Innovative Reconciliation
Action Plan 2019–2021
Community Report Card – the first 18 months
The Innovative Reconciliation Action Plan 2019 – 2021 is Council’s second
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). It was developed in consultation with the
Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee,
Traditional Owners groups, local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
and builds on the strengths and achievements of our first Reconciliation
Action Plan 2013 – 2017.
The RAP outlines priority actions around key three themes:
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Key Achievements
Meaningful engagement with Traditional Owner
groups, the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
community and other stakeholders will ensure
relationships are the foundation of our RAP.
Council is committed to nurturing these relationships to
build a better understanding between Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples and others, leading to a
more inclusive community.
Walked with 120 people as part of the “Grounded
in Truth: Walk Together with Courage” in National
Reconciliation Week 2019
Facilitated a “Welcome to Country and Walk and
Talk” with 260 students from St Augustine
Primary School
Provided a range of “In This Together” themed
activities for National Reconciliation Week 2020
• Neighbourhood Houses hosted online
children’s book readings of First Nation’s
stories by First Nations authors and the
Podcast ‘Yarning’ with local resident and
Elder Ngardarb Riches
• The Koorie Homework Club participated in
the Little Long Walk in St Albans
Hosted the Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Consultative Committee providing
Council with advice on Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander issues and supporting the ongoing
implementation of the RAP
Ensured a permanent Acknowledgement to
Country is on all Council emails and the Welcome
to Country is conducted at key Council events
Council acknowledges that Aboriginal Peoples are
the Traditional Owners of the land we help govern
and that respect is built when the whole community
is more aware, better understands and celebrates
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, cultures,
histories and rights. Council values the knowledge
and expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Peoples and seeks ways to enhance their contribution
to our community.
Permanent installation of the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander flags at the Brimbank Community
and Civic Centre
Confirmed the automatic installation of plaques
recognising the Traditional Owners on all new
buildings and when older building are refurbished.
Ongoing acknowledgement of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander resident achievements at
Ordinary Council meetings
Launched the Brimbank Cultural Heritage Strategy
(2018-2023) and trained 10 Council staff in
Cultural Heritage mapping
Installed new lighting and signage in MB Lynch
Memorial Gardens in Sunshine. This acknowledges
the use of fire by First Nations People in managing
the Australian landscape and the role MB Lynch
played as a local blacksmith.
Celebrated NAIDOC 2019 “Voice Treaty Truth” and
NAIDOC 2020 “Always Was, Always Will Be” with
a series of events honouring First Nations People
and culture.
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Key Achievements
It is important to create opportunities that build
the capacity and the socio-economic status of local
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents to better
determine their future. Council will continue to look
for ways to provide opportunities within the Council’s
programs and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Peoples and communities through employment
and professional development, economic and business
opportunities, community development and to ensure all
of our programs and services are culturally safe.
Developed policies, procedures and processes
to guide how we work, engage and collaborate
with First Nations People in an appropriate and
respectful manner
Developed procurement policies to facilitate
procuring goods, services or works from Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander businesses; An Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Procurement database
available is to Council Officers.
Continue developing a Brimbank City Council
employment framework for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people.
Engaged Narrap (‘Country’) Team – the Wurundjeri
natural resource land management organisation -
as Council’s contractor for conservation reserves
in Brimbank.
Engaged Salt Studio Consultancy, an Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander training organisation,
to deliver Community Leadership courses
and Aboriginal cultural awareness training for
Councillors and Senior Management.
Supported 10 participants to take part in the
First Nations Women’s Leadership through Art
Program. Council won the Susan Grace Benny
Women in Local Government Award following the
successfully delivery of the program by Salt Studio
Selected an artist to work with the Wurundjeri
Council in the installation of Aboriginal artwork in
Council chambers.
Continued to improve our services and build
better access pathways for access. For example:
there was a significant increase in the number
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
accessing Maternal and Child Health Services
between 2018/19 and 2019/20.
First Nations Women’s Leadership through Art Program program by Salt Studio Consultancy.