Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Owner Guide
Barking Dog
Owner Guide
Dogs are an important part of our local community,
but dogs that bark excessively or persistently can
unreasonably interfere with the peace, comfort or
convenience of others.
If you have a problem with your own dog barking a little too
much, this brochure contains information that may help.
Approaching your neighbours and advising you are
working on a solution to the problem can often help to
resolve this type of complaint.
Gather your own evidence
If your dog has been reported the Council for excessive
barking, it is wise to gather your own evidence, in order to
ascertain the extent of the barking. Keep a “Barking Diary”
and note down each time your dog barks, what the dog is
barking at, how long the dog barked for (how many barks)
and whether your dog stopped on its own or whether you
had to intervene.
If barking is occurring when you are not home, set up a
voice recorder or video recorder to record your dog’s barking
activity throughout the day. Information gathered using
either or both methods will prove very useful to you and will
assist you in managing your dog’s excessive barking.
Some common myths about
barking dogs
A dog that barks a lot is a good watchdog.
Dogs that bark excessively make poor security
systems as neighbors often ignore the
My dog does not bark when i am at home,
so it does not bark when i am out.
Many dogs bark because of anxiety and
isolation. Most complaints are about dogs that
bark when their owners are not home.
It is natural for dogs to bark a lot.
Barking is one of the dog’s main ways of
communicating. However, it is NOT normal for
a dog to bark at every noise,
passer-by, nor to bark for long periods of time.
Dogs bark because they are lonely and
need another dog for company.
Getting another dog does not usually prevent
or fix a barking problem.
Dogs only bark too much if they are teased,
bored or not exercised.
Dogs bark for many reasons including
inappropriate confinement, passing
distractions, isolation, guarding, anxiety,
discomfort and attention seeking. It is
important to work out why the dog is barking
before the problem can be solved.
Why dogs bark
Dogs bark for many reasons, and
even though they appear to be
“barking for no reason” they are in
fact trying to communicate something.
The main reasons dogs bark are:
• Lack of exercise
• Inadequate yard space
• Boredom or lack of stimulation\enrichment
• Inadequate shelter from weather conditions
• Hunger or thirst
• Medical conditions such as an illness or
• Provocation
• Disturbances such as thunder, wind,
unusual sounds
• Change to family structure/separation
anxiety that can lead to destructiveness,
howling or escaping
• Movement outside the dog’s property
Whilst some barking is very normal behavior as
per the reasons listed above, it is the owner’s
responsibility to manage their dog’s barking so that
it does not become excessive and cause a nuisance.
Myth 2
Myth 4
Myth 1
Myth 3
Myth 5

Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Owner Guide
Barking Dog
Owner Guide
Situations & possible solutions
In most cases excessive barking can be the symptom of
an underlying matter. Taking some time to understand
what makes your dog bark is the first step towards
solving the problem.
Boredom, lack of exercise, mental stimulation
and enrichment
Solution: Increase enrichment by providing a different
range of toys designed for chewing, licking and chasing.
Rotate the toys available ensuring they don’t lose
interest. Try scatter feeding (scattering dry food over
the grass) or hiding treats, giving them a fun game to
play using their nose and increasing mental stimulation.
Spend more time playing with your dog whether it be
fetch, chase or tug games. A good walk and smelling
different scents provides quality mental stimulation
crucial for a happy dog and assists burning their energy.
Reactive barking to sight or sound of passers-by or
sound or movement in a neighbour’s yard
Solution: Try blocking their view out onto the street or
creating a barrier 1-2m from the fence line. Discourage
any unwanted barking whilst you are home. Speak to your
neighbours and if possible, introduce your dog to them so
they get an association between the sounds and scent
that is largely unseen on the other side of a fence.
Separation Anxiety
(engage the services of a Canine
Behaviourist and/or Vet)
Solution: Make you leaving the house a positive
experience for your dog by rewarding them with a treat
or feeding them when you leave, ensure you give them
something to do (enrichment). Do not make leaving the
house and coming home a big deal and try not to create a
fuss by working them up. Lots of dogs prefer to be where
they spend most time with the family, indoors. A dog
door gives your dog a choice of where they want to be,
reducing risk of excessive barking.
New environment or change in circumstances or routine
Solution: You may have recently moved house, changed
job or routine, acquired a new dog, or had a pet pass
away leaving a remaining dog sad and confused as to
why their friend is no longer around. Give them time to
settle in and adjust ensuring a strong routine is in place.
Take them on regular walks, spend time playing and
interacting with them. It is easy to cuddle on the couch
with them when you are home but remember, they need
exercise outside the home as well.
Night time barking
Solution: Is your dog getting too much sleep during the
day suffering from boredom and lack of enrichment?
Keep them busy during the day, have a solid routine in
place. If possible, bring them inside at night, whether it
be in the house, laundry or garage.
Medical condition
Solution: An obvious or underlying medical condition can
be the cause of howling, whimpering and barking. Flea
or worm infestations, skin allergies and some injuries,
which are usually easily detected and treated, can cause
a dog to make excessive noise. A veterinarian should be
consulted to eliminate any medical condition from being
the cause of excessive noise.
(Listing of Vet Clinics in Brimbank listed later in this
information pack)
Accredited Dog Behaviourist/Trainers and
Veterinarians are a vital source of knowledge
for solving these types of issues. Call and have a
conversation with them; find one you trust and
engage their services for assistance/guidance.
How can you stop your dog
from barking?
• Make sure that you do not inadvertently reward
your dog for barking. Offering a food treat or positive
reinforcement while in the act of an undesirable
behaviour, may very well encourage your dog to
continue that behaviour. Wait until your dog is quiet
before letting the dog inside or giving it attention.
• If the dog is barking at people or noises on the other side
of a fence, try moving the dog to another part of the
yard, put something up to block the dogs view or put up
a barrier to keep the dog away from that area.
• If the dog barks at regular disturbances such as children
walking to school or rubbish trucks, keep the dog inside
or in an enclosed area during these times.
• Ensure that the dog has adequate exercise, is not bored
and has play time with you.
• Make sure that the dog has food, water and shelter from
the weather.
• Sometimes teaching the dog to stop barking on cue can
help... When the dog barks, make a noise to interrupt
and once he stops, say “quiet” and when quiet give the
dog a food reward to reinforce the quiet.
• Environmental enrichment can help immensely for
dogs that are bored. Try alternating between things
like: scatter dry dog food across the lawn or bury dog
biscuits/treats/chew treats in a sandpit, Kong branded
dog toys stuffed with food are great boredom busters,
marrow bones, chew toys, etc. Empty soft drink bottles
filled with dry food are also a great boredom buster.
• Attend an accredited dog obedience school – the
approach taken will depend on the reasons for barking.

Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Owner Guide
Barking Dog
Owner Guide
Training techniques
Owners need to teach their dogs what is or is not acceptable
barking. This learning process can be time consuming,
and persistence is required to achieve successful results.
There are various ways of training dogs and devices can be
purchased to assist in the discipline of dogs.
One simple inexpensive method well worth trying and
persisting with involves the use of voice control and a
water spray gun. When the dog is barking at the birds, cats,
possums or neighbours, the owner should go to the dog
whilst it is barking and squirt (jet spray not mist) it in the
face with water saying “NO” in a firm voice.
The owner should never call the dog to receive the
reprimand as it will believe that it is being reprimanded
for coming to its owner. A dog should never be
reprimanded after the incident as this confuses it as to
why it is being punished.
Other Training methods include:
• Dog obedience schools, where dogs can be socialised
and desensitised from some irritants that can cause
excessive barking.
• Purchasing or hiring Anti Barking Collars. Note:
Legislation states that some collars require dogs to have
Veterinarian checks first and owners to be guided by
accredited dog trainers before use.
Enrolling your dog in a dog obedience club can help get it
into good habits.
Dog obedience and regular training can provide mental and
physical stimulation and help prevent “boredom” barking.
Dogs in public places —
off leash zones
The Domestic Animals Act 1994 Section 26 provides for
local Councils to make an Order to impose conditions on the
presence of dogs in public places. Brimbank City Council has
resolved that dogs must be restrained by a leash in all public
open space areas within the municipality except for some
designated off leash areas.
These areas can be located on the Council website
Dog trainers and
obedience schools
(Search the internet for options available to you other than
those listed below)
Pro Dog Training
Offers obedience classes, one on one training,
behavioural training, day care and more.
0413 042 811
Good Dog Training
Offers in-home behavioural and obedience one on one
0439 331 354
Four Paws K9 Training
Offers group obedience classes for puppies and adult
dogs in Keilor Downs and also offers in-home training
behavioural consultations.
0412 523 998
Keilor Obedience
Offers group obedience classes for puppies and adult
dogs in Keilor and also offers Flyball training.
0418 516 612
German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria
9749 1443
Veterinary within Brimbank
Brimbank Veterinary Clinic
9449 1100
562 Melton Highway, Sydenham VIC 3037
East St Albans Veterinary Clinic
9367 8403
73 Arthur Street St Albans, VIC 3021
Keilor Veterinary Clinic
9336 1943
24 Green Gully Road, Keilor VIC 3036
Sunshine Veterinary Clinic
9312 2500
98 Anderson Road, Sunshine VIC 3020
St Albans Veterinary Clinic
9364 3777
263 Main Road West, St Albans VIC 3021
Delahey Veterinary Clinic
9307 2122
11/350 Taylors Road, Delahey VIC 3037
003 - 0122