Residential Waste Services Policy
Waste Services
20/12/17 | Rev A
TRIM ref: 19/297720 – Page 1 of 2
Residential Waste
Services Policy
1. Policy aim and objectives
To ensure that residents have access to a range of services which advance the following
adopted waste management objectives:
• Minimise the community’s reliance on landfill.
• Encourage initiatives which reduce the amount of waste generated.
• Provide services which promote recycling as an alternative to waste disposal.
• Reduce the occurrence of litter and dumped rubbish through a combination of
education and enforcement.
2. Definition of terms being used
'At Call' Hard Waste Collection
Service is a pre-booked service for the collection of hard
and/or green (bundled) waste material.
Environmental Charge
is the recovery cost for residential and other waste management
services shown on the annual Council rates notice.
is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial.
Mobile Garbage Bin (MGB)
a receptacle used to collect waste material generated by a
residential household.
3. Policy statement and principles
The service delivery framework for managing the community’s waste includes:
• Household waste collection.
• Recycling.
• Litter collection and the provision of street litter bins.
• The collection of illegally dumped rubbish.
While the community would be familiar with the Council’s role in providing these physical
services, it would be less familiar with the role Council plays in influencing Government
waste management strategies and policies to ensure the best outcomes for the community
as a whole.
The general provisions which describe the Council’s statutory powers and duties in regards
to waste management are set out in the
Public Health and Well Being Act (2008)
and the
Local Government Act (1989).

Residential Waste Services Policy
Waste Services
20/12/17 | Rev B
CM: 19/297719 – Page 2 of 2
Council’s adopted Waste, Recycling and Litter Management Strategy sets out the key
objectives and how it proposes to achieve these objectives.
4. Specific requirements
Every residential property is entitled to the following waste services:
Weekly kerbside collection of residual household waste – the default service is based on
a 140 litre MGB however residents can downsize to an 80 litre MGB at a reduced charge.
Fortnightly kerbside collection of recyclables.
• One no charge ‘At Call’ Hard and green waste (bundled) collection.
Additional waste services available to residents are:
Fortnightly kerbside collection of recyclable food and garden organics (FOGO) waste (this
is an optional user pays service).
• ‘At Call’ hard and green waste (bundled) collection (service fee applicable).
• Council operates a 'Resource Recovery Centre'. Residents can drop off approved items at
no charge (i.e. no fee)
Council also provides ‘waste management’ type services which contribute to preserving the
local amenity. These include:
• Street litter bin and loose litter collection service.
• Street sweeping.
• Collection of illegally dumped rubbish.
The cost of the above services is shown as an ‘Environmental Charge’ on the annual Council
rates notices for residential properties. Commercial properties do not receive these services
and therefore do not pay an ‘Environmental Charge’. In the case of some multi-unit
residential properties the Council is unable to provide these services. In such instances the
body corporate makes its own waste management arrangements and these properties are
exempt from the ‘Environmental Charge’.
History of amendment
Review date
Reason for amendment
Next review date
A 16/07/2019
New Policy
B 19/12/2023
Reviewed/Revised content – food and garden
organics (FOGO) replaces green waste (optional
user pays service).
Select date
Select date
Approved by council:
Date approved by council: 16 July 2019