Final Brimbank
Response Strategy
Western Rail Plan, including Melbourne
Airport Rail Link and Sunshine Super Hub

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June 2019
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The City of Brimbank (City) is soon to benefit from a number of key infrastructure
projects to be delivered across Metropolitan Melbourne. The key of which is the Western
Rail Plan (WRP) (
Appendix A
) which will also facilitate the Melbourne Airport Rail Link
(MARL) and associated Sunshine Super Hub (SSH). The Rail Plan will also facilitate the
electrification of the Melton and Wyndham Vale lines and the fast trains to Geelong and
Never before has the City seen such significant city shaping investment from the State
and Federal Government, with the legacy of this investment set to benefit the City for a
long time to come. It is the importance and scale of these investments that requires
Council to clearly articulate its aspirations and key asks in order to ensure that the
projects deliver the opportunities, benefits and broad based uplift as a result of this
State Government commitment does and should not stop at infrastructure provision.
Government has been very clear about the need for 'value creation' and 'value capture'
with the investment they provide to these projects. Given this, the City is expected to
benefit from other forms of investment as a consequence of these projects. This
investment is expected to result in considerable economic, social and cultural and
environmental uplift, for Sunshine, the City as a whole, and Melbourne's west.
While the major infrastructure will occur in and around the Sunshine Metropolitan
Activity Centre, benefits of this project will extend along and around the rail corridor,
major transport routes and commercial precincts and activity centres across Brimbank
and the broader western region, bringing greater employment, access and amenity
State Government agencies including Transport for Victoria (T for V), Major Transport
Infrastructure Authority, Rail Projects Victoria, the Department of Jobs, Precincts and
Regions, together with the Victorian Planning Authority, all have a commitment to deliver
community benefit.
From a Council perspective, Brimbank is committed to working with State Government to
ensure sound planning and effective and timely delivery of each project and associated
investment, for the benefit of the Brimbank community and key stakeholders.
It is essential Council engage with the community to develop a vision for the projects
and provide guidance at identified stages throughout the investment lifecycle. This is
particularly important given Councillors are the central conduit and voice of the
Brimbank community.
This Draft Response Strategy (Draft Strategy) outlines the processes and projects which
will assist Council with the following:
The need for a Response to the Western Rail Plan
The ask and visioning for the investment as a whole
How to inform a vision and deliver the benefits and outcomes for the Western Rail
Plan (the MARL and the SSH).

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1. Purpose........................................................................................................3
2. Background..................................................................................................3
3. A Shared Vision............................................................................................6
3.1. Informing the Draft Vision ......................................................................7
3.1.1. Heart of the Local Community......................................................7
3.1.2. Capital of Melbourne’s West.........................................................7
3.1.3. Gateway to the World .................................................................7
4. A Strategic Framework ................................................................................9
5. A Clear Role For Brimbank .........................................................................10
6. Key Government Stakeholders ...................................................................11
7. A Focused Energy.......................................................................................12
8. Immediate Actions.....................................................................................28
Appendix A Western Rail Plan...........................................................................34
Appendix B Response Matrix ............................................................................35
Appendix C Definitions ....................................................................................42

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1. Purpose
This Draft Strategy has been prepared to assist Brimbank City Council (Council) in
articulating a draft vision for the Western Rail Plan (WRP), which includes the Melbourne
Airport Rail Link (MARL), the Sunshine Super Hub (SSH), Melton and Wyndham rail lines
electrification and the fast rail to Geelong and Ballarat (the Projects).
This Draft Strategy considers the history to date in relation to these projects, establishes
a Strategic Framework for identifying and assessing benefits and asks, and proposes a
number of objectives, strategies and actions, all providing Council with a clear pathway
to progress responses to key elements of the projects.
This Draft Strategy sets out a strategic response framework and work plan, including
advocacy, to ensure delivery of the projects results is a win/win for Council and the
community. The delivery of work program will require extensive engagement with the
community however it was proposed that this Draft Strategy also undergo an initial
community consultation, and that this would be combined with Council’s consultation on
the draft Sunshine Super Hub Urban Design Principles. A combined consultation process
ran for a four week period in late April – mid March 2019. 18 submissions were received
as part of this process and both documents have been updated to reflect the feedback
This Draft Strategy envisages a strong collaboration with State Government agencies,
and that Council’s involvement and advocacy would work toward the realisation of a
collective vision developed with the community to ensure key benefits are delivered in
the short, medium and long term for the City of Brimbank and its community. This key
piece of work is one of the early deliverables in the work program, and may be refined
over time as State Government agencies such as the Major Transport Infrastructure
Authority (MTIV), Transport for Victoria (TfV), Rail Projects Victoria (RPV), the
Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and the Victorian Planning Authority
(VPA) further refine their roles and projects.
2. Background
The following key announcements have been the catalyst for this Strategy.
Western Rail Plan (WRP)
The Western Rail Plan (
Appendix A
) was announced on 16 October 2018, and
includes key priority planning for the full separation of regional and metro services on
the Geelong and Ballarat lines. It proposes:
Two new electrified metro lines to Melton and Wyndham Vale with possible new
stations, with the Wyndham Vale line potentially becoming the western section of
the Suburban Rail Loop.
Additional tracks between Sunshine and the CBD to run extra services including
Airport-bound trains and integrated with the Airport Rail Link.
Fast Rail to Geelong and Ballarat including the potential full electrification of these

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Melbourne Airport Rail Link (MARL)
On 22 July 2018, the Victorian Government announced their commitment to
construct this project which will run from the CBD to Melbourne Airport via Sunshine
and form the north-western section of the Suburban Rail Loop. It is expected the full
Business Case will be completed in 2019/20. Construction is set to begin by the end
of 2022.
Sunshine Super Hub (SSH)
Identified in the Western Rail Plan, Sunshine is positioned to become the major hub
and interchange between metropolitan and regional rail services and a gateway to
Melbourne Airport via the new link. The SSH and MARL are identified as providing the
opportunity to deliver the infrastructure needed for the Western Rail Plan.
Given the significant infrastructure and spending commitment from Government, this
presents an opportunity for Council to both advocate for and deliver work in order to
achieve identified outcomes and benefits.
These outcomes and benefits have been partially defined in this report and associated
attachment, and are also informed by previous strategic work and advocacy by Council.
Given the preliminary nature of the projects, it is likely these will require refinement
once State Government progress these projects and have a better understanding of their
scoping and delivery.
Documents and processes which have and will assist in forming the draft vision include:
Council adopted five key principles to support the advocacy for the MARL at Council’s
Ordinary Meeting on 21 November 2017:
Maximum connectivity
Fast, regular service to and from the airport
Minimise negative impacts
Consultation with local communities
No adverse impacts on existing transport infrastructure.
These principles are a good starting point for determining the draft vision for the
Sunshine Town Centre Sunshine Structure Plan 2014
The Sunshine Town Centre Structure Plan was adopted in 2014, and outlines
Council’s strategy for realising the Sunshine Town Centre’s full potential, and
transforming it into the capital of Melbourne’s west. It acknowledges future projects
including the Airport Rail Link and the electrification of the Melton Railway line. The
Structure Plan was implemented into the Brimbank Planning Scheme under Planning
Scheme Amendment C105.
St Albans Structure Plan
The St Albans Structure Plan was adopted in 2011, and revised in 2014 to be
implemented through Brimbank Planning Scheme Amendment C150 which introduced
a Design and Development Overlay (DDO), and rezoned some land in the Centre.

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The Structure Plan identifies St Albans as part of the Sunshine National Employment
and Innovation Cluster (NEIC).
Urban Design Frameworks
Council has adopted the Northern Sunshine Development Framework Plan 2014,
Southern Sunshine Urban Design Framework 2014, and Central Sunshine Urban
Design Framework 2009, all of which form part of the wider strategic activity centre
corridor that will have enhanced connectivity, public realm and built form, which in
part will be facilitated through the implementation of the Western Rail Plan.
Urban Design Principles
Council has previously adopted Urban Design Principles (UDP) for recent State
Government infrastructure projects such as the Regional Rail Link (RRL) and Level
Crossing Removal Projects (LXRP) which has resulted in significant urban design and
amenity outcomes. Council has commenced work on the development of Draft Urban
Design Principles that focus on the SSH and surrounding precinct.
Brimbank Economic Development Strategy 2016-2020
The Economic Development Strategy 2016-2020 identifies the actions Council can
take to support economic change and growth in Brimbank. The MARL through
Sunshine is identified as a significant economic driver supporting the development of
the Sunshine National Employment and Innovation Cluster, and the visitor economy
more broadly in Melbourne and Victoria's west.
Sunshine and Brimbank Policy Consolidation
Council has undertaken work on a Re-Frame Project which reviews a range of
strategies, plans and initiatives influencing development in the key activity centres of
Sunshine, St Albans and Watergardens. This review and consolidation will help inform
future development and strategic land use planning decisions within the City. It
identifies gaps in knowledge and research, and opportunities for policy review.
Submissions to Government Departments
Council have endorsed a number of submissions which advocated for the delivery of
the MARL using the East Albion (Sunshine) route and stopping in Sunshine to
leverage the RRL connections. These include submissions to; Plan Melbourne
(Ordinary Council Meeting 13 August 2013 and Ordinary Council Meeting 8 December
2015), Draft Melbourne Airport Master Plan 2018 (8 December 2015) and Victoria's
30-year Infrastructure Strategy (19 June 2016).
Plan Melbourne 2017 - 2050
Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 was released by the Department of Environment, Land,
Water and Planning in 2017, and is a refresh of the 2014 Plan Melbourne. Plan
Melbourne 2017-2050 is a long term strategy for the future growth and development
of Melbourne, and is intended to provide an integrated approach to the delivery of
future infrastructure, jobs, housing employment and transport. This Strategy
recognises the importance of the Sunshine National Employment and Innovation
Cluster for future employment and economic growth opportunities, and identifies a
range of major infrastructure projects including the Melbourne Airport Rail Link.

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Draft Sunshine National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC) Framework Plan
Sunshine is identified as one of seven metropolitan NEICs in Plan Melbourne 2017-
2050. NEICs are anchored by a specialised activity (such as a university, research
facility, major hospital or manufacturing enterprise), and are focused on knowledge
based businesses located close to each other for knowledge and resource sharing.
The clusters are distributed throughout Melbourne and along high capacity transport
networks to provide greater access to high productivity jobs. It is acknowledged that
the Metro Tunnel, level crossing removals, and regional services from Geelong,
Ballarat and Bendigo will enhance the Sunshine NEICs connectivity.
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has developed the draft Sunshine NEIC
Framework Plan, which is a coordinating document that will guide land use,
development and infrastructure development in accordance with Plan Melbourne
2017-2050. The Sunshine NEIC Framework Plan does not currently contain detail of
the Western Rail Plan and needs to be updated.
It should be noted whilst this plan has been out on public consultation (mid 2016) it
was intended to be finalised following completion of the Western Region Land Use
Framework Plan by DELWP, which is currently being prepared.
3. A Shared Vision
The unprecedented investment and city shaping improvements that are flagged for the
City necessitates the need to articulate a vision for Sunshine and the surrounds. The
draft Response Strategy highlights the importance of developing a shared vision in
consultation with the community, so that Council can be clear to the Victorian
Government about what the community values and the shared aspirations are in relation
to the projects.
Background work identified above and feedback received as part of Council workshops
will assist with articulating a vision that will undergo further refinement following
engagement with the community.
As the State Government, who are leading the planning and delivery of key
infrastructure projects, have only just commenced, it is the ideal time to establish
Council and the community’s aspirations for the projects before the delivery agencies
have fully developed their project scoping, project planning, timeframes, budgets and
Similarly, the draft Urban Design Principles for the SSH, will establish what is important
for Council and the community to influence, and will also inform the vision.
This will be further informed through the preparation of draft Urban Design Principles for
the electrification of the Melton rail line and a set of Urban Design Principles for Albion
Station and the Jacana Rail Line Corridor (northern section of the MARL Corridor).Once a
vision has been established, there will still be an ongoing requirement to engage with the
community, and consultation will be a key activity throughout project planning and
delivery to ensure the community's aspirations are considered. This starts with a
community consultation process about this Draft Strategy.
An evaluation and reporting process to both assess and report on progress made
implementing the Strategy, and outcomes sought, will also assist with demonstrating

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success in achieving Council and community aspirations and key asks. It should be
noted some of this will rely on State Government to implement and monitor progress.
This will be a key advocacy request for Council.
3.1. Informing the Draft Vision
Following an analysis of key work to date and Council input, three aspirations have been
developed that can inform a vision and is reflected in this Response Strategy.
These aspirations take into consideration five key areas of interest: Economy,
Social/Cultural, Environment, Amenity and Governance.
It is also important to recognise the strategic intent of the abovementioned work. A
significant amount of work has been done by Council to obtain commitment for the East
Albion route (Sunshine route) and stop in Sunshine for the MARL and for the
commitment to deliver the multi modal Sunshine Hub of importance. The Draft Strategy
builds on this and a vision can be used to test the effectiveness of the project delivery
contained within this Draft Strategy.
These aspirations, provided below, are explored further in Section 4 and can be used as
a Strategic Framework to inform the vision and objectives, strategies and actions for the
3.1.1. Heart of the Local Community
Sunshine will be a vibrant urban hub where local communities and visitors can come
together and celebrate the culture and unique history of this entrepreneurial place, and
capitalise on everyday innovations to maximise individual prosperity and growth.
3.1.2. Capital of Melbourne’s West
Sunshine will be the indisputable capital of the economic powerhouse known as
Melbourne’s West - the fastest growth region in the Australia - and offer everyone the
opportunity to enjoy the benefits of its place.
3.1.3. Gateway to the World
Sunshine will be a gateway to the world as the pivot point where people and businesses
invest time and capital and a destination where people stop, enquire, stay and explore.

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Map: Sunshine Super Hub and Precinct – Connections and Opportunities

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4. A Strategic Framework
There are five key factors that are addressed in this Response Strategy which are used
to identify key issues, opportunities, objectives and strategies. These inform Council’s
'ask' to Government when delivering these projects, and any related investment and
benefits for the local community. These factors can also be used to inform a vision, and
function as assessment tools when evaluating the effectiveness of project delivery.
The five key factors are:
Social and cultural elements relate to society and include demographics, language,
customs, values, people, ethnicity, status, people, the arts, community related
services and are specific to the Brimbank community. They also relate to future
populations, businesses and visitors or future users. For the purpose of this Strategy
access to public transport has been captured as a social issue.
Economic factors relate to the market and the economy, including the Local, State,
regional and global economy. Important factors which can result in long term
economic benefits for the City include jobs, investment, industry development and
investment in transport and education.
Environmental factors include flora and fauna, vegetation density, threatened
species, natural features including waterways, views and landscapes. They also apply
to local, regional and global environments, and include weather, flooding and
groundwater, as well as environmental events and processes.
Amenity factors relates to an effect on land and experience. Within this context it
can be described as pleasantness and or attractiveness, and can include character,
appearance and ensures negative experiences such as noise, unsightliness, light spill
and vibration are mitigated. Amenity will also be a key consideration during the
construction phase of the projects.
Council is seeking a governance process that gives a meaningful “seat at the table”
where it can highlight a range of priorities and outcomes (to be developed further
over time) to benefit the Brimbank community. These are explored further in
Appendix B*
* Appendix B - The Response Matrix was prepared to inform Council key stakeholder responsibility for each
ask. It was designed to assist with external Council discussions and advocacy, identifying who the relevant
State Government Department (or alternative stakeholder) is responsible for each of the factors listed above.
The role of Council was purposefully excluded from this document.

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5. A Clear Role For Brimbank
Council performs a number roles and functions within the context of this Draft Strategy
in relation to Sunshine, Brimbank and Melbourne's West. These roles and functions are
expanded in the following diagram. It is important to identify that Council are not
responsible for the delivery of the rail projects, however, Council plays an important role
in project planning, governance, engagement, communications, advocacy in relation to
project scoping, and delivery of complementary works such as public realm
In Section 6, a combination of the below roles will be used in response to a number of
identified Objectives.
• Join up with Government
• Leverage benefits
• Mitigate risks
• Strategic planning
• Precinct planning
• Embed the above in State
and municipal level
planning and land use
• Internal collaborations
• External partnerships,
including partner with
Government agencies and
stakeholders to deliver
projects and partners
• Public realm amenity
• Capital works
• Listen to communities
and stakeholders
• Enable a community

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6. Key Government Stakeholders
The State Government will be coordinating the various aspects of the project across a
number of key State Government Departments and Agencies. The Department of
Transport is a key Department which commenced operation on 1 January 2019, and is
responsible for ongoing operation and coordination of the state's transport networks, as
well as the delivery of new and upgraded transport infrastructure. It includes a range of
agencies including Transport for Victoria and Rail Projects Victoria who have key roles in
the planning and delivery of the projects, along with the Department of Jobs, Precincts
and Regions, and the Victorian Planning Authority. The high level roles of these
Departments and Agencies is indicate below, however, given the preliminary nature of
the projects and the recent changes to State Government Departments, further
refinement of roles is anticipated in coming months:
Transport for Victoria (TfV)
TfV is responsible for the planning and coordination of all transport systems in Victoria.
Rail Projects Victoria (RPV)
RPV is responsible for the delivery of major rail projects including planning and
development of a project reference design, site investigations, stakeholder engagement,
planning approvals and procurement, through to construction delivery and project
There are also a number of transport stakeholders that will work with RPV to inform this
Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR)
Recently formed on 1 January 2019, DJPR is focused on ensuring Victoria's strong
economic performance by growing industries and regions by creating more jobs for more
people, building thriving places and regions and nurturing inclusive communities.
Victorian Planning Authority (VPA)
The VPA works closely with councils and local communities, other government agencies,
landowners and developers to plan for strategically important precincts in inner and
middle ring Melbourne, the growth areas and regional cities.

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• Land Use &
Development Planning
• Value Capture
• Economic
• Value Creation
• Delivery of Rail
Projects (Scoping,
Design, Construction)
• Transport Planning &
7. A Focused Energy
The following objectives have been developed following Council input, and in response to
the five key factors, as shown in the Response Matrix at
Attachment B
OBJECTIVE 1 Advocate for a governance structure involving key Government
stakeholders that gives Council 'a seat at the table' to ensure input in
planning for, the design, delivery and running of the projects, and
associated work.
OBJECTIVE 2 Facilitate an open and transparent community engagement program.
OBJECTIVE 3 Align organisational resources and investment to capitalise on the renewed
interest in further strengthening Sunshine’s role.
OBJECTIVE 4 Align Council policies to maximise social, environmental and economic
benefit for Brimbank’s communities.
OBJECTIVE 5 Foster a climate of investment attraction to benefit precinct, municipal and
regional uplift in the domains of social, economic, environmental and
amenity improvement for Sunshine and the municipality as a whole.
OBJECTIVE 6 Foster improvements to local, municipal and regional
sustainability, including through environmental design and
OBJECTIVE 7 Deliver a truly integrated transport system for the City.
OBJECTIVE 8 Upgrade the urban environment and delivery quality places and spaces for
A program of strategies and actions are identified under each of the above objectives
which are intended to optimise the benefits of the Western Rail Plan with a significant
focus on leveraging the opportunities associated with the SSH and MARL.
Implementation of the actions is expected to assist Council with the following:

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Identifying a vision - which will also be informed by a Community and Stakeholder
Engagement process.
Positioning and advocacy - ensuring Brimbank has a 'seat at the table' in the
governance structure associated with implementation of these projects, and the
broader economic and community capacity building opportunities.
Establishing a work program - identifying the work required to be achieved to both
inform the process and to leverage community uplift on an ongoing basis after the
core projects have been delivered.
Resourcing - outlining the budgetary and resource requirements to ensure Council
can join State Government at the table, and partner in appropriate aspects of the
work, and provide meaningful input.
Evaluating – evaluation and monitoring of the Strategy and key outcomes it sets out
to achieve. A mechanism to evaluate will also assist Council (and the State) with
measuring success in delivery the objectives and ultimately the vision for the
The work program responds to the Response Matrix (
Appendix B
) which was prepared
to identify key issues and opportunities for the WRP, MARL and SSH and identify the key
asks related to these issues and opportunities.
Each table references one or more of the five key elements within the Strategic
Framework identified above. Table Definitions can be found in
Appendix C
Advocate for a governance structure involving key Government stakeholders that gives
Council 'a seat at the table' to ensure input in planning for, the design, delivery and
running of the projects, and associated work.
Strategy 1.1 Pursue a governance
structure across
relevant levels and
areas of Government
which oversees all
aspects of the projects.
Action 1.1
Advocate for a Governance
Structure that appropriately
recognises key elements of the
projects. This should include:
A high level steering
committee overseeing the
transport projects, precinct
planning and delivery of the
community vision.
Working groups focused on
specific focus areas including:
Investment, Business
Growth and Jobs
Planning and Design
Community Capacity

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Building (e.g.
to employment, training)
Amenity and environment
addressing significant
Working group/s to deliver rail
improvements at Deer Park
and Ardeer associated with the
Ballarat Rail Corridor - Melton
line electrification.
Strategy 1.2 Advocate for Sunshine
to be identified as a
'Priority Precinct',
similar to those
identified in Monash,
Latrobe, Parkville.
Action 1.2a
Advocate to relevant Ministers to
have Sunshine identified as a
'Priority Precinct'
Action 1.2b
Ensure as part of any discussion
with State Government Ministers
reference to Action 1.2a
Strategy 1.3 Present as an informed
Council who State
Government want to
work with.
Action 1.3
Ensure all contact and reporting is
underpinned by research and
evidence based best practice.
I (and ongoing)
Strategy 1.4 Be informed and
deliver true
partnerships with State
and other relevant
Action 1.4
Identify key stakeholders and
consider MOUs or other
Governance tools to facilitate
productive and positive
relationships for the duration of
the projects.
I (and ongoing)
Strategy 1.5 Pursue key
stakeholders with
objectives to align with
and assist the
realisation of the vision
and this Strategy.
Action 1.5
Identify and work with councils in
the region and other key
stakeholders, who will benefit
from the projects to strengthen
advocacy and work that will
leverage the economic, social and
environmental benefits.
I (and ongoing)
Strategy 1.6 Facilitate more local
jobs for local people,
and increased custom
for local businesses.
Action 1.6a
Pursue the development and
inclusion of local employment,
service delivery and procurement
policies and practices with a
positive prejudice toward business

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Strategy 1.7
Ensure a process is
established to evaluate
the delivery and
impact of the Western
Rail Plan and
specifically the
Sunshine Super Hub.
services in Brimbank and
Melbourne’s West.
Action 1.6b
Promote the procurement
opportunities associated with the
delivery of the projects to
Brimbank businesses through
Industry Capability Network and
other Council business
communication channels.
Action 1.6c
Work with local businesses to
promote business development
opportunities associated with the
influx of workers to Sunshine
associated during construction.
Action 1.7a
Advocate for the preparation of an
evaluation plan which will include
criteria for, methods and
timeframes for assessing the
delivery of projects, outcomes and
Action 1.7b
Prepare progress reports (annually
or as required) to Council which
include an update on the status of
implementation of the Response
Facilitate an open and transparent community engagement program.
Strategy 2.1 Ensure there is a
continual and ongoing
discussion with the
local communities
and key stakeholders.
Action 2.1
Partner with Rail Projects
Victoria and key stakeholders to
prepare and program a detailed
Community and Stakeholder
Engagement Strategy which
engages the community and
key stakeholders for the
duration of the projects.
I (and ongoing)

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Strategy 2.2 Ensure there is a
diversity of
methods appropriate
to the needs of the
Action 2.2
Deliver, provide and advocate
for proactive consultation
collateral and events to meet
the needs of all community
members including CALD
community, all age groups
(children - adults) and all
Collateral should contain maps,
plans, diagrams, use simple
language and be easy to follow.
I (and ongoing)
Align organisational resources and investment to capitalise on the renewed interest in
further strengthening Sunshine’s role.
Strategy 3.1 Imbed multi-year
commitment to
building Sunshine as
the capital of
Melbourne’s West.
Action 3.1a
Appropriately reflect the work
plan in Year 3 and Year 4 Action
Plans associated with the
Brimbank Council Plan 2017 –
Action 3.1b
Incorporate the work program
associated with this Strategy in
future Council budget processes
(starting with 19/20 financial
year period onwards)
I (and ongoing)
I (and ongoing)
Strategy 3.2 Mobilise an integrated
response team to
work with key
Action 3.2
Establish a Brimbank
governance framework including
an integrated cross -
organisation response team to
work with key stakeholders and
undertake Council related work.
I (and also as required)
Strategy 3.3 Resource strategic
Action 3.3
As part of Action 3.1b consider
project scoping to determine
I (and ongoing)

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requirement from across Council
OBJECTIVE 4 (Eco - S/C - Enviro)
Align Council policy to maximise social, environmental and economic
benefit for Brimbank’s communities.
Strategy 4.1 Develop a clear vision
that is
understandable, and
communicate the
direction of Council’s
Action 4.1a
Engage the community to
determine their vision for the
Sunshine in relation to the WRP,
focusing on the broader
investment rather than just SSH
and MARL. It is considered this
process will be informed with input
from State agencies and
background analysis.
Action 4.1b
Using the outcomes of the above,
the Response Strategy and
Councillor feedback, define a WRP,
MARL and SSH vision.
Obtain Council endorsement of the
vision and revise as required.
Action 4.1c
Use vision as the key driver when
working on WRP, MARL and SSH.
Action 4.1d
Share vision with relevant State
Government authorities and where
possible advocate for State
agencies to use it as a guide to
ensuring alignment of work output
and investment with the vision.
S - M
S (and ongoing)
S (and ongoing)
Consolidate and review
Council’s land use
planning and
development policy to
leverage private
investment from the
significant infrastructure
Action 4.2a
Undertake a commercial land
analysis to determine if there is
capacity to accommodate
projected growth in response to
development opportunities
associated with the MARL / SSH to
inform the revision of land use and

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development provisions.
Action 4.2b
Using the vision as a guide,
commence a Council led review of
Sunshine Town Centre Structure
Plan to ensure that it appropriately
incorporates, and responds to, the
investment and development
envisaged through the
infrastructure investment.
Whilst the Structure Plan has
captured important strategic
direction for the centre, it was
prepared prior to the
announcements for the projects. It
should therefore be reviewed to
incorporate these changes,
ensuring there is enough in there
to facilitate the delivery of the
An increase in capacity within
the centre
A diverse mix of land uses
Flexibility over time to enable a
response to market conditions
Future uses and requirements
including conferencing / and
other activities associated with
the visitor economy
Legible connections and
Arts and culture
Best practice design and
design quality
Consider, respect and integrate
existing heritage.
Action 4.2c
Partner with the VPA/Department
of Jobs Precincts and Regions to
update the draft National
Employment Innovation Cluster
Framework ensuring it considers
the WRP, MARL and SSH and

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Brimbank's asks.
Action 4.2d
Require that planning scheme
documents that facilitate the SSH
and MARL be reviewed by Council
prior to approval, ensuring they
appropriately consider the
Brimbank context.
Action 4.2e
Advocate for Brimbank Council to
provide in-principle support for
planning scheme documents prior
to Ministerial approval.
Action 4.2f
Advocate for Brimbank Council to
retain its statutory authority when
dealing with land impacted by the
investment (outside the rail
corridor and SSH precinct).
Action 4.2g
In response to the
abovementioned project and
future investment in the
municipality, prepare an audit of
Planning Policy and seek to amend
relevant provisions in the
Brimbank Planning Scheme in line
with outcomes from above work
Action 4.2h
Prepare an Opportunities Analysis
to assess the opportunities
associated with the rail
electrification projects and
specifically in relation to the Deer
Park and Ardeer stations.
M – L
S – M
M – L
Ensure Brimbank's asks
and needs are
considered in all aspects
of land use planning and
Action 4.3a
Pursue and document a
Governance process where Council
has a 'seat at the table' for all
aspects of land use planning.
I (and ongoing)

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Action 4.3b
Identify ways Council can support
relevant State Government
agencies in delivering land use
planning for the WRP, MARL and
SSH. This may include preparing
an audit of existing work to date
and building on that for the benefit
of the State level projects.
S – L
Maximise opportunity for
local jobs and upskilling
the community in
project related areas.
Action 4.4a
Work with local tertiary institutions
to identify future employment
opportunities associated with rail
investment, and associated future
industries that may develop in
Sunshine and surrounds as a
result of investment.
Action 4.4b
Promote employment opportunities
associated with the delivery of the
Western Rail Plan, with
consideration to initiatives
including local Jobs Fairs,
Brimbank Joblink and an
Employment Accord.
S – M
S (and ongoing)
OBJECTIVE 5 (Eco - S/C - Enviro - A)
Foster a climate of investment attraction to benefit precinct, municipal and regional uplift in the
domains of social, economic, environmental and amenity improvement for Sunshine and the
municipality as a whole.
Strategy 5.1 Work with Government
to maximise value
creation and capture
Action 5.1
Support the work of State
Government to ensure that the
projects deliver improved
productivity, increase access to
jobs and employment, enhance
public amenity and unlock
commercial activities.
I (and ongoing)
Strategy 5.2 Formulate an
investment attraction
framework to promote
Action 5.2a
Partner with the Department of
Jobs, Precincts and Regions

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economic prosperity to
(DJPR) to prepare an
investment attraction
framework for the City. Input
Brimbank specific content and
asks, as required.
Framework should consider the
'Factors Driving the Success of
Enterprise Precincts' and
should articulate the Brimbank
'point of difference'.
Action 5.2b
Council to lead the preparation
of the Framework if DJPR is
unable to partner.
Action 5.2c
Review the Brimbank Economic
Development Strategy and
Experience Brimbank Strategy
to reflect the economic
opportunities associated with
the MARL / SSH.
S – M
Strategy 5.3 Develop a response
framework for local
communities to
maximise anticipated
Action 5.3
Identify specific bodies of work,
funding and support services
and projects that improve the
precinct surrounding the SSH
both within the Sunshine Town
Centre and throughout the
This work should consider uplift
in terms of social/cultural,
environmental and economic.
M – L
Strategy 5.4 Ensure appropriate,
consistent and timely
messaging for the
projects at relevant
Action 5.4a
Partner with State agencies to
ensure information provided to
the community and
stakeholders is timely,
meaningful, appropriate and
Action 5.4b
When preparing Council led
communications ensure there
are clear messaging and
branding, and a coordinated
approach from all relevant
(and ongoing)
(and ongoing)

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Strategy 5.5 Manage and minimise
amenity impacts
throughout the project
Action 5.5a
Advocate to delivery agencies
and contractors to ensure all
connectivity and amenity
impacts as a result of testing,
information gathering and
construction phases are
considered with risks and
impacts minimised.
Action 5.5b
Advocate to delivery agencies
for minimal land acquisition
required to deliver on the
aspirations of the Response
Strategy and the Sunshine
Super Hub Urban Design
Action 5.5c
Advocate for appropriate noise
attenuation along the extent of
the railway line, not just
around stations, and request
that operation of railway lines
consider the protection of
amenity at all times – including
as part of rail operations.
I (and ongoing)
I - S
S (and ongoing)
Strategy 5.6 Facilitate industry
growth and investment.
Action 5.6
Undertake an economic
analysis to identify industry
growth opportunities
associated with the MARL/SSH
and the Sunshine Precinct to
inform a future investment
attraction program including
the visitor economy and
associated business
Consider land uses including
business suites, a conference
centre, meeting spaces,
commercial accommodation
and other uses associated with
the visitor economy.
S – M
Strategy 5.7 Ensure community
facility provision meets
expected demand
Action 5.7
Monitor development approvals

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created as part of the
and associated population
growth in Sunshine and the
surrounds to ensure that the
community services and
amenities (including open
space areas), as defined in the
Brimbank Community Services
and Infrastructure Plan 2018 –
2038, is still appropriate.
Revise as necessary.
OBJECTIVE 6 - (Enviro)
Foster improvements to local, municipal and regional sustainability, including
through environmental design and development.
Strategy 6.1 Ensure any
investigations and
approvals process
considers the
Brimbank context
Action 6.1a
Ensure any environmental
investigations and approvals
process considers the following:
Environmental Audit
Overlays (EAO)
30% tree canopy cover
Waterways corridors
including Maribyrnong River
Stony Creek
Flora and Fauna
Consider how future
development can support a
low carbon economy and
support climate change
Action 6.1b
Ensure Council prepares a
detailed submission in response
to any draft environmental
approvals document
highlighting the key asks in
Appendix B
and other relevant
S – M
M – L

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Strategy 6.2 Pursue 30% canopy
coverage to be
delivered in the
Action 6.2
Advocate for State investment
to consider Council's Urban
Forest Strategy as part of
S (and ongoing)
Strategy 6.3 Advocate for lost flora
and faunal habitat to
be offset/ re
established within the
Action 6.3a
Where possible seek to ensure
lost flora and fauna values are
offset into similar locations
within the municipality or
Action 6.3b
Where the above fails, seek a
monetary contribution which
can be used for park and open
space improvements within the
Action 6.3c
Where possible leverage
opportunities to improve
environmental outcomes for
affected landscapes, waterways
and grasslands.
M – L
M - L
M - L
Strategy 6.4 Pursue
Sustainable Design
features in built form
and public realm.
Action 6.4
Encourage the projects to
delivery best practice
Environmental Sustainable
Design, noting that the projects
are not subject to the ESD
provisions in the Brimbank
Planning Scheme.
S – L

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Deliver a truely integrated transport system for the City.
Strategy 7.1 Maximise integration
between transport
modes within
Action 7.1a
Partner with State Government
organisations where relevant to
prepare an Integrated Transport
Strategy focussing on three levels:
Action 7.1b
Consider the preparation of a local
access and movement study for
the Sunshine precinct.
Action 7.1c
Update the proposed car parking
management plan for the Sunshine
Town Centre to support the
delivery of an integrated transport
Action 7.1d
Design and delivery of high quality
public realm such as boulevards
and streetscape improvements.
S - M
M – L
S (and ongoing)
Strategy 7.2 Pursue a true
integrated transport
system for residents
and users.
Action 7.2
Work with State Government
authorities, in particular Transport
for Victoria and the Victorian
Planning Authority to plan and
deliver the recommendations
within the Integrated Transport
Advocate for easy
interchange between
metropolitan and regional
trains, future light
rail/Medium Capacity
Transit (MCT) and buses
with convenient safe
prioritized access for
M – L

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pedestrians, cyclists, taxis
and passenger pick up and
set down.
Strategy 7.3 Pursue integrated
transport planning
and delivery across
the region including
and beyond rail to
maximise the
benefits and
Action 7.3a
Work with councils within the
region and key regional
stakeholder organisations to
ensure there are regional
discussions regarding transport
networks, and where there is no
catalyst for these discussions,
facilitate a regional problem solving
and advocacy forum to address
integrated transport to determine
the key priorities for regionally
significant transport infrastructure
and services.
Action 7.3b
Advocate for improved commuter
rail services across the
metropolitan and regional rail
network as part of the Western Rail
Plan and other regional rail
Including the potential for
light rail to and through
Sunshine, and connection
with the Sunshine Super
M – L
S (and ongoing)
Upgrade the urban environment and delivery quality places and spaces for people.
Strategy 8.1 Ensure that Council’s
Urban Design
responds to WRP,
MARL and SSH and
associated benefits.
Action 8.1a
Prepare and consult on draft Urban
Design Principles for the following:
Deer Park and Ardeer Stations
associated with the Ballarat
Rail Corridor – Melton line
Albion Station and Jacana Rail
Line Corridor (northern section
of the MARL Corridor).
I – S

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Other sections of the rail
corridor as required.
Action 8.1b
Finalise, advocate for and seek to
align projects with principles
contained with all Urban Design
Principle documents prepared in
response to the WRP, MARL and
Action 8.1c
Once the overall Structure Plan has
been prepared Council to review
and update Urban Design
Action 8.1d
Ensure that the update of Urban
Design Frameworks consider the
private built form, and
encouragement of design
S – L
M - L
Strategy 8.2 Facilitate high quality
spaces and places
that are safe and
have good
Action 8.2a
Work with State Government
authorities, in particular with the
Victorian Planning Authority, the
Department of Environment, Land
Water and Planning and Jobs
Precincts and Regions to ensure
Brimbank's asks and needs are
considered in Station Precinct
Planning, connections to/from the
SSH and street networks across
the municipality.
Action 8.2b
Using the above knowledge,
advocate for key asks as part of
discussions regarding the State
Government investment.
Action 8.2c
Ensure that the future design of
development associated with the
Western Rail Plan incorporates safe
design principles and delivers
spaces and places that are safe
with appropriate security
I – S
S – L
S – L

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8. Immediate Actions
This Draft Strategy aims to inform, identify and structure key strategic initiatives and
work packages to be delivered to inform the projects. It should be noted whilst the Draft
Strategy identifies necessary outputs and processes for Council, given the State
Government are leading the process, some of this work will need to sit with the State
Government. It is for this reason Council needs to have a commitment to both working
closely with the State Government and to ensure Council has a 'seat at the table'.
This Strategy provides strategic input to the following Council processes:
Draft Strategy
Subject to Council endorsement, implementation of the immediate actions contained
within the Strategy will be a big priority for Council. It is essential that advocacy and
partnership processes are commenced immediately (if not already commenced) and
background analysis to inform discussions and community consultation processes
occur (resourcing dependent)..
Commence implementation of immediate actions, subject to resourcing.
In line with what’s recommended in Strategy and from what has already occurred,
formulate internal working groups and continue to advocate to Government agencies
and other relevant stakeholders to enable a ‘seat at the table’.
Council Plan
The Council Plan is the strategic document that guides the planning, development,
allocation of resources and provision of services to the Brimbank community. Under
the Local Government Act 1989, a Council Plan must be prepared every four years.
This Strategy will provide direction on Action Planning for the Brimbank Council Plan
2017 - 2021 - Year 3 and Year 4 Action Plan.
Council budgets
Any work that impacts Council’s operational and capital works budgets would be
subject to Council’s annual budget processes. This Draft Strategy has been prepared
to assist with future budget process inputs and will require consideration as part of
the 2019/20 Financial Year budget. It is expected all Immediate and Short term
actions will be considered as part of the 2019/20 Financial Year.
10 year Capital Works Plan
As part of Council’s annual budget planning process, the 10 year Capital Works
Program (CWP) is reviewed annually to provide certainty to Council and the
community who are responsible for the implementation of the CWP.
Immediate Actions and key dates have been provided below, noting some have already
been completed:

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Advocate for a governance structure involving key Government stakeholders that gives Council 'a
seat at the table' to ensure input in planning for, the design, delivery and running of the projects,
and associated work.
Facilitate an open and transparent community engagement program

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Align organisational resources and investment to capitalise on the renewed interest in further
strengthening Sunshine’s role
OBJECTIVE 4 (Eco - S/C - Enviro)
Align Council policy to maximise social, environmental and economic benefit for Brimbank’s

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OBJECTIVE 5 (Eco - S/C - Enviro - A)
Foster a climate of investment attraction to benefit precinct, municipal and regional uplift in the
domains of social, economic, environmental and amenity improvement for Sunshine and the
municipality as a whole.
OBJECTIVE 6 - (Enviro)
Foster improvements to local, municipal and regional sustainability, including through
environmental design and development.

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Deliver a truely integrated transport system for the City.
Upgrade the urban environment and delivery quality places and spaces for people.
8.1a 8.1b

Appendix A Western Rail Plan

Appendix B Response Matrix


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Who (Delivery Agency)
Councillor identified issues and opportunities
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Deliver economic and development benefits to the
wider community beyond Sunshine alone - the 'bigger
picture' is important
- Investment attraction
- More jobs for locals
- Greater diversity of employment options
- Investment in construction and related education
- Local procurement
Department of Jobs, Precincts
and Regions
Victorian Planning Authority
- Attract greater investment and major site
development (with both a considered, and a diverse
range of appropriate uses) in Sunshine and along the
rail corridors
- Increased investment in Brimbank
- Commercial and residential development
- Global and regional headquarters
- Government departments
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Council
- Provide opportunity to promote Sunshine and
Brimbank beyond it being an interchange for the
- Increased profile and awareness of Sunshine and the City of Brimbank as a whole
- Greater recognition of the role of Sunshine in government strategies and other
- Recognised status of Sunshine as a “Precinct”
- Victorian Planning Authority
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Define precincts showing appropriate locations for
clusters of land uses, however ensuring there is a
degree of flexibility to deliver a diversity of land uses
over time
- Investment attraction
- Commercial and residential development
- Health, education, justice and government departments
- Urban green spaces, community / civic / event spaces and recreation
- Appropriate interim (short / medium term) use and development options that
contribute to the long term achievement of the vision
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Transport for Victoria
- Council
- Ensure no net loss in relation to infrastructure and
services as a result of the investment
- Maintained or improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
- Maintained or improved accessibility for people with limited mobility
- Maintained or improved parking and drop of infrastructure
- Maintained or improved bus interchange facilities and timetabling for trains and buses
- Minimal disruptions during construction
> Heart of the Local
- Victorian Planning Authority
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Ensure appropriate facilities for tourists and the
business community including hotels, accommodation
and conference centres etc.
- Tourism attraction
- More jobs for locals
- Greater diversity of employment options
- Increased recognition of Brimbank’s natural assets
- Increased recognition of Brimbank’s food and cultural assets
- Increased recognition of Brimbank’s locational advantages and strategic positioning
- Victorian Planning Authority
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Consider what exists and expand on it, includes points
of difference and key industry – such as the legal
- Consolidated / expanded legal precinct, health and education development
- Expanded government and non-government services
- Maintained / expanded food and cultural offering
- Increased innovative and ‘green’ building design
- Maintained / enhanced traditional ‘town centre’ street network and pedestrian

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- experience
- Maintained / enhanced local heritage (e.g. McKay Gardens and Harvester Gates)
- Identification of new industry sectors for Sunshine and surrounds
- Victorian Planning
- Department of Education
and Training
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Deliver economic uplift through additional employment
and education opportunities
- Empowered community
- Diversity acknowledged and celebrated
- Increase in education providers
- Greater proportion of population with qualifications
- Victorian Planning
- Department of
Environment, Land,
Water and Planning
- Delivers affordable housing outcomes
- Increased housing choice
- Affordable housing
- Victorian Planning
- Department of
Environment, Land,
Water and Planning
- Deliver access / connectivity improvements to, and
interchanging with the Sunshine Super Hub
- Increase in transport choice
- Increase in active transport opportunity and community use
- Enhanced pedestrian and cycling connectivity between Sunshine Place and the Town
- Improved access for people of limited mobility
- Shelter and amenities for people in transit (public infrastructure and surrounding land
uses and development)
- More trees and green landscaping
- Bus priority in road network
- Victorian Planning
- Retain the cultural diversity of Sunshine and sense of
- Emphasis on place making and delivery of sound urban design principles
- Increased community pride
- Retain or increase cultural celebrations
- Diversity acknowledged and celebrated
- Retain or increase cultural celebrations
- Community input into planning process and identification of priorities
- Increased innovative and ‘green’ building design
- Maintained / enhanced traditional ‘town centre’ street network and pedestrian
- Maintained / enhanced local heritage (e.g. McKay Gardens and Harvester Gates)
- Urban green spaces, community / civic / event spaces and recreation
- Integration of art into urban environment
- Provision of affordable spaces for small business and start-ups
- Ground level uses and design that engage with people
- Spaces and infrastructure that encourage people to stop, rest and / or engage
> Capitol of
Melbourne’s West
Social /
- Transport for Victoria
- Department of
Environment, Land,
- Provide an opportunity to get cars off 'already congested
roads' and provides an opportunity to advocate for and
obtain public transport improvements and connectivity
- Reduced car dependency
- Increased public transport choice and use
- Increase in active transport opportunity and use

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Water and Planning
- Council
across the Brimbank network and beyond
- Increased housing choice
- Affordable housing
- Victorian Planning
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Council
- Deliver investment, places and spaces for all users
including for all cultures, ages and ability
- Diverse representation of the community engaged in consultation processes
- New development and improved visual appearance of buildings and public spaces
- New and improved passive and active recreation spaces (e.g. passive green spaces and
skate parks) and community facilities
- Integration of art in the public realm
- Appropriate interpretation of cultural and heritage values in built form, street and
place names etc.
- Active streetscapes that cater for people of all ages and mobility (e.g. free of
obstruction and provision of resting places)
- Incorporation of CEPTED design principles
- Victorian Planning
- Council
- Retain and celebrate heritage
- Continued identification and protection of heritage places
- Appropriate interpretation of cultural and heritage values in built form, street and
place names etc.
- Transport for Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Pave the way for Sunshine to mature, investing in
activation and vibrancy, similar to the Melbourne CBD
- Urban green spaces, community / civic / event spaces and recreation
- Appropriate interim (short / medium term) use and development options that
contribute to the long term achievement of the vision
- Increased public transport choice and use
- Increase in active transport opportunity and use
- Increased housing choice
- Program of local and regional events to showcase Sunshine / Brimbank
- Provision of affordable spaces for small business and start-ups
- Transport for Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Adopt an integrated approach to transport, not just end
trip consideration. Light rail, bus, walking, cycling etc.
- Increased public transport choice and use
- Increase in active transport opportunity and use
- Increased public transport coverage, in particular, to local employment hubs (including
industrial areas) and places of potential environmental and cultural tourism
- Enhanced pedestrian and cycling connectivity between Sunshine Place and the Town
- Improved access for people of limited mobility
- Bus priority in road network
>Gateway to the
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Balance of natural features and built form
- Minimal impacts on flora to fauna
- Minimal ecological footprint
- Reduced carbon emissions
- More trees and green landscaping in urban environments

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- Victorian Planning
- Provide green corridors and spaces
- Maintain / enhance native habitat corridors identified In the Brimbank Connectivity
Plan 2018
- Network of urban green spaces linked via active transport infrastructure
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Protect flora, fauna and environmental impacts
- Public infrastructure works comply with State and Commonwealth environmental
approvals processes.
- Private development comply with Local, State and Commonwealth environmental
approvals processes
- Maintain / enhance native habitat corridors identified In the Brimbank Connectivity
Plan 2018
- Native vegetation offsets (where applicable) are procured within the municipality
(where possible)
- Victorian Planning
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and Regions
- Invest in green tourism such as Organ Pipes, Brimbank Park,
Maribyrnong River etc.
- Increased visitation of natural assets such as Organ Pipes, Brimbank Park, and
Maribyrnong River etc.
- Improved visitor infrastructure (e.g. toilets, cafes, shelters, shared paths, interpretive
and wayfinding signage etc.)
- Plan for Sydenham Park that improves local and regional access while maintain and
enhancing local ecological and cultural values
- Increased public and active transport connections to places of potential
environmental and cultural tourism
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Ensure sustainable design of public and private development
- Public and private development demonstrate industry best practice standards of
design and construction
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation is addressed in the planning and design of
public and private development
- Reduced carbon emissions from public and private development
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Provide appropriate engagement with the local community in
Sunshine and along the corridor impacted by the project (at all
- Amenity considered and upgraded
- Improvements to urban environment
- Pride of place
- Integrated places and spaces Community priorities addressed in planning and design
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Victorian Planning
- Council
- Establish clear and legible connections and boulevards within
Sunshine, along the rail corridor and throughout and across the
- Clear hierarchy of road network and users
- Enhanced signage and wayfinding
- Pedestrian and active transport prioritised
- Public transport needs addressed in planning and design of road network
- Continuity of landscaping
- Rail Projects Victoria - Ensure all impacts, including amenity, connectivity and other
relevant matters are minimised and managed during
construction, for the duration of the project and beyond. Need
to ensure 24 hour protection
- Construction Management and Environmental Management Plans to address
matters including but not limited to accessibility, safety, noise, pollution and visual
amenity of constructions zones
- Enforcement pursued if necessary

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- Rail Projects Victoria
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and
- Victorian Planning
- Provide appropriate engagement with the local community in
Sunshine and along the corridor impacted by the project (at all
- Clear stakeholder roles and functions
- Well informed community
- Information for CALD communities
- Diversity of representation in consultation processes
- Community input
- Councillor engagement
- No surprises
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and
- Victorian Planning
- Balance the new and the old
- Places of heritage and cultural significance are protected and enhanced
- New infrastructure and development responds to any identified heritage, cultural or
environmental vales
- New development responds to community aspirations identified through
- New development reflects the role of Sunshine as a major local and regional centre
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation is addressed in the planning and design of
public and private development
- Integration of future technologies / requirements are considered (e.g. renewable
energy and electric vehicles)
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and
- Victorian Planning
- Council
- Creates partnerships with other stakeholders to support projects
and benefits for the City
- Local, State and Commonwealth departments and agencies work together to
achieved the vision
- Commercial and other non-government industry stakeholders are identified and
partnerships are pursued for delivery of infrastructure and services
- Community groups, creatives and the not-for-profit sector are invited to contribute
to place-making activities and the provision of social services
- Rail Projects Victoria
- Department of Jobs,
Precincts and
- Victorian Planning
- Council
- Enables a win/win for the community
- Community aspirations for Sunshine / Brimbank are realised
- Pride of place
- New economic and education opportunities
- Culture and diversity are celebrated
- Improved choice and delivery of public and active transport
- Improved environmental outcomes for biodiversity and people
- Better access to services and diverse housing options
- Improved visual amenity and perceptions of safety
- Heritage and cultural values are maintained / enhanced

Appendix C Definitions
Definitions used in below Table 1
Eco - Economic
S/C - Social/Cultural
Enviro - Environmental
A - Amenity
G - Governance
Long term aim or goal to be achieved.
An identified process/course of action described to achieve a long term aim or goal.
Specific tasks required to achieve identified Strategy.
I = Immediate Action (within 3 months)
S = Short Term Action (1 - 2 years)
M = Medium Term Action (2 - 4 years)
L = Long Term Action (5+ years)
*Timeframe is subject to resourcing

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