
Reserve Function Permit

General Local Law 2018

Council issues this permit for small private functions on reserves where a marquee, jumping castle or an organised activity (e.g. kite making, petting zoo) is to be set up on Council land. The new permit is to be provided to the supplier as the permit holder subject to provision of their Public Liability Insurance and adherence to relevant guidelines below.


1.1  Provide a viable option for residents without the means to meet permit requirements to hire a marquee, jumping castle or petting zoo for small outdoor private parties on public land.

1.2  To maintain a high level of amenity and safety in public places

1.3  Minimise the likelihood of damage to Council/public property

1.4  Ensure Council is suitably indemnified against adverse incidents on Council land from an activity/equipment beyond Council’s direct control.


2.2  Applications shall be made on the application form in keeping with guidelines

2.3  Form must be fully completed and submitted with all required documentation

2.4  The Council will assess the application, attachments and the proposed function site for suitability according to guidelines and external factors such as works, and competing demand for function site

2.5  Council will endeavour to advise applicant of assessment within 5 business days of receiving the application whether

 additional information is required

 a bond may apply

 the permit can be issued

2.6  Where a bond may apply, a Tax Invoice will be sent. The bond is to be paid before the permit can be issued.



3.1  The permit is non- transferable and must be carried whilst onsite.

3.2  The permit holder shall be responsible for the safe set up and removal of their structure, equipment or activity.

3.3  The permit is issued for the duration of the function including set up and bump out of the marquee, jumping castle or activity.



 Any proven contravention of any condition of the permit could result in an on-the-spot fine of $400 being issued and/or the activity being shut down.  



5.1  There is no permit fee but a non-refundable fee of $85.50 applies per application.

5.2  Significant hires (a large marquee, jumping castle or animal farm) may require a bond refundable approximately 1-2 weeks post function.

 NOTE: It is expected the applicant (contractor) will pass on the cost of the non-refundable application fee to client but not the bond which is returnable to the applicant post function if reserve is not damaged by contractor’s activity/ equipment.



6.1  No permit will be issued for hires associated with 13-25 year old birthday parties, pony rides and generators (excepting jumping castles).

6.2  Function permits will not be considered for functions at reserves and parkland without access to onsite or nearby public toilets.

6.3  As public spaces, reserves runs on a first come, first served basis: There can be no guaranteed access to a preferred site at a reserve

6.4  No vehicle is to access a Council reserve without prior approval from Council. Heavier equipment can be walked on using a trolley.

6.5  Permit holders are urged to run a safety check of the site prior to set up. A timed and dated photo of any damage noted at site just prior to set up is recommended to avoid potential loss of bond.

6.6  The siting and fixing of event structure and equipment must avoid damage to grass, planted areas, trees and any underground services. Structures are:

 To be suitably weighted in place (not pegged)

 To be sited clear of trees or plantings

 Not to be fixed to trees or park infrastructure.

6.7  Hired structure, equipment or activity must not prevent public access and enjoyment of the public space.

6.8  Function/hire cancellation must be advised in writing/email.

6.9  The permit holder is responsible for satisfying any occupational health and safety (OH&S) regulations and codes of practice that may apply to their industry/sector.

6.10  Any damage to a reserve must be immediately reported to Council. Call the switchboard on 9249 4000 (attended after hours).



In addition to above General Guidelines, a marquee:

7.1  Must be suitably wind rated and set up according to specifications

7.2  Must be suitably weighted in place to withstand likely wind conditions

7.3  Marquees with a footprint over 36sq metres will not be considered under a Reserve Function Permit and will need to apply for an Event Permit.



In addition to General Guidelines:

8.1  Jumping castle must be maintained and regularly inspected as per Australian Standards. Equipment Registration (Green Card) is to be kept up to date

8.2  Site is to be assessed as suitable and safe prior to set up

8.3  Set up to ensure minimum 2m clearance maintained from park infrastructure and trees

8.4  Electrical leads are to be tested, tagged and positioned to avoid trip hazards

8.5  Generators are to be fully refuelled before arriving onsite; refuelling is not permitted on site

8.6  Jumping castle is to be securely anchored and prevailing winds monitored. A padded landing area is to be provided

8.7  Permit holder must remain on site and be responsible for the safe operation of their jumping castle

8.8  Ride operator on duty is over 18 and suitably trained to set up and operate jumping castle to specifications and in accordance with AS 3533.4.1

8.9  Ride operator has a Working with Children Check

8.10  Public space: Operator to use discretion in terms of safety in also allowing access to inflatables by general public (children).


Guidelines for organised activities generally relate to art and craft making, storytelling and puppetry, face painting or petting zoos. Other activities will be considered on a case by case basis.

In addition to General Guidelines:

9.1  Person running any activity with children unsupervised by parent/ guardian must have a Working with Children Check.

9.2  Permit holder must remain on site and be responsible for the safe operation of their organised activity.

9.3  Public space: Operator to use discretion in terms of safety, space and capacity in allowing access to general public (children) to join the activity.

Please Note: Any function or public event expecting more than 60 people or involving multiple structures, equipment or traffic impacts or fireworks (including firecrackers) will require an event permit. Event Permit Guidelines and application forms outlined in the Brimbank Events Handbook can be found here


For further information please call Customer Services on 9249 4000 and/or ask to speak to the Community Development and Compliance Officer.