Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
Community Flag Policy
1. Background
From time to time, Council receives requests for community flags and emblems to be
flown at the Brimbank Community and Civic Centre flagpoles. At these flagpoles, Council
flies the Australian Flag, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Flags and the Brimbank City Council
House Flag in accordance with the Australian National Flag Protocols
. The Australian
National Flag Protocols stipulate that only official flags of nations recognised by Australia
should be flown in conjunction with the Australian National Flag.
To accommodate requests for community flag flying, Council has made provision for a
Community Flagpole site at St Albans Community Centre (STACC).
The Community Flagpole is a means for different communities within the City of
Brimbank to express and symbolise identity, pride and belonging celebrated at different
and significant cultural and or community days or events.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to provide consistent guidelines for the flying of flags at
Council’s Community Flagpole site at St Albans Community Centre.
This Policy purposefully distinguishes the Australian National Flag Protocols and the
Council’s Community Flagpole site into two distinct categories for flags to be flown as
• at the Council’s civic flagpole site. It ensures that Council complies with Australian
National Flag Protocols issued by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
• at Brimbank Council’s Community Flagpole site. This Policy provides for specific criteria
for the provision of such flags by community groups and members to Council so that
community flags can be flown at the site.
3. Scope
This Policy applies to Council’s Community Flagpole site at St Albans Community Centre.
It provides for specific criteria for the provision of such flags by community groups and
members to Council so that community flags can be flown at Council’s Community
Flagpole site.
This Community Flagpole site is managed by the Community Planning and Advocacy
4. Community Flagpole Site
The Brimbank City Council’s Community Flagpole is located at St Albans Community
Brimbank Council has provided a Community Flagpole site in recognising the diversity of
communities within the municipality. Council is therefore responsible for ensuring the
flags displayed are acknowledged with due diligence, dignity and attention.
Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
5. Council Policy
5.1 Criteria for Consideration of Flying a Community Flag
Community flag flying requests will be forwarded and assessed by the Community
Planning and Advocacy Department and approved by the Director Advocacy,
Partnerships and Community.
Only applications in writing from locally based communities for events or internationally
recognised days and activities will be eligible for consideration.
Where community, Council, State or Federal sensitivities are identified during an
application assessment, approval may be referred to Council for resolution.
Groups applying to have a community flag flown at Council’s Community Flagpole site
will be required to provide the flag to be flown. All requirements and guidelines for an
application to be made in writing are provided for in Appendix 1 to this Policy.
The following criteria will be considered when a request to fly a community flag at its
Community Flagpole site during days of cultural or other significance is received by
The flying of the community flag:
Promotes respect for all.
Is part of an event or ceremony.
Is consistent with Council’s values and policies.
Embraces a sense of belonging and enhanced community life.
Council will
consider a request to fly a community flag that is connected to:
Individual advancement.
Political or cultural sensitivities.
Exposure to adverse criticism of Council or the community as a whole.
On the days where specific community flags are not flown at the Community Flagpole
site, Council will take priority at the site if it is holding a community event at the St
Albans Community Centre.
5.2 Maintenance and Monitoring
Council’s Hall Keeping is responsible for coordinating the maintenance of the Community
Flagpole and the monitoring of the flags condition while they are being displayed. If a
flag suffers damage and is rendered unsuitable for display, the respective community is
responsible for coordinating immediate replacement and disposal of the damaged flag.
5.3 Protocol for display
The flag should always be flown aloft and free as close as possible to the top of the flag
mast with the rope tightly secured.
The flag may only be flown at night when illuminated. In accordance with National Flag
Protocols, street lighting is considered appropriate illumination when the flag(s) are
clearly visible. If a flag is not illuminated at night and permission is given for more than
one day of display, the flag will be lowered at the end of each day.
The flag should not be allowed to fall or lie flat on the ground.
Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
Appendix 1 – Application to Fly Community Flag at Council’s
Community Flagpole Site
Guidelines to fly a Community Flag at Council’s Community
Flagpole site
Only applications in writing on the
Application to Fly a Community Flag at the
Community Flagpole
from locally based communities for events or internationally
recognised days and activities will be eligible to be considered.
Community flag flying requests must be forwarded to and assessed by the Community
Planning and Advocacy Department and will be considered on a case by case basis on a
first in first served basis.
Applications should be forwarded at least six weeks prior to the date when the
community flag is intended to be flown.
Applications should be sent to the Manager, Community Planning and Advocacy, see
further details on form.
Criteria Considered in Applications
The following criteria will be consided when a request to fly a community flag at its
Community Flagpole site during days of cultural or other significance is received by
The flying of the Community flag must:
Promote respect for all.
Is part of an event or ceremony.
Is consistent with Council’s values and policies.
Embraces a sense of belonging and enhanced community life.
Council will
consider a request to fly a community flag that is connected to:
Individual advancement.
Political or cultural sensitivities.
Exposure to adverse criticism of Council or the community as a whole.
Other considerations
Permission may be given to fly a community flag for a minimum of one day to a
maximum of seven days.
If more than one community group or organisation wishes to utilise the
Community Flagpole site on the same day, priority will be given to the application
received first and based on merit.
If more than one community group or organisation wishes to utilise the
Community Flagpole site during the same week, then Council will use its best
endeavours to accommodate all requests during that week.
Where community, Council, State or Federal sensitivities are identified during an
application assessment, approval may be referred to Council for resolution.
A response to an application indicating approval or otherwise will be provided in
writing signed by the Manager, Community Planning and Advocacy indicating
approval or otherwise.
Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
Where an application is approved, the applicant will be required to provide the
community flag to be flown. The flag must be new and 1800mm wide by 900mm
high. Differing community flag measurements will be advised accordingly. The
flag must be provided to Council’s Community Planning and Advocacy
Department at least one week prior to the date it is intended to be flown. The flag
will be returned to the applicant or representative.
Council Event Priority
On the days where specific community flags are not flown at the Community Flagpole
site, Council will take priority at the site if it is holding a community event at the St
Albans Community Centre.
History of amendment
Review date
Reason for amendment
Next review date
A 10/12/2019
Adopted by Council
Select date
Select date
Select date
Select date
Approved by council:
Date approved by council: 10 December 2019
Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
Application to Fly a Community Flag at the Community Flagpole
St Albans Community Centre
Name of application/community group/organisation
Name of applicant:
Click here to enter text.
Community group or
Click here to enter text.
Postal Address
Click here to enter text.
Suburb and Postcode
Click here to enter text.
Contact number 1:
Click here to enter text.
Contact number 2:
Click here to enter text.
Contact number 3:
Click here to enter text.
Email address:
Click here to enter text.
Description of Community Flags (add attachment if that assists you)
Reasons for display
Community Event
National Day
Day of significance
(please describe)
Describe how this request meets Council criteria
Community Flag Policy
Community Planning and Advocacy 10/12/2019 | Rev A
19/372880 = Page
Dates the flag needs to be flown
The first date the community flag must be flown
Click here to enter text.
The last date the community flag must be flown
Click here to enter text.
Return completed form to Brimbank Council
Manager, Community
Planning and Advocacy
Brimbank Council
P.O. Box 70 Sunshine VIC
In person at a customer
service centre:
Brimbank Community and
Civic Centre
301 Hampshire Rd
Hours: Monday- Friday:
8.45am - 5pm
Station Street,
Watergardens Town Centre
(located within the
Sydenham Library),
Taylors Lakes
Friday: 10.00am-5pm
Saturday: 10.00am-
Keilor Community Hub
704b Old Calder Highway
Hours: Monday to
Friday, 8:45am – 5pm
03 9364 9389
For Official Use Only: