Waste, Recycling, and Litter Strategy 2018 -2028
was adopted by
the Council in 2018 as a roadmap towards achieving the community’s waste, recycling
and litter management aspirations. A key objective of this strategy is resource recovery
and the minimisation of waste going to landfill.
(31,787 tonnes)
per year of waste
is being recycled
plus street litter
bins provided across
litter infringement
notices issued
of households
have the optional
green waste
recycling bin
collections per
year for garbage/
green waste
Waste, Recycling,
and Litter Strategy
Scorecard 2021/2022

Vision and Objectives
Achieve reduced garbage and increased recycling for a 50% diversion rate.
Achieved 42% diversion rate. Medium term strategic
objective is 50% diversion rate.
Recycling contamination 23.7%. Slightly reduced from
24% in 2020/2021.
Obtained green waste contamination of 3.28%.
Decreased from 3.32% in 2020/2021.
Household Collection Services
Completed a Financial Analysis Report on the 4-bin preferred residential kerbside
waste and recycling collection service model.
Received state funding as part of the State Government’s Circular Economy Policy,
Kerbside Reform Support Fund.
Continued to maintained ‘business as usual as far as practical’ for all residential
kerbside waste collection services during the COVID-19 pandemic..
Extended medium term recyclables processing services agreement to 30 June 2023.
Promoted the introduction of food organics and garden organics (FOGO) into the
existing optional, user pays, residential kerbside green waste collection service for
commencement from 1 July 2022.
Accepted initial orders (1000) for kitchen caddies as part of FOGO collection service
for commencement from 1 July 2022.
Hard Waste Collections
Encourage recycling opportunities and maximise diversion.
20,769 completed collections (No charge - At Call Hard Waste Collection Service).
1,895 completed collections (User pays option - At Call Hard Waste Collection Service).
Approximately 4,123 tonnes collected (At Call Hard Waste Collection Service).
Achieved 20% recycling (landfill diversion) rate for year 2 (At Call Hard Waste
Collection Service). Reduced from 26% in 2020/2021, due to a decrease in e-waste,
steel and green waste collected and an increase in non-recyclable hard waste.
Continued promotion of Council’s ‘At-Call’ Hard Waste Collection Service through
social media, including partnering with local real estate agents.
In 2021/2022 Brimbank City Council remains on track to achieve its goals despite disruptions in consumer
patterns of behaviour, with people spending more time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recycling Centre and Other Opportunities Services
Extend range of materials received at the Recycling/ ‘Detox’ Centre and, Adopt a
‘pop up’ recycling drop-off service in other population centres.
Delivered ‘Reusable Goods Drop off Day’ at Victoria University’s Sunshine
campus (11 December 2021) and at Council’s Operation Centre, Keilor Park
(18 June 2022). In 2021, over 200 households attended the event. Western
Welcome Wagon collected 5 tonnes of household furniture and appliances and
The Red Cross accepted 701 kg’s of clothing, bags and books.
Hosted annual ‘Detox Your Home’ event (disposal of toxic, unwanted household
chemicals) at Keilor Park (28 May 2022). Over 200 vehicles responsibly disposed
of 4,252L of chemicals (including weed killers, cleaning products, cosmetics,
cooking oil and fire extinguishers).
Obtained State Government funding to conduct a feasibility study at Sunshine Energy
Park to determine if this location is suitable for a resource and recovery centre.
Obtained State Government funding from Recycling Victoria (Sustainability
Victoria) Household Education and Behaviour Change Fund.
Completed ‘Can the Can’, Brimbank potential locations directory in anticipation of
Victorian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) proposed introduction in 2023.
Continued to maintained ‘business as usual as far as practical’ for Resource
Recovery Centre during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continued provision of E-Waste drop-off points for residents for smaller items
(batteries, globes, mobile phones and accessories) in all five Council libraries
(Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans, Sunshine and Sydenham).
Reusable Goods
Drop-off Day
Register online
Education and Awareness Programs
Maintain a well-planned diverse education and awareness effort with a strong focus on waste reduction and low
contamination of recycling.
Delivered annual calendar of virtual and face-to-face
environment events.
Partnered with neighbouring councils to promote ‘My Smart
Garden’ program.
Continued the ‘Compost Revolution’ and delivered
compost bins and worm farms to residents and local
schools for half price.
Supported ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ on 6 March 2022.
Supported ‘Garage the Sale Trail’ virtual training sessions
and sale events over 2 weekends in November 2021.
Reinforced recycling messaging during National
Recycling Week via print, digital and social media
(8-14 November 2021).
Completed 4 weeks of community engagement to
gain feedback on Council’s proposed 4 bin waste
model (April 2022).
Continued ‘Seedlings in Schools’ program to encourage
students to grow edible and native plants.
Continued ‘Give a Bike’ donation initiative aimed at providing
bikes to people in need.
Presented the North West Communities for Climate Action
Online School Summit in partnership with six other Councils
(30 March 2022).
Delivered Young Environmental Leaders Program (8 virtual
sessions during July and September 2021).
Delivered a three (3) stream kerbside audit to determine
resource recovery and contamination rates, as well as
eligible container deposit material in each stream.
Council Sites
Recycling collection service trial at Keilor Basketball and Netball Stadium.
Installed 10 smart sensor ‘Bigbelly’ bins at Sunshine Town Centre,
Hampshire Road, Sunshine.
Partnering with the Australian Road & Research Board to undertake a two-year trial on
the use of recycled glass and recycled asphalt in road pavement construction.
Litter and Dumped Rubbish
Extension of enforcement activity focusing on illegal dumping hotspots.
Promoted ‘Dumping is Damaging’ campaign, including increased
applicable penalties.
Continued to increase enforcement activity focusing on illegal dumping
Continued installation of fixed and mobile surveillance cameras and signage
at known dumped rubbish ‘hot spots’.
Issued 271 Litter Infringement Notices.
Undertaking enforcement required by new Environment Protection Act that
came into effect on 1 July 2021.
Extended Memorandum of Understanding with Environment
Protection Authority (EPA) for ‘Officers for the Protection of the Local
Environment’ initiative
Advocate for tighter regulation of the waste management industry
including a push for increased penalties and clean up requirements for
commercial dumping.
Submission to the Victorian Government:
• Draft Regulations to ban single-use plastic items in Victoria.
• Waste to Energy Framework.
• Advanced Waste Processing Facility Procurement.
• Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Bill 2021.
• Victorian Container Deposit Scheme.
Recycling Victoria
A new economy
February 2020
You can be ned more than
for dumping rubbish
Have you seen
9249 4000
and help the community
175 - 0520
So we can sort it.
A4 Flyer
Facebook Tiles
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Buzz Strip Ad
So we can sort it.
You can be ned more than
for dumping rubbish
So we can sort it.
You can be ned more than
for dumping
175 - 0520
You can be ned more than
for dumping rubbish
So we can sort it.

Brimbank City Council
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