Plan 2020
Community Report Card 2020-2022
Council’s Homelessness Implementation Plan (the Plan) reflects Council’s commitment
to support people in Brimbank without a home, following recommendations of
the Homelessness Research Report. This Report Card provides a summary of key
achievements over a two-year period since the Plan was adopted in June 2020.
Advocated to Federal and State Housing
Ministers, local Members of Parliament and peak
bodies in July 2020, sharing Council’s Research
Report and seeking support to deliver on the
Supported community housing providers to seek
funding through the Big Housing Build. Three
local projects were funded by Homes Victoria
in September 2021. This will result in 108
properties being built and will also create local
Adopted a Homelessness Protocol in March
2022 to provide an integrated, consistent and
flexible process for Council teams to safely
engage and support people experiencing
Adopted the Social and Affordable Housing
Position Statement in May 2022 to encourage
and support increased supply of social and
affordable housing as a means to address
Developed training to be delivered to over 150
Council staff from June 2022, in collaboration
with the Council to Homeless Persons, to raise
awareness and develop staff skill in responding
to people who find themselves without a home.
The training comprises an online module,
followed by a live session delivered by Council to
Homeless Persons, including people with lived
experience of homelessness.
Since the adoption of the Homelessness
Implementation Plan in 2020, Council has put
into action an integrated, flexible and coordinated
approach to preventing and responding to
homelessness in Brimbank.
Council has consistently advocated at all levels
for increased access to affordable housing stock
and improved support for homelessness services.
Acknowledging the impact of COVID-19 on the
Brimbank community, Council has actively supported
and collaborated with local service networks and
worked to improve access to Council services for
people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
The Homelessness Research Report was tabled
with Federal and State government Housing
Ministers and Members of Parliament in July
2020, with Council seeking support to deliver
on recommendations.
Council wrote to peak bodies in July 2020,
including Council to Homeless Persons, VCOSS,
and Western Homelessness Network, sharing
results of the Research Report, drawing
attention to key issues in Brimbank and creating
opportunities to join in advocacy initiatives.
Council officers prepared a submission to the
Victorian Government’s 10 year Strategy for
Social and Affordable Housing in April 2021,
demonstrating Council’s advocacy to prevent
and reduce the incidence and impact of
A Notice of Motion, calling on State and Federal
Governments to provide improved support
for homelessness services in Brimbank, was
supported at the May 2021 Council Meeting.
An online and printable resource has
been developed and shared on Council’s
homelessness webpage, providing the
community with information and links to
supports and services.
Council convened regular meetings with
service providers and established the
Brimbank Housing, Homelessness, Alcohol
and Other Drugs working group to coordinate
local initiatives and collaborate in funding
applications to meet local needs.
Council officers supported community housing
providers to seek funding through the Big
Housing Build, and three local projects were
funded by Homes Victoria in September 2021.
This will result in 108 properties being built and
will also create local employment.
Based on extensive research and consultation,
Council adopted a Position Statement on
Social and Affordable Housing in May 2022 to
encourage and support increased supply of
social and affordable housing in Brimbank.
Council services continue to explore and
implement options for people experiencing
homelessness to access supports such as
access to toilets, food preparation facilities
and short-term storage.
Council Libraries offer computers, charging
stations, programs and inclusive and welcoming
access. It is recognised that people without
a fixed address have limited borrowing rights
and street libraries provide resources at four
locations across Brimbank.
Key Achievements
361 - 1022
Brimbank City Council
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