Examples of Answers to Key Project Application Questions
The following information is not exhaustive and is intended as a guide only.
For Grants Guidelines’ details visit
Answers to the following question will be used to assess how well an applicant is equipped to deliver
activities or events that support community members who are impacted by COVID – 19 pandemic.
Information to be provided include organisation’s purposes, how long the applicant has been
supporting the Brimbank community, expertise or specialised skills of personnel, and
access/connection to communities the applicant is aiming to work with. A few examples of previous
work/achievements may be provided.
Tell us why your group or organisation is best placed to deliver this project.
We have developed and maintained strong partnerships with local schools, neighbourhood
houses and service providers since we have been delivering our programs in the last 5 years.
We have demonstrated a strong understanding of the COVID – 19 impact on families during
lockdown. We partnered with x to provide material aid to the families who were
unemployed or working greatly reduced hours due to the pandemic that caused, increased
financial and emotional stress for already vulnerable families. We engaged with x and
delivered 75 food parcels to families and 190 activity packs to children. The support enabled
families to feel less isolated and fostered a greater sense of wellbeing.
Based on anecdotal conversations, there are families who are not ready or able to return to
our programs during or after COVID 19 pandemic. We will continue to stay in touch with the
community to understand their needs and support families during COVID-19 lockdown. We
will conduct targeted home visits to vulnerable families and support their transition back to
our programs.
Our facilitators are Diploma qualified Early Childhood Educators. We also have a
management committee that has a strong commitment and are dedicated to improving the
health and wellbeing outcomes of our community.
Your answ
ers to these questions will be used to assess how well your application outlines:
The impact COVID-19 has on members of your community or the community you work with.
It should show strong evidence of the need for your project or activity.
Community benefits and how these alleviate the COVID-19 impacts.
Expected outcomes in promoting social connection, participation, healthy relationships, and
improved physical, social and mental health of community members during COVID-19
Why is there a need for your project or activity?
The statistical profile of the x community in Victoria indicates that:
The proportion of employed persons in professional or managerial occupations is a third in
comparison to the total employed persons throughout Victoria;
Unemployment rates are twice higher in comparison to Victorian levels;
The rate of childbirth among young women is four times the Victorian level;
The proportion of families with children that are one-parent families is lower than State
It is expected that the community will be impacted by COVID-19 through job losses, financial
and housing stress, and social isolation.
Children are also negatively impacted:
The Mitchell Institute’s COVID-19, Employment Stress and student vulnerability report states
that the number of Australian children considered at risk of poorer health, education and life
outcomes due to employment stress in the family has likely doubled to 1.4 million.
In Brimbank, the percentage of school- and pre-school children with employment stress in
the family has risen from 25.99% to 45.9% for 28,057 children (pre and post COVID
employment stress).
In 2020, our organisation engaged with our existing families through food parcels and
children’s activity packs to families. There was first-hand evidence that the needs of these
families’ strongly correlated to the findings above. Social isolation has also impacted the
children – our community has large extended families where children are connected to their
peers, and it is important that community recovery considers the social and emotional
impact on children.
Our program aims to alleviate the stresses caused by COVID 19 impact through a culturally
safe and supportive x activity for families to reconnect. A critical component is the provision
of x to vulnerable families who miss out on the benefits of our program due to disruptions as
a result of the pandemic, and ensure they are encouraged to gradually return to the
What are the expected benefits and outcomes of your project or activity? How do they connect
with the needs?
Families have a sense of wellbeing through being included in local community activities
which builds social connections with their peers.
Families have a sense of culture, identity, pride and belonging through connection to
Children feel safe and supported and have fun places to play and meet their friends.
Families access quality early learning opportunities for their children before school.
Families have access to fun and quality activities at no cost.
Parents support their child’s development and learning during the program and at home.
How will you know if these expected benefits (outcomes) are achieved?
We will measure the outcomes of the project through quantitative and qualitative methods. This

Total number of parents and children accessing the program (benchmark: 25 families)
Weekly attendance of parents and children attending the program (10 - 15 parents and
Number of families receiving home visits (10 families).
Number of families attending group sessions and one on one (25 families).
Number of referrals to other services such as Maternal and Child Health, family services and
early intervention services as needed.
Qualitative feedback from parents – a six-monthly survey – (At least 80% satisfaction with
the program, and at least 70% of parents report using x strategies with their children).
Reflective evaluation tool/ self-assessment for the practitioners (every 3 months).
Who is your main target group and how many of them will be involved in this project or activity?
The main target group for the program are parents with children under 5 years old.
The families will be from a range of backgrounds.
We aim to involve 25 parents and their children (2 – 3 children per family) over the period of
the grant funding. With COVID-19 restrictions venue capacity, it is expected that each
weekly session will be attended by about 20 people (5-8 parents with their children).
Please describe how you plan to actively engage your target groups and the Brimbank Community
throughout your project or activity.
We will help alleviate families’ financial stress through providing quality early learning
programs for their children through x activities at no cost, especially for those with large
families and single parents.
We will build social connections and a sense of wellbeing through activities that connect
with the families with their culture (weekly cultural themes).
We will build parents’ confidence to re-engage with activities and routines with their
children post COVID-19 through home visits and encourage them to return to our program
We will improve children’s educational outcomes through role modelling and our teaching
strategies that parents can use at home, with consistent follow up and encouragement by
Assessment Criteria - CAPACITY (capability to manage the project is reflected in the project plan
and budget )
Your answers to these questions will be used to assess your ability to deliver and manage the project
or activity. You will need to show that you have clear project planning and that you have developed a
budget that is clear, realistic, accurate and appropriate for the project or activity and in line with the
Community Grant Guidelines.
Note: Example of a budget is provided in a separate document.

Please list the key actions for the successful planning of your project or activity.
Responsible person/people Start date
Planning meeting
Committee members
8/11/22 8/11/22
Organise venue
Committee members
15/11/22 19/11/22
Promote activity to partner
organisations (for referrals)
Committee members
7/2/23 11/2/23
Publicity via Facebook and networks
Committee members
7/2/23 11/2/23
Recruit new families
Committee members &
Ongoing Ongoing
Engage existing families
Committee members &
Ongoing Ongoing
Plan project activities
21/2/23 21/2/23
Project activities commence
7/3/23 25/11/23
Home visits
Ongoing Ongoing
Program evaluation meeting
Committee members &
5/11/23 5/11/23
Evaluation report writing
5/12/23 5/12/23
Your answer to these questions will be used to assess innovative ideas and long-term sustainability
approaches you will apply to help with COVID-19 recovery and beyond.
What will you do to make sure that the benefits of this project or activity can be continued into
the future?
Our group currently receives funding from x and x. We will continue to tap into a range of
opportunities to ensure that we have the funds to continue with our activities beyond the
Brimbank funded period.
We have also worked with local schools.
Where appropriate, we will also make referrals and connect families to other services.

The project approach we use is a suite of learning strategies to encourage adult-child
interaction and sustainability is embedded as it allows parents to use the strategies at home
to support their children to learn and grow.
How will you make sure that your project or activity is environmentally sustainable?
We will take the following steps to ensure environmental sustainability:
Our project venue is accessible by public transport to encourage families to take public
transport where possible.
Our activities utilise materials that can be found in the home and reuse materials whenever
We will incorporate outdoor play, games, singing, dancing, story time into the routine, which
doesn’t require physical materials.
We will teach and encourage children about what arts and crafts materials can be recycled
after use.
We will avoid giving parents handout materials (which they are likely to throw away).
We will encourage families to bring their own water bottles or provide cups that are washed
after each session.
We will avoid using disposable cutlery and plates and provide those that are washable after
each session. Where unavoidable, we will use biodegradable/environmentally friendly
When providing food for families we will ensure to shop locally and seasonably (fruits and
We will use environmentally friendly cleaning products.
Acknowledgement: We acknowledge and thank the Pasefika Hub Incorporated for agreeing to share their
application information as an example.