Community Groups
User Guide
A guide to support community groups
in using community facilities
Section 1
– Introduction
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................1
1.2 Introduction ...................................................................1
1.3 Strategic context...........................................................1
Key contacts
................................................................ 2
Regular hire reference guide
................................ 3
Section 2
– Community facility allocations
and hire agreements
2.1 Allocation of available community facilities.............5
2.2 Ongoing allocation of community facilities ..............5
2.3 Hire agreements – regular, casual
or function hire..............................................................5
2.3.1 Applying for regular hire.......................................... 5
2.3.2 Applying for casual and function hire................6
2.3.3 Hire agreements fees & charges .........................6
2.3.4 Hire agreements terms & conditions..................7
2.4 Licence and lease agreements ...................................7
2.4.1 Licence and lease fees & charges........................8
2.4.2 Licence and lease terms & conditions ...............8
Section 3
– Responsible management and use
of facilities for regular groups
3.1 Maintenance ..................................................................9
3.1.1 Facility inspections ....................................................9
3.2 Cancellations & modifications.....................................9
3.2.1 Changes and additional use...................................9
3.3 Cleaning ..........................................................................9
3.3.1 Rubbish...........................................................................9
3.4 Storage......................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Storage at sporting facilities ...............................10
3.5 Security and locks ...................................................... 10
3.5.1 Key allocation.............................................................10
3.6 Regular groups serving and selling food................ 10
3.7 Smoking in Council facilities......................................11
3.8 Alcohol consumption and provision.........................11
3.9 Gambling.......................................................................11
3.9.1 Fundraisers ................................................................. 11
3.10 Capacity and curfew times ........................................11
3.11 Noise pollution.............................................................11
Section 4
– Risk management
4.1 Insurance ......................................................................12
4.1.1 Public liability insurance ........................................12
4.1.2 Building and property insurance........................12
4.1.3 Indemnity.....................................................................12
4.1.4 Theft..............................................................................12
4.2 First aid .........................................................................12
4.3 Safety management plan ..........................................13
4.4 Emergency firefighting equipment..........................13
Section 5 – Community group development
5.1 Community group development
network meetings.......................................................14
5.2 Community group training.........................................14
5.3 Events calendar...........................................................14
5.4 Grants and funding .....................................................14
5.4.1 Brimbank community grants ...............................14
Section 6 – Capital, minor and community
group funded works
6.1 Capital works................................................................15
6.2 Rolling programs .........................................................15
6.3 Community group funded works..............................16
Section 7 – Permits and Regulations
7.1 Use of council facilities for events............................17
7.2 Planning permits .........................................................17
7.3 Building permits ..........................................................17
7.4 Signage permits ..........................................................17
7.5 Parking permits ...........................................................17
Useful resources for community groups
Appendix 1:
Regular & casual hire facilities
cleaning checklist ........................................ 19
Appendix 2:
Regular & casual hire opening and
closing procedures ..................................... 20
Appendix 3:
Regular hire induction checklist.................21
Section 1
1.1 Purpose
Welcome to the first edition of the Brimbank
Community Groups User Guide.
The purpose of this guide is to:
• provide an overview of the roles and
responsibilities of Council and community groups
• enable a better understanding of the processes
guiding the usage and hire arrangements of
Community Facilities
• provide instructions to community groups on how
to hire and manage Community Facilities.
1.2 Introduction
Community Facilities covered under this User Guide
• Community Halls.
• Guide Halls.
• Scout Halls.
• Senior Citizens Centres.
• Sports Pavilions designed for community use
during business hours.
• Other facilities as determined suitable to be
covered by this guide.
These facilities play a key role in the delivery of a
wide range of leisure, social, cultural and educational
activities which encourage active community
participation, and make a valuable contribution to the
general health and wellbeing of the local community.
1.3 Strategic context
The Community Facilities User Guide is based on
Council’s various strategic documents and adopted
policies providing an overview for community groups
using Council Facilities. These documents include:
Brimbank Community Vision 2040
The Brimbank Community Vision 2040 describes the
community’s vision and priorities for the next two
Council Plan 2017-2021
The Council Plan describes the outcomes Council aims
to achieve during its term, the strategies that will
shape its program of work over the next four years
and the resources required to achieve the desired
Community Services and Infrastructure Plan
The Community Services and Infrastructure Plan:
• Explains Brimbank City Council’s evidence
based approach to Community Services and
Infrastructure Planning and delivery.
• Describes Council’s role in planning, developing and
maintaining community infrastructure.
• Provides an overview of community infrastructure
Council currently has and what service facilities
will be required by planning district over the short,
medium and long term.
• Guides decision-making on future community
infrastructure projects, funding requirements,
advocacy efforts and partnership opportunities.
Community Facilities Hire, Licences and Leases
Agreement Major Policy (2016)
The Community Facilities Hire, Licences and Leases
Agreement aims to:
• Provide direction for the ongoing allocation and
management of community facilities in Brimbank.
• Ensure fair and equitable access and use of
community facilities to community groups
and residents within Brimbank in line with the
Community Plan and Council Plan.
• Ensure optimal use of community facilities to meet
community needs.
Community Facilities and Reserves Allocation
Major Policy (2014)
The Community Facilities and Reserves Allocation
Major Policy provides direction for the fair and
equitable allocation of available community facilities
and reserves within Brimbank.
Copies of these documents are available on
for further reference.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 1
Key contacts
Brimbank City Council – Community
For assistance with bookings or to report a
maintenance issue please contact the Community
Facilities Unit during office hours
9am-5pm Monday - Friday.
Administration and Bookings Officer
9249 4537
Brimbank City Council
After-Hours Emergency Service
9249 4000
Community groups requiring emergency assistance
from Council outside of business hours should ring the
After Hours Emergency Service number above and
follow instructions to provide details of the location and
issue that requires attention.
Other emergency contacts
Victoria Police
Fire Brigade
Ambulance Victoria
Community group liaison officer
Community groups are required to nominate one
contact person (usually club president or secretary)
who must have an email address and telephone and
who will:
• Receive and respond to queries from Council.
• Receive and send emails to Council (including IMS).
• Be permitted to log maintenance requests and IMS
To ensure effective communication between
community groups and Council it is very important
that community groups only have one (1) principal
contact person.
This will ensure information is communicated
effectively and any possible confusion will be kept to
a minimum. The club president or secretary is to write
to their main Council contact when they change the
club’s liaison officer.
2 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Regular hire
Booking your regular hire
All regular hire is booked through the IMS System,
using your group’s username and password
Hirer Category
Regular Hire
Allocations Open
1 October
Allocations Close
1 December
Allocation Dates
1 January - 31 December
The following documents need to be uploaded,
where applicable, as part of your group’s regular hire
• Proof of current Public Liability Insurance
• Proof of Incorporation
• Business Registration Certificate
• Food Handling Certificate
• Liquor Licence
Regular hire fees and payments
Regular hire fees are invoiced on a quarterly basis.
Invoices are payable within 30 days. Failure to do so
may result in a review of the groups future use of
community facilities.
Depending on the nature of your group, your group
will be charged one of the following rates for its
regular hire:
• Seniors Rate.
• Community not-for-profit rate.
• Standard rate.
As per Council Policy, Council will not
provide any hire of community facilities
to community groups at no charge or
discounted rates as the rates set through
the Annual Budget process are already
subsidised by Council.
A bond will be held for the duration of your regular
hire. Regular groups are only required to pay one bond
payment even if they are hiring multiple facilities.
The bond will only be refunded if the group has:
• Complied with all the conditions of use.
• Returned all the keys/swipe cards.
• No outstanding debts with Brimbank Council.
Please allow thirty (30) days after all the keys/swipe
cards have been returned for the bond refund to be
Cancellations and extra use
To make any cancellations or to add additional
sessions, regular hirers are required to provide a
minimum of five (5) working days’ notice in writing
(subject to availability) prior to the booking taking
place or regular charges will still apply.
All cancellations and changes need to be emailed to
Regular hirers must report any structural issues or
Council maintenance responsibilities immediately by
calling the Community Facilities Unit on 9249 4537.
Regular groups are not permitted to undertake any
maintenance or repair works, including the installation
of storage spaces, padlocks, changing of locks or
duplicating keys.
All halls will be closed for a minimum of one week
throughout the year to allow for regular annual
maintenance works and are therefore unavailable for
hire. Regular groups will be notified of this and will not
be charged for this period.
It is the responsibility of all hirers using Council
facilities to leave facilities, toilets and grounds in a
clean and tidy condition immediately after each use,
and to ensure that the facilities are securely locked
before leaving to prevent damage to the facilities.
Regular groups can use the bins provided at the
facility. However if the group generates additional
waste, it is the group’s responsibility to ensure its
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 3
Dependant on the facility and the purpose of hire,
storage may be available for regular groups. Where
there is more than one hirer using a facility, storage
space is to be shared, negotiated and agreed upon by
the users and Council.
All equipment must be stored in a safe and secure
place, including hazardous items, food and alcohol.
Regular hirers need to remove anything from the
fridge and hall after each use and are only permitted
to store items in their allocated storage space.
Key allocation
A key or swipe card is given to regular groups during
the pre-hire induction on site.
Regular hirers will be allocated up to two (2) keys/
swipe cards per group. Requests for additional keys/
swipe cards must be made in writing and will incur a
fee of $50 per key/swipe (Upon Council approval).
Food, alcohol and smoking
All regular groups must provide their own cooking
utensils, cups, bowls, oven trays etc. and can only use
the kitchen appliances provided.
Community groups are not allowed to bring/use their
own cooking equipment and/or appliances such as
barbecues, spits and bain marie’s inside community
Regular groups selling food or having fundraisers,
dinner dances and other ticketed events where the
ticket price includes the supply of food, need to apply
with Council for a Food Handling Certificate.
Regular groups wishing to supply liquor to its
members or guests must obtain a liquor licence
through the Victorian Commission for Gambling and
Liquor Regulation.
All Council Community Facilities are smoke free areas.
4 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Community facility
allocations and hire
2.1 Allocation of available
community facilities
The provision of community facilities to community
groups is a key part of local government’s role in
meeting the community’s needs through the provision
of a diverse and affordable range of facilities that
offer all members of the community the opportunity
to participate in community life and a safe place for
social interaction.
Allocation of Council venues to community groups
will be based on a transparent and administratively
accountable decision making process. The allocation
of Council facilities to the community will be based on
achieving benefit to the Brimbank community.
2.2 Ongoing allocation of
community facilities
The Community Facilities Hire, Licences and Leases
Agreement Policy provides direction for the ongoing
allocation and management of community facilities in
The policy identifies that these facilities will be
allocated under the following occupancy agreements:
• Hire Agreement – Regular, Casual or Function –
issued for the use of a Council community facility
for a defined activity or event, over a defined
regular period or for a one off booking.
• Licence Agreement – occupancy of a specified
Council facility for a set period of time that is not
intended to grant exclusive use.
• Lease Agreement – occupancy of a specified
Council facility for a set period of time that grants
exclusive use.
Not for profit community based groups and
organisations that live, work or have a connection
with Brimbank residents and those that service the
local community surrounding the community facility
will have priority over groups and organisations
servicing people outside of the municipality.
2.3 Hire agreements – regular,
casual or function hire
Providing community facilities for regular hire is a priority
for Council as it supports community groups in meeting
the ongoing needs of the Brimbank community.
2.3.1 Applying for regular hire
Regular hire
- Community groups or hirers that
are seeking more than ten (10) bookings per year
to undertake community activities will be offered a
regular hire agreement. The hireable facility, intended
activities and period of hire must be the same for each
booking to be eligible for regular hire.
All regular hire is booked through the IMS System,
using your group’s username and password
Hirer Category
Regular Hire
Allocations Open
1 October
Allocations Close
1 December
Allocation Dates
1 January - 31 December
Automatic emails are send from the IMS System to
all regular users prior to 1 October informing the
regular groups that the allocation period has opened.
Community Groups then have until 1 December to
complete their allocation request including attaching
all required documents for Council review, including:
• Proof of current Public Liability Insurance.
• Proof of Incorporation.
• Business Registration Certificate.
• Food Handling Certificate.
• Liquor Licence.
Following the closure of the application period for
regular hire, Councils Community Facilities Unit will
assess all regular hire applications using the following
criteria to determine the allocation of Community
Regular hire
Criteria include:
• History of tenancy.
• Capacity of the facility.
• Compatibility/variety of Regular Hirers using the
• All information and supporting documents submitted.
• Ability to provide community activities that benefit
and engage with the community.
• Applicants alignment with Councils Vision, Mission
and Values.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 5
2.3.2 Applying for casual and
function hire
Casual hire -
Community groups or individuals that
are seeking ten (10) or less bookings per year to
undertake community activities such as meetings
or training sessions will be offered a casual hire
Function hire -
Community groups or individuals
that are seeking a (once off) booking for a function,
event or celebration will be offered a function hire
All casual and function hire applications for
Community Facilities are completed through IMS.
Casual and function hire bookings will
not be accepted before 1 December of the
current year for bookings the following
year to enable the regular hire schedule to
be established.
Casual and function hire
criteria include:
• Availability of the desired facility for hire.
• Suitability of the facilty for intended hire.
• Fit with Council’s Vision, Mission and values and in
line with the Community and Council Plans.
2.3.3 Hire agreements fees & charges
Fees and charges for Regular, Casual and Function
Hire of community facilities will be determined by the
category of user, type of facility and facility specific
factors and will be reviewed as part of Councils annual
budget process under the following categories:
Level 1
- Seniors rate
Must be a registered Association Incorporation
who are able to demonstrate that at least 50% of
members are over the age of 55 and are Brimbank
Level 2
- Community not-for-profit rate
Must be a registered Association Incorporation who
are able to demonstrate the group is voluntary and
receive minimal or no funding to run group activities
or programs with at least 50% of its members being
Brimbank residents.
Level 3
- Standard rate
For profit organisations and those not eligible for
Levels 1, 2 and 4.
Level 4
- Function rate
Private or community group functions, including but
not limited to (business) events, social nights, dinner
dances, birthday parties, engagements, festive and
cultural celebrations.
As per Council policy, Council will not
provide any hire of community facilities
to community groups at no charge or
discounted rates as the rates set through
the Annual Budget process are already
subsidised by Council.
6 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
2.3.4 Hire agreements terms
and conditions
Council reserves the right at its discretion to decline
requests for bookings that it determines not suitable
for community facilities and those that do not align
with Council’s Vision, Mission and Values.
In addition, Council may impose further requirements
on certain types of bookings.
Council also reserves the right to:
• Suspend or terminate a regular/casual hire
• Cancel any booking (regular, casual or function).
• Retain all monies paid and not take future
• Retain the bond (either partially or in full).
If it has good cause including but not limited to:
• The community group has breached the terms and
conditions of use.
• The community group has failed to pay their fees.
• The community group fails to provide information
requested by Council within the designated
• The community group has provided Council with
misleading or false information misrepresenting
the booking.
• The community group has refused or ignored
reasonable requests by Council regarding its
facility use such as sticking to capacity and curfew
2.4 Licence and lease agreements
The application/allocation process for new, acquired
or vacated community facilities will be managed
in accordance with the Community Facilities and
Reserves Allocation Major Policy.
Community groups will be offered an appropriate
agreement and tenure at Councils discretion based on
their past history, the requirements of the community
group and Councils plans for the facility.
Community Groups that are sole users or with
priority access to a community facility for historical
reasons will be offered a
Licence agreement
with a
maximum period of three (3) years.
Community Groups that have previously been on
a lease and/or are a sole tenant of a facility with
exclusive access will be offered a
Lease agreement
for a maximum period of five (5) years.
Licence and lease agreements will only be offered to
incorporated community groups based in Brimbank or
servicing the needs of the Brimbank community.
Community groups operating on a Licence or Lease
Agreement must provide the following documentation
on an annual basis as a minimum:
• Name and contact details of the Liaison Officer of
the community group.
• Information of community group participation
• Details of all current committee members of the
community group.
• Copy of current Public Liability Insurance
• Copy of AGM minutes held within the last 12
• Copy of Annual Report for previous year including
financial statement as per requirements of
Associations Incorporation Act 2012.
• Community Facility Key Register.
• Current Business Plan.
• Copy of Liquor Licence/ Food Registration
Certificate (if applicable).
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 7
2.4.1 Licence and lease fees
and charges
Fees and charges for community facilities operated on
a licence will be calculated according to the standard
of the facility. This model is based on the ‘Sports
Facility Hire, Licences and Leases Agreement Policy’
taking into account the discounts available to sports
clubs and limited ability of community groups to
generate income.
Annual fees and charges for leases will take
into account the limited Council investment and
maintenance of these facilities due to the varying
ownership of the land and buildings. These fees and
charges will rise by CPI annually.
Fees and charges will increase as determined by
Councils Annual Budget review process review
process, with the base fees in the Policy as follows:
2.4.2 Licence and lease terms
and conditions
Community groups should check their individual
agreements, which clearly identify the responsibility
of the allocated community group for building and
facility maintenance and management.
Category Definition
Type of agreement Licence fee
per annum
New building or building on Council land
which has been significantly upgraded by
Council in the last 5 years
Building on Council land which was built or
extensively upgraded by Council between
5 and 7 years ago
Building on Council land which was built or
last upgraded more than 7 years ago
Community Group owned building on
Council Land
Community Group owned building on
Crown Land
Council land without building
8 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Section 3
management and
use of facilities for
regular groups
The section below outlines the management and use
of community facilities for groups operating under a
regular hire agreement.
All halls will be closed for a minimum of one week
throughout the year to allow for regular annual
maintenance works and are therefore unavailable
for hire. Regular groups will be notified of this and will
not be charged for this period.
For more and detailed information regarding casual
and function hire please refer to the terms and
conditions on Brimbank’s website.
3.1 Maintenance
Regular hirers must report any structural issues or
Council maintenance responsibilities immediately by
calling the Community Facilities Unit on 9249 4537.
Regular groups are not permitted to
undertake any maintenance or repair works.
3.1.1 Facility inspections
Council aims to undertake facility inspections of
all Community Facilities twice a year to ensure
facilities are being kept at the required standard,
and community groups are following the terms and
conditions of their agreements.
These inspections provide Council with an opportunity
to be proactive in identifying issues with facilities that
are either a Council or Community Group responsibility.
3.2 Cancellations & modifications
Regular hirers are required to provide a minimum of
five (5) working days’ notice for any cancellations in
writing prior to the booking taking place or regular
charges will still apply.
Council reserves the right to cancel any booking,
including but not limited to, if the facility is required
for Council events, emergencies or maintenance
works. Council will not be liable for any loss of
earnings to the hirer due to cancellation by Council.
3.2.1 Changes and additional use
Regular hirers are required to provide a minimum of
five (5) working days’ notice in writing for any changes
to regular bookings or requests for additional use of
the facility (subject to availability).
3.3 Cleaning
It is the responsibility of all hirers using Council
facilities to leave facilities, toilets and grounds in a
clean and tidy condition immediately after each use,
and to ensure that the facilities are securely locked
before leaving to prevent damage to the facilities
(please refer to Appendix 1 - Regular & Casual Hire
Facilities Cleaning Checklist).
If hirers have not cleaned the facility to Council
standards and expectations then works will be
undertaken to rectify any noted matters, with full
costs charged to the responsible hirer.
3.3.1 Rubbish
Each facility within Brimbank has a set number of
waste (and recycling) bins to cater for the removal of
general public waste and regular groups are welcome
to use the bins provided. If the group generates
additional waste, it is the responsibility of the hirer to
ensure its removal.
It should be noted that all bins (waste and recycling)
remain the property of Council, and may not be
relocated, altered or tampered with in any way.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 9
3.4 Storage
Dependant on the facility and the purpose of hire,
storage may be available for regular groups to utilise
on a temporary or ongoing basis.
Where there is more than one hirer using a facility,
storage space is to be shared, negotiated and agreed
upon by the users and Council.
Regular groups are not allowed to install
any storage space at community facilities
(whether it be temporary or permanent).
All equipment must be kept in designated storage
areas. Storage of equipment in toilets and showers
or across doorways and access passages is not
permitted and can present a health and safety risk.
Any hazardous items (cleaning products, gas bottles
etc.), food, and alcohol must be stored correctly and
in a safe and secure place, away from general public
access and out of reach of children. All cleaning
chemicals should remain in their original container and
be locked in a secure cupboard.
Regular hirers need to remove all items
from the fridge and hall after each use and
are only permitted to store items in their
allocated storage space.
3.4.1 Storage at sporting pavilions
As the main purpose of sporting pavilions is to service
the needs of allocated sporting clubs, there will be
no provision for storage
unless the allocated club
identifies there is space available. If this is the case,
access will be organised through the Community
Facilities Unit.
If storage is available, Brimbank City Council is not
liable for damage to or loss of equipment or food
belonging to users whilst in storage at the relevant
sports pavilion.
3.5 Security and locks
Community groups are required to provide Council
with a list of key/card holders annually and advise
Council if any key/card holders change through the
year. Lost and/or stolen keys/cards must be reported
to Council immediately. Stolen keys/cards must also be
reported to the police.
Hirers are responsible for the security of facilities
during their use/hire period and are responsible for
the cost of replacing lost or stolen keys/cards and for
the rekeying of facilities if a security risk is posed. For
more information regarding Keys and alarms please
refer to Appendix 2 - Regular & casual hire opening
and closing procedures.
Hirers are not permitted to duplicate
keys, install their own locks on storage
cupboards or change locks to any facility.
3.5.1 Key allocation
A key or swipe card is given to regular groups during
the pre-hire induction on site.
Regular hirers will be allocated up to two (2) keys/
swipe cards per group. Requests for additional keys
must be made in writing and will incur a fee of $50 per
key/swipe card (Upon Council approval).
Groups can keep this key/card during its hire period
but must return all facility keys/cards up until three (3)
days after the completion of all bookings.
Council advises that no keys/cards be left on public
display within facilities and keys given to hirers are not
to be tagged identifying them with the facility.
Council reserves the right to undertake key audits on
all buildings owned by Council.
3.6 Regular groups serving and
selling food
The hirer must comply with all relevant provisions of
the Food Act 1984, and 2011 state-wide registration
and notification scheme for temporary and mobile
food premises.
All regular groups must provide their own cooking
utensils, cups, bowls, oven trays etc. and can only use
the kitchen appliances provided.
Community groups are not allowed to bring/use
their own cooking equipment and/or appliances
such as barbecues, spits and bain marie’s inside any
community facilities.
Regular groups selling food or having
fundraisers, dinner dances and other
ticketed events where the ticket price
includes the supply of food, need to
apply with Council for a Food Handling
10 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
This certificate needs to be uploaded in IMS when
applying for regular hire.
For more information regarding food handling
certificates contact Council on 9249 4919.
3.7 Smoking in Council facilities
Council Community Facilities are
smoke free areas.
3.8 Alcohol consumption and
The provision of alcohol by users of community
facilities must be in line with Council policies and
in accordance with the Victorian Commission for
Gambling and Liquor Regulation Requirements.
Regular groups wishing to supply liquor to members
or guests must obtain a liquor licence.
The licence required will depend on your situation.
The different types of licences for community groups
are outlined on the Victorian Commission for Gambling
and Liquor Regulation website
A copy of this licence needs to be uploaded in IMS
when applying for regular hire.
3.9 Gambling
No gambling or the installation of gaming equipment
on Council owned or managed land is permitted unless
prior permission has been obtained from Council.
Any gambling related activities by users of community
facilities must be in line with Council policies and
in accordance with the Victorian Commission for
Gambling and Liquor Regulation Requirements.
3.9.1 Fundraisers
Fundraising that takes place within a community
group and is targeted at past and present members
and their relatives (rather than the general public),
even if the fundraising is for an outside cause is NOT
subject to the Fundraising Appeals Act 1988.
However, even if you are an exempt fundraiser, you
must still comply with general conduct requirements,
• Provide the name of every person or organisation
that will benefit from the fundraising appeal.
• Provide a letter of consent from each beneficiary/
3.10 Capacity and curfew times
Council provides specific equipment and
furniture per facility to support usage and does
not permit any external equipment or furniture
to be brought in or used without prior written
authorisation from Council.
The capacity and curfew times of community facilities
are determined by the occupancy permit and/or a
risk assessment, in line with EPA’s noise regulations
and are strictly enforced to ensure the safety and
wellbeing of all users and surrounding residents.
The hirer must not permit the number of the people
attending the facility to exceed the maximum number
specified in the online booking form.
Exceeding regulated patron numbers could impede
the safe exit of people in an emergency evacuation.
Breach of this may result in the cancellation of the
group’s regular/casual hire agreement or function.
3.11 Noise pollution
Hirers must ensure that the level of noise coming from
a Council facility does not reach a level where it would
interfere with the residents of surrounding properties.
Amplified music and general noise levels must be
kept at a level that complies with the provisions of
the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations
1997 and comply with any orders given by the Council
Groups that do not comply with this condition may
incur restrictions on their bookings or cancellation of
future use of facilities.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 11
Section 4
Risk management
All regular hirers are taken through an induction
checklist at the start of their hire to familiarize
themselves with the hall and emergency procedures
(See Appendix 3 - Regular Hire Induction Checklist for
more information).
4.1 Insurance
Although all Council Facilities are covered by its Public
Liability Insurance Policy, it is a requirement that all
regular community groups obtain their own public
liability cover.
The activities of community organisations, groups,
businesses and individuals that hire Council owned
community facilities are not protected by Council’s
Public Liability Insurance.
4.1.1 Public liability insurance
Each regular community group must:
• Hold its own Public Liability Insurance, with a limit
of indemnity not less than $10 million and must
ensure that it remains current for the duration of
the hire period.
• Provide copies of subsequent renewals to Council
prior to the renewal date.
• The Policy shall extend to cover the Council in
respect to claims for personal injury or property
damage arising out of the negligence of the hirer.
4.1.2 Building and property insurance
Facilities owned by Council, including contents, are
insured by Council unless otherwise stated.
• Buildings owned by Council are fully insured by
• Contents owned by Council are fully insured by
• Contents purchased or supplied by occupiers/hirers
and not considered fixtures of the facility, remain
the property of the occupiers and are not insured
by Council.
• Council does not insure cash and consumable
goods kept on premise by occupiers/hirers.
Hirers/guests of hirer are also required to obtain
appropriate insurance to cover all equipment they
own, and are advised to take adequate precautions
to ensure that equipment is stored and used safely.
Council will not take responsibility for equipment
owned by clubs or hirers.
4.1.3 Indemnity
The Hirer uses the facility at their own risk and
indemnifies Council, its servants and agents, and each
of them to the extent permitted by law, against all
loss and liability in connection with hirer’s use of the
facility, including any damage caused to the facility or
injury or death to any person in or about the facility.
The hirers’ liability to indemnify the Council shall be
reduced proportionally to the extent that any act
or omission of the Council, its servants or agents,
contributed to the loss or liability.
4.1.4 Theft
Council is not responsible for any theft, loss or damage
of personal property suffered by the hirer or any
guest or invitee of the hirer, or any person, firm or
corporation entrusted to or supplying any articles to
the hirer.
The hirer indemnifies the Council in respect of any
claim by any such guest, invitee, person, firm or
corporation in respect of such personal property,
article or thing.
4.2 First aid
It is the responsibility of each hirer to ensure the
provision of adequate first aid coverage during
their period of use/ hire. In case of an emergency or
immediate danger please call 000 for an ambulance as
quickly as possible.
12 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
4.3 Safety management plan
All Council facilities have been supplied with a safety
management plan, which is clearly displayed in a
prominent location. The safety management plan
provides key information in case of an incident/
emergency, and includes:
• A map of the facility, with emergency exits and fire
equipment marked, as well as safe paths of travel
and assembly areas.
• Important emergency phone numbers.
It is the responsibility of the hirer to:
• Know where all safe exits, exit paths and
emergency assembly areas are located;
• Keep all exits and exit paths clear during the use of
the facility and know where emergency equipment
is located (e.g. fire extinguishers);
• Ensure activities to be undertaken by the hirer and
hirer’s guests are not dangerous;
• Not interfere with any emergency equipment or
• Meet the cost of replacement or repair of such
emergency equipment caused by any improper
• Assume responsibility for themselves and their
• Notify Council of all situations or near misses that
have occurred.
4.4 Fire emergency procedure
Council provides and maintains emergency equipment
such as fire blankets and fire extinguishers at its
facilities. This equipment is checked and serviced
twice yearly by Council contractors to ensure it is fit
for use.
The cost for repair or replacement of such equipment
shall be borne by the hirer if used inappropriately.
If a fire occurs within a Council facility, the Fire Brigade
must be notified immediately, before anyone attempts
to fight the fire.
Community groups must:
• Only attempt to fight the fire with the equipment
provided and if trained and safe to do so.
• Not continue to fight the fire beyond the first 30
seconds. If the fire is not extinguished within that
time, the hirer must commence the evacuation
• Only re-enter the facility once emergency
authorities advise them that it is safe to do so.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 13
Section 5
Community group
Council is committed to supporting community
groups by offering training and other opportunities
to support groups with their planning, operations and
building their capacity.
5.1 Community group
development network
Brimbank Council conducts an annual development
network meeting for all its community groups to
provide up to date information, discuss relevant
topics and enhance relationships between the groups
and Council.
5.2 Community group training
There are a number of training opportunities available
to Brimbank community group volunteers each year.
These training opportunities are either fully funded or
heavily subsidised by Brimbank City Council and could
include the following training opportunities:
• Committee roles and responsibilities
• Recruiting and retaining volunteers
• Food Safety Handling
• Responsible Serving of Alcohol
• Basic computer training
Training sessions organised by Community Facilities
will be advertised to all Community Groups.
Brimbank Council also runs regular training sessions
and workshops, such as assistance with grant writing,
that are open to everyone in the community.
5.3 Events calendar
Council is committed to promoting and supporting
Brimbank’s diversity through community run festivals
and events. Groups can promote their events at no
cost to the Brimbank Community on Council’s website.
5.4 Grants and funding
On occasion, funding open to community groups
becomes available. At such times Council will promote
these opportunities to all community groups.
5.4.1 Brimbank community grants
The Brimbank Community Grants Program provides
financial support to not-for-profit organisations and
community groups to deliver projects, events and
festivals that reflect the strategic objectives of the
Brimbank Community Vision 2040.
For more information, please Community Facilities on
9249 4537
14 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Section 6
Capital, minor and
community group
funded works
6.1 Capital works
Capital works projects are major works on Council
owned and managed land.
Council’s Community Services and Infrastructure Plan
2018-2038 contains a comprehensive strategy for
the management and development of Community
Facilities in Brimbank. Council owned or managed
facilities within the scope of the Community Services
and Infrastructure Plan are:
• Community halls and meeting spaces.
• Bicycle Education Facilities.
• Guides and Scout Halls.
Council will work to address the identified gaps in the
provision of community services and infrastructure
across the city in a range of ways. These include:
• Deliver services and establish partnerships.
• Maintain and improve existing infrastructure.
• Development of new multipurpose community hubs.
The time lines for the implementation of the
Community Services and Infrastructure Plan are
broadly categorised as Short, Medium or Long Term,
with exact timeframes to be determined following
further investigation for each recommendation and
are subject to budget availability.
6.2 Rolling programs
Council is committed to specific Community Facilities
Capital Works programs each year known as ‘Rolling
These rolling programs focus on minor upgrades of
existing facilities to ensure they are fit for purpose
and are of a high quality.
Community Services and Infrastructure Plan
recommends that Council prioritise short term
investment in service facilities with an “unfit for
purpose” or “attention required” rating.
Minor changes to Rolling Program Categories may be
introduced over the coming years due to completion
of all listed projects or emerging needs.
The current rolling programs include:
• Acoustic Treatment Upgrades.
• Baby Change Table Installations.
• Bin Cage Installations.
• Building Improvements.
• Car Park Upgrades.
• External Access Upgrades.
• Flooring Upgrades.
• Heating, Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC) Upgrades.
• Kindergarten Play Space Upgrades.
• Major Kitchen Upgrades.
• Minor Kitchen Upgrades.
• Safety and Security Lighting Upgrades.
• Storage Upgrades.
• Swipe Card Access Upgrades.
• Toilet Upgrades.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 15
6.3 Community group
funded works
Community Groups operating under a lease or license
agreement are required to receive written Council
permission prior to undertaking any works on a
Council asset that is outside their responsibilities in
their user agreement.
To assist community groups in understanding the
process, the
‘Guidelines for obtaining Council
permission for all minor works to Council
has been developed.
In order for a community group to make any minor
improvements (up to $50,000) at their cost to any
Brimbank City Council facilities, approval must first be
granted by Council in writing.
Please note that all improvements made on Council
• Become a Council asset.
• Can only be used while the club has an agreement
with Council to use the facility.
• Unless previously approved will be available for use
by all facility users.
Community Groups wishing to fund works should
contact their Council contact for a copy of the above
mentioned guidelines and to discuss the proposed
works before completing the application form.
When Council receives the application form, including
all required attachments, all relevant Council
departments will be consulted in making the decision
if the works can occur and the community group
will be informed of the outcome and any additional
16 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Section 7
Permits &
7.1 Use of Council facilities for
Events that differ from your group’s usual activities
may require an event permit.
Brimbank’s Events Permits Handbook provides
specific information for relevant codes of practice and
legislation for running events in Brimbank – including
the permit application process, permit requirements
and essential information for organisers.
You will need a permit whenever an event or activity
involves any of the following:
• Any activity or event on Council land including
a park, reserve, footpath or roadway that goes
beyond regular use or purpose of the above
• Road closures or changed traffic and parking
• Any event that will affect the local community
through significant noise levels.
• Carnival rides and temporary infrastructure such as
portable toilets, marquees and stages on Council
• Fireworks including firecrackers.
Hirers can book a community facility during the
application process for a permit, however the booking
will not be confirmed until an events permit has been
7.2 Planning permits
Planning permits are required for certain
developments and land use changes.
Applications must be consistent with local, state and
regional objectives identified in the planning scheme
and will only be considered when Community Facilities
has provided written approval for the works.
In general, a permit is required to use or change the
use of land, to undertake new buildings or works, or to
make extensions/alterations to existing buildings.
7.3 Building permits
A building permit is required before starting any
building works, alterations, additions or demolitions.
It will only be issued after community facilities has
provided written approval for the works.
A building permit ensures works comply with relevant
building regulations, are inspected, comply with
approved drawings and are suitable for occupation.
7.4 Signage permits
All external signs require written approval from
Council via Community Facilities, and some may also
require a planning permit.
A written proposal detailing artwork, dimensions and
placement of the signage together with the proposed
design must be submitted for approval.
7.5 Parking permits
Regular groups at Glengala Hall and Dempster Park
Hall can apply for parking permits as part of their hire.
Parking permits are limited to ten (10) per regular group.
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 17
Useful resources for community groups
Governance Program
Useful resources for community groups
Comprehensive legal and other information, fact
sheets, videos and training.
8636 4400
Non Profit Training
Information and training for non-profit
9013 5432
Volunteer West
Information about training, advice and support for
volunteer coordinators and people working with
9398 1233
For more information phone
Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
or email
Brimbank City Council
Training, information and support for community
groups. Brimbank Community Governance
Handbook available in hard copy or online.
9249 4418
Consumer Affairs Victoria
State Government regulatory authority for
Incorporated Associations in Victoria. Compliance
processes, advice and information.
1300 55 81 81
Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
Free dispute resolution service available to
committees, clubs and associations.
1300 372 888
Grant Guru Community
Free searchable listing of grants & funding
Leisure Networks/Club Help
Free support for clubs and associations.
5224 9927
297 - 0719
18 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Appendix 1 - Regular & casual hire Facilities cleaning checklist
All items must be removed from the premises between each hire.
Any items left on site are at your own risk and may result in being disposed of.
hang streamers or balloons from ceiling fans as the ties can wrap around the fans and burn out
the motors.
No loose helium balloons.
Equipment to take to community halls
Equipment at community halls
Vacuum cleaner
Fringe mop (broom) for wooden floor
Cleaning products
Rubbish bags
Wet mop & bucket
Cleaning to be completed after the event
Hall area
Kitchen area
Stack chairs
Wipe bench top
Return chairs to original layout (notice board)
Wipe top of stove
Return tables to original layout (notice board)
Wipe inside of oven
Sweep/vacuum floors
Clean sinks
Remove all decorations / personal items
Sweep floor
Remove all rubbish
Wipe cupboards if necessary
Mop up any spillages
Empty and wipe refrigerator
Mop up any spillages
Outside venue
Check perimeters of the building for any rubbish
Just before you leave
Switch off all appliances, lock all doors and set alarm where fitted.
Maintenance/property damage issues
If you have any maintenance issues you would like to bring to our attention please contact
Community Facilities on
9249 4537
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 19
Appendix 2 - Regular & casual hire opening and closing procedures
ALARM: To disarm
enter your
press OFF
Top red light should switch off indicating system is disarmed
Windows and doors:
Check that all windows and doors are closed and locked
Heaters and airconditioning:
Check that heaters or air conditioners are turned off
Turn off all lights
All hirers are required to remove all their rubbish
ALARM: To reset alarm
enter your
press ON
Top red light should go on to signify that system is armed.
Exit building within 60 seconds.
Key holding
Keys issued must not, under any circumstances, be duplicated or reissued to any other person or group. Key
holders should not be in the building outside allocated hours. Any breach of these conditions may terminate the
right to use the facility and keys will be confiscated. Alarm codes will be changed annually in January and will only
be reissued to keyholders if all hire forms have been returned & are in order.
Please Note:
Key holders who do not set the alarm on or off correctly, which results in a security call-out, will be
charged a $45.00 callout fee.
Fire alarm
If fire alarms are set off accidentally or maliciously by members of the hirers’ group during the time of the
hire, the hirer may be responsible for the call-out fee of the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade (minimum
or building issues (e.g. burst water main, power outage, locking the building, broken windows or failure of
security to attend) phone Brimbank City Council After Hours Emergency Number on 9249 4000).
Security/alarm issues
(e.g. problems with setting/disarming the alarm, alarm will not stop) phone Security Control Room on
9499 5366
If the alarm is activated on Emergency Exit doors
To turn siren off: Ensure that door is closed firmly
Alarm on the emergency exit door is now re-armed
Office hours
Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
For further information, please phone
9249 4537
20 Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019
Hirer Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Organisation: __________________________________________________________________________
Booking Manager: ______________________________________________________________________
Appendix 3 - Regular hire induction checklist
Wash and toilet facilities
Location of First Aid facilities
Location of emergency exits & fire extinguishers
Location of evacuation plan/s
Role & responsibility of hall hirer in evacuation
Evacuation Assembly Points
Incident Reporting procedures
Provide copy of incident reporting form with conditions of hire
Hall hirer responsibilities, safe use and storage of cleaning equipment
Facility security procedures
Waste management responsibilities
Emergency contacts
– Emergency Ambulance, Police, Fire
– Urgent facility issues
Key allocation registry and demonstration of swipe card system and alarm usage
Use of heating /cooling /equipment
Location & safe use and storage of tables / chairs
Decorating Guidelines
Conducted by (name):
Hirers signature:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Brimbank Community Groups User Guide 2019 21
Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
PO Box 70, Sunshine, VIC 3020
Hearing or speech impaired?
• TTY dial
133 677
• Speak & Listen
1300 555 727
, then enter
03 9249 4000
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
297 - 0719