seek to improve the cleanliness of public
toilets and utilities
• Conduct a review of the range of facilities for
older people
• Continue to develop design principles for
public spaces to improve access for older
Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings:
When people view a community as safe and accessible it encourages outdoor activities or engagement with the
community. Accessibility involves removing barriers that limit opportunities for people with disabilities, including
older adults with age-related impairments, and allowing older adults to participate in social activities or to access
important health and social services and businesses (World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Parks and footpaths
Shopping Centre
Signage and lighting
Safe and clean environment
Accessible and adequate toilets
Accessible buildings
10 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Council Heard:
• Improve and expand reliable transport options
for those that cannot or do not drive
• More community buses are needed
• Improve parking with extended time
allowances and more accessible spots
• Drop-off areas in high density areas such as
shopping centres and transport hubs
• Improved access and design of pedestrian
crossings and rail crossings
• Clearer and larger signage at car parks about
parking limits
• Transport options that connect different
Council Will:
• Investigate reliable and affordable transport
options for people who cannot afford to drive
including more comprehensive community
bus services
• Investigate parking restriction options for
older people, in public/private areas such as
shopping centres, train stations and medical
• Seek funding for the design and installation
of more pedestrian crossings on roads and rail
• Investigate the viability of auditing and
replacing signage in carparks to increase
visibility and readability
• Review of transport for older people to
address issues of transport disadvantage
and improve transport options in local
The condition and design of transportation-related infrastructure such as signage, traffic lights and sidewalks
affects personal mobility. Access to reliable, affordable public transport becomes increasingly important when driving
becomes stressful or challenging (World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Ability to move around safely
Courteous Service
Information availability
Safe Crossings
Reliable Options
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 11
Council Heard:
• Home maintenance is required for many as
there are currently long wait lists and high
• People prefer to stay in their own homes
• Alternative living spaces (nursing homes and
retirement villages) are too expensive for
most people
• Rates keep increasing and are becoming
Council Will:
• Seek funding for a home improvement
scheme where older people can have
modifications made to their house in a timely
• Better coordinate in-home maintenance
schemes so older people can stay in their
• Continue to encourage the development
of diverse dwelling types in appropriate
locations across Brimbank to suit the needs of
all life stages
For many older adults, ageing in place is desirable. The availability of appropriate, affordable housing with a choice of
styles and locations that incorporates flexibility through adaptive features is essential for Age Friendly Communities
(World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Home Maintenance and assistance
Accessible design
Modification of existing homes
Close to services
Community connection
Housing choices
12 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Council Heard:
• Language barriers often make older people
feel unheard
• Community interests are highly varied
• Transport to and from activities can be
• The technological divide is getting larger and
• Information is not available in languages other
than English, making it challenging for some
to access social information
Council Will:
• Investigate further introducing discounted
rates, where appropriate, for programs and
activities conducted for older people in
Council facilities
• Establish bimonthly meeting of seniors
groups in each Council ward to encourage
community engagement and participation of a
wide variety of people
• Ensure a diverse range of Council events are
conducted that encourage cross-cultural
community participation
• Expand the range and type of Council
community-based programs and events
• Develop new lifelong learning programs
designed by, and for, older people
• Develop a range of community grants
designed to support social, cultural and
community participation of older people
Social Participation:
Interacting with family and friends is an important part of positive mental health and community awareness. Social
participation involves the level of interaction that older adults have with other members of their community and the
extent that the community itself makes this interaction possible (World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly
Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Learning English
Accessibility (friendly, affordable, times, ...)
Awareness and information
Lifelong learning
Engaging isolated people
Opportunities for diverse interests, ages...
Able and easy to join activities
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 13
Council Heard:
• Activities need to be easy to join
• Need to engage all older people
• Diversity in types of events held
• English lessons and lifelong learning should be
offered to older people
• A lack of promotion of social activities
• The need for positive stories regarding older
people in the media to challenge thinking and
generate understanding
• The need for a concerted transport program
to facilitate access and participation
• People are isolated because it is hard for them
to access information
Council Will:
• Encourage older people to become involved
and attend community activities and build
• Use the local and wider media to portray
positive stories of older people to challenge
stereotypes of ageing
• Develop information resources and
community engagement programs in
partnership with older people
• Develop peer-to-peer support networks to
improve social and community participation
of isolated older people
Respect and Social Inclusion:
Community attitudes, such as a general feeling of respect and recognising the role that older adults play in our
society, are critical factors for establishing an Age Friendly Community. Age Friendly Communities foster positive
images of ageing and intergenerational understanding to challenge negative attitudes (World Health Organisation
(WHO) - Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Cultural and group inclusion
Challenging ageism and ignorance
General courtesy and respect
Older people portrayed positively in the media
14 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Council Heard:
• Language barriers often make older people
feel unheard
• Community interests are highly varied
• Transport to and from activities can be
• The technological divide is getting larger and
• Information is not available in languages other
than English, making it challenging for some
to access social information
Council Will:
• Develop an intergenerational program where
older and younger people can socialise and
become mentors/mentees to each other
• Promote to local businesses the advantages
of employing older people
• Develop a community register of older
people with different skills that can be
used to expand paid work and volunteer
opportunities for older people
• Continue to develop the Brimbank Active
Seniors Network as a local consumer
advocacy group for older people
• Work with peak consumer agencies to provide
local advocacy and service support for older
Civic Participation and Employment:
Civic engagement includes older adults’ desire to be involved in aspects of community life that extend beyond their
day-to-day activities, such as volunteering, becoming politically active, voting or working on committees. Economic
security is important for many older adults, particularly those with low and fixed incomes. The ability of an older adult
to remain employed or find new employment provides economic security, and it benefits employers who recognise
the experience and commitment that older employees bring to the workplace (World Health Organisation (WHO) -
Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Recognition and value
Being aware and involved in decision making process
Awareness and information
Employment and training opportunities
Age discrimination
Volunteer opportunities
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 15
Council Heard:
• Appropriate range of languages is needed
• Font size and clear colour schemes
• Hard copies – information needs to be
available face-to-face, in print and via the
• Council documents need to be translated
Council Will:
• Ensure communication from Council can be
accessed online, via social media, via printed
mail outs and via community noticeboards/
• Develop community noticeboards at
centralised locations that have a wide variety
of up-to-date information for older people
• Ensure information, both online and printed,
where possible, follows readability and
usability guidelines for older people (regarding
font size, colour schemes used etc.)
• Ensure information is provided in a wide
variety of community languages
• Develop a regular newsletter targeted at older
people that is distributed to households and
informs of activities and important Council
• Continue to review Council’s website to ensure
that prompts take people directly to the
information they require
• Work with consumer advocacy agencies and
older people to develop local information
resources designed for older people
Communication and Information:
Age Friendly Communities make sure that information about community events or important services is both readily
accessible and in formats that are appropriate for older adults. Moreover, an Age Friendly Community recognises
the diversity within the older adult population and promotes outreach initiatives to non-traditional families, ethno
cultural minorities, newcomers and aboriginal communities (World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly Cities
Community priorities:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Friendly and timely person to person service
Size of font
Wide distribution - written and online
Other languages
Importance of word of mouth and talking
Easy to find and understand
16 Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021
Council Heard:
• Relevant and clear information is required
• Convenient and accessible services – many
clinics have a two-week waiting period
• Long wait times for home services
• There is lack of respect for different cultures
and a need for cultural competence
• Long waiting lists
• The need for an affordable health service
• The need for multicultural and CALD services
in interpreting, writing and presentation of
Council Will:
• Provide improved translated information
resources to make them appropriate for
people of a wide variety of cultures and
• Coordinate cultural competency training for
people working in health and community
services in partnership with other local
service providers
• Provide printed health information in a variety
of languages
• Investigate the development of a community
resource hub for people with disabilities,
language barriers or who are socially isolated
to help them access services
• Investigate the availability of translators used
by health and community service providers
• Liaise with local health services to identify
the reasons for extended waiting lists and
develop an action plan to help people to be
seen by health services as required
• Participate in Sustainability Victoria’s Healthy
Homes program and associated actions
arising out of the Climate Change Adaptation
Framework Action Plan
• Promote a dementia friendly community
Community Support and Health Services:
Good mental and physical health contributes to quality of life and Age Friendliness. When evaluating Age
Friendliness, consider access to community-related services that support physical or mental well-being and the
availability of health promotion or awareness services that promote and support healthy behaviours and life choices
(World Health Organisation (WHO) - Age Friendly Cities Guide).
Community priorities:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Suitable residential facilities
Helpful and respectful staff
Adequate and reliable services
Conveniently located
Affordable and easy to use services
Relevant and clear information
Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2017-2021 17
Council on the Ageing (COTA) - Brimbank Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 Brimbank Community Consultation
Evaluation Report
Dr Kathleen Brasher - Policy Context - History of Age Friendly
.id Consulting -
The Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016
Brimbank City Council
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