Waste, Recycling, and Litter Strategy 2018 -2028
was adopted by the Council
in 2018 as a roadmap towards achieving the community’s waste, recycling and litter
management aspirations. A key objective of this strategy is resource recovery and the
minimisation of waste going to land"ll.
(31,907 tonnes)
per year of waste is
being recycled
plus street litter
bins provided across
litter infringement
notices issued
of households
have the optional
Green Waste
Recycling Bin
household collections
per year for garbage/
Waste, Recycling,
and Litter Strategy
Scorecard 2020/2021

Vision and Objectives
Achieve reduced garbage and increased recycling for a 50% diversion rate.
Received the 2021 Local Government Professionals Award for Excellence in
Innovation Management Initiative for ‘Optimising Waste Collection’.
Achieved 41% diversion rate despite increases in waste produced at home.
Recycling contamination remained consistent at 24%.
Household Collection Services
Maintained ‘business as usual as far as practical’ for all
residential kerbside waste collection services.
Extended medium term recyclables processing services agreement to
30 June 2022.
Awarded Land"ll Service Contract on a year to year basis.
Advocated for commencement of the North West Region Advanced Waste
Processing Procurement Process.
Hard Waste Collections
Encourage recycling opportunities and maximise diversion.
Delivered 20,491 ‘at call’ collections and 2,059 ‘user pays option’ collections.
Collected approximately 3,149 tonne of hard waste.
Achieved a recycling diversion rate of 25%.
Increased promotion of service through social media.
Recycling Centre and Other Opportunities Services
Expansion of the range of materials received at the Recycling/ ‘Detox’ Centre.
Maintained ‘business as usual as far as practical’ for Resource Recovery
Centre and continued provision of E-Waste drop-o# points for smaller items
(batteries, globes, mobile phones and accessories) in all "ve Council libraries
at Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans. Sunshine and Sydenham.
Delivered ‘Pop-Up’ Drive-Through Recycling Day at Victoria University’s
St Albans campus and ‘Detox Your Home’ initiative (disposal of toxic,
unwanted household chemicals) at Keilor Park.
In 2020/2021 Brimbank City Council remains on-track to achieve its goals despite disruptions in consumer
patterns of behaviour, with people spending more time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Council Sites
Improved in-house sustainability practices by removing single use items.
Continued provision of industrial sized worm farm at the Brimbank
Community and Civic Centre.
Litter and Dumped Rubbish
Extension of enforcement activity focusing on illegal dumping hotspots.
Increased enforcement activity and continued installation of
surveillance cameras.
Issued 172 Litter Infringement Notices.
Completed Cigarette Butt Litter and Smokers Pole Review and Audit.
Advocate for tighter regulation of the waste management industry
including a push for increased penalties and clean up requirements for
commercial dumping.
Made submissions to the Victorian Government regarding:
• Proposed new Waste Act and Waste Authority Options Paper.
• Victorian Container Deposit Scheme Discussion Paper.
• Sustainability Fund - Land"ll Levy Investment.
• Victoria’s Draft 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy
• National ban on the sale or supply of single use plastics.
• Advanced Waste Processing Facility Procurement.
Education and Awareness Programs
Maintain a well-planned diverse education and awareness e"ort with a strong focus on waste reduction and
low contamination of recycling.
Delivered annual calendar of virtual environment events.
Partnered with neighbouring councils to promote ‘My
Smart Garden’ program.
composting products, compost bins and worm farms to
local schools for half price.
Continued ‘Give a Bike’ donation initiative aimed at
providing bikes to people in need.
Supported ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ on 7 March 2021.
Delivered ‘Garage the Sale Trail’ initiative as a virtual event
over 21 - 22 November 2020.
Developed business sustainability program to better
manage commercial waste in the Sunshine and St Albans
activity centres.
Promoted ‘Rethink Recycling’, a pathway for households to
move to a four bin waste and recycling system.
Re-activated ‘Seedlings in Schools’ program to encourage
the growing of edible and native plants.
Presented the North West Communities for Climate
Change Action Online Conference in partnership with six
other Councils (4 – 5 June 2021).
Presented the Teachers Environmental Network Forum as
part of the Climate Change Action Conference (3 June 2021).
Promoted ‘Cycle to Work Day’ (2 June 2021).
Produced and promoted the Brimbank Guide to
Community Gardening through social media.
Promoted the ‘Back to Earth’ initiative to encourage
increased awareness of green waste and compost,
including a social media campaign.
Promoted the Brimbank reusable cloth nappy education
and rebate program (December 2020).
Implemented a household bin inspection program to
inform the development of tailored education programs
around recycling and green waste contamination.
Promoted National Recycling Week through events and
social media.
Recycling Victoria
A new economy
February 2020
So we can sort it.
Continued the ‘Compost Revolution’ and delivered

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