Healthy bodies, happy minds, connected communities
Invest in sports facilities
in Brimbank
Address increasing demand for sports facilities
Support girls and women to play sport
Address health and wellbeing challenges
Provide youth with opportunities to be active
Brimbank Council is advocating for:
• More funding to accommodate girls and women in sports (immediate need)
• Financial support to address high demand for sports
facilities by the Brimbank community (immediate need)
• Investment in the development of a regional multi-sport
facility in Brimbank

Current state of play:
1 Community Profile, 2011
2 Eime, RM., Harvey, JT., Charity, MJ., Casey, MM. Physical activity, Sport and Health in the City of Brimbank – A report to Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy. Federation University
Australia, Victoria University, 2014.
3 Eime, RM., Harvey, JT., Charity, MJ., Casey, MM. Physical activity, Sport and Health in the City of Brimbank – A report to Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy. Federation University
Australia, Victoria University, 2014.
Brimbank Council owns and allocates
49 sports pavilions, 79 playing fields,
pitches, diamonds, bocce pistes and
greens, 7 indoor courts and
w64 outdoor tennis courts.
60+ sports clubs and associations.
of Brimbank residents are reported
to be participating in organised sport
(Melbourne average of almost 50%).
Brimbank has well below the state
average sports facilities to population
additional soccer facilities will be
needed by 2027 to meet community
For seven major association sports
in Victoria (AFL, Basketball. Cricket,
Field Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Netball and
Tennis) Brimbank only has 3.1 facilities
per 10,000 persons, compared to 5.7
per 10,000 persons for Melbourne.
In spite of being at the centre of the fastest
growing region in Australia, Brimbank is not
getting the levels of investment in infrastructure
from state and federal government required
to address the needs of the community, health
and wellbeing challenges, and to bridge the
disadvantage gap.
The need
Since 2012, Brimbank City Council has invested
more than $51 million on maintaining, renewing
and upgrading sports pavilions and outdoor
playing surfaces.
However, further significant investment and targeted
funding is needed to upgrade sports pavilions
and sports surfaces to ensure facilities meet the
needs of all user groups, and to create a regional
multi-sport facility.
The increase in girls and women participating in a
number of sports is adding further pressure to demand
for sporting opportunities.
There is an unmet need for active recreation services
and facilities, including cricket, football, netball, soccer
and tennis.
This growth is expected to continue with the
establishment of elite level national competitions
and more women’s sport being televised.
Help us help more girls and women
play sport (immediate need)
Council has been proactive in undertaking universal
design audits of sporting facilities to identify
infrastructure needs to ensure welcoming and inclusive
facilities are being planned and provided.
More than 3200 Brimbank
girls and women play
organised sport. This number
continues to grow.

Developing a regional multi-sport facility
A regional facility will be required to accommodate
local community sporting needs in the future.
• It would give sports clubs and groups currently using
single field sites the opportunity to further develop
by moving to a larger, regional venue with a range
of sporting facilities.
• This would free up the single fields for groups that
currently do not have access to sports facilities and
allow growth in casual sport participation.
• Such a facility would accommodate a range of
sports at the one location and provide for various
levels of competition.
• A regional multi-sports facility could accommodate
a ‘premier league’ standard soccer venue. This
venue could be used for competition by the clubs
in Brimbank that participate in the premier league
Council will be looking for State and Federal investment
in such a facility.
Investing in upgrades to sports pavilions
and sports grounds (immediate need)
While Council is already investing heavily in upgrading
existing sports pavilions and playing surfaces, a
significant amount more is needed to ensure all
existing facilities are suitable for use and are being
used to full potential.
Further investment and targeted funding is needed to
upgrade sports pavilions and sports surfaces to ensure
facilities meet the needs of all user groups.
• Upgrading of sports pavilions would help to
optimise the use of associated sporting fields.
• A condition audit of Brimbank’s sports pavilions
identified that many are generally run down with
some reaching the end of their useful life.
• Amenities at many facilities are unsuitable
for girls and women.
• An audit of all outdoor sporting surfaces in
Brimbank found they had sub-standard lighting to
accommodate training and lacked basic supporting
• Many existing sportsgrounds are without any
supporting infrastructure such as change rooms and
pavilions, or with very poor standard change room
facilities not suitable for supporting girls and women
or junior participation.
Health and wellbeing
in Brimbank:
• 3rd most populated municipality in the
western region (207,000+ residents).
• 2nd most socio-economically disadvantaged
municipality in Greater Melbourne and 3rd
most disadvantaged in Victoria.
• Ranked second highest for child development
vulnerability and physiological distress.
• Type 2 Diabetes is twice as prevalent in
Brimbank as it is in Melbourne and Australia.
• Culturally diverse.

Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
PO Box 70, Sunshine, VIC 3020
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• TTY dial
133 677
• Speak & Listen
1300 555 727
, then enter
03 9249 4000
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Brimbank Language Link
9209 0140
Local call costs apply
Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
PO Box 70, Sunshine, VIC 3020
Hearing or speech impaired?
• TTY dial
133 677
• Speak & Listen
1300 555 727
, then enter
03 9249 4000
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Brimbank Language Link
9209 0140
Local call costs apply
The ask
Brimbank Council need significant
financial support:
• To accommodate girls and women in sports
• To address high demand for sports facilities by the
Brimbank community
• To help reduce health and wellbeing challenges facing
the Brimbank community
• In a regional multi-sport facility in Brimbank
105 - 0418