Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
Dogs are an important part of our local community,
but dogs that bark excessively or persistently can
unreasonably interfere with the peace, comfort or
convenience of others.
If you have a problem with a neighbour’s dog, this
brochure contains information that may help.
Approaching the dog’s owner in a neighborly manner and
discussing your concerns can often help to resolve this
type of complaint.
What you should do to resolve
the problem
Sometimes, the dog’s owner may not realise that
the barking is causing an annoyance to other people,
• The dog may only bark excessively when the owner is
not home.
• The owner may not hear the barking from some areas
in their house.
• The owner may be a very sound sleeper and has not
woken when the dog barks.
Approach your neighbour – this may resolve the
issue without further action
Council’s expectation is that you attempt to contact
the dog owner and advise them that their dog is
causing you a nuisance by barking.
In most cases, problems with barking dogs can
be worked out between neighbours. Consider
approaching your neighbour, either in person or
by sending them a letter. More often than not, the
problem can be resolved if you approach the owner
of the dog and explain the effects of the dog barking.
A sample
“Dear Dog Owner”
letter is available to
help you if you are not comfortable approaching
them in person.
(see page 8) Sample Letter
Why dogs bark
Dogs bark for many reasons, and
even though they appear to be
“barking for no reason” they are in
fact trying to communicate something.
The main reasons dogs bark are:
• Lack of exercise
• Inadequate yard space
• Boredom or lack of stimulation\enrichment
• Inadequate shelter from weather conditions
• Hunger or thirst
• Medical conditions such as an illness or
• Provocation
• Disturbances such as thunder, wind,
unusual sounds
• Change to family structure/separation
anxiety that can lead to destructiveness,
howling or escaping
• Movement outside the dog’s property
Whilst some barking is very normal behavior as
per the reasons listed above, it is the owner’s
responsibility to manage their dog’s barking so that
it does not become excessive and cause a nuisance.
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
When can a complaint be made
to council?
If after direct contact with your neighbour, you were
unsuccessful in resolving the problem, you will need to
complete the following to make a formal complaint to
• Identify the address where the dog resides and
provide a description of the offending dog/s.
• Complete Council’s
“Barking Dog Complaint Form”
form (see page 3)
• Complete a
“Barking Dog Log”
(see page 4) over a
continuous period of 14 days. Note down the;
— date, time and duration of nuisance noise,
— whether it was consistent (C) or intermittent (I),
— type of noise (barking, howling, whining, etc.)
— if you know the reason for the barking,
— as well as the effect dog’s barking is having on you.
You will be asked to continue to record on the Barking
Dog Log after you send in the 14 day report you already
completed. This will enable Council to move to the next
step in dealing with an issue, should the owner have not
resolved the nuisance noise.
The more evidence you have, the more impact it will have
should the matter proceed to legal action.
What will council do once a
complaint is made?
When Council receives a complaint from you which
includes the “Barking Dog Complaint” form and the
“Barking Dog Log”, Council will appoint an Animal
Management Officer who will contact you to discuss
the issue, what can be done and what may be needed
further from you.
The Animal Management Officer will:
• Study the diary to establish barking patterns to try to
determine the reason for the dog’s barking
• Confirm that other nominated residents are being
affected by the dog’s barking
• Advise the dog owner of the complaint and discuss
possible solutions
• Inform the dog owner of their responsibilities.
If the Animal Management Officer believes there is a
problem with the dog, they will work with the owners
until they believe that the owner has done everything
possible to help correct the barking behaviour.
The Animal Management Officer can issue a verbal
warning to the owner and/or a written warning (Notice
to Comply). Infringements may be issued to the dog
owner for failure to comply with a written notice.
Council can only commence court action if:
the owner of the dog is not complying with
Council’s request, and
the dog is a problem, and
the owner of the dog has exhausted all avenues
to resolve the problem, and
the complainant is prepared to go to court.
If at any time, Council does not receive assistance from
you in resolving this issue and you have not done what
Council has requested of you, the complaint will be
terminated and you may choose to take your own court
(If you don’t understand what you have just read,
then you are advised to seek legal advice.)
Your legal requirements for
court action
In complaints of this nature, if the matter is not resolved,
Council’s actions are guided by the requirements of the
Domestic Animal Act 1994. The only way Council can
abate the noise completely is to go to court and obtain a
Court Order.
If no satisfactory action is taken by the dog’s owner to
resolve the problem, and reconciliation attempts fail,
leaving the problem unresolved, Council may proceed
with legal action against the dog owner at a Magistrates’
Court, and apply for a Court Order against the owner to
abate the noise.
You will then be required to go to Court as a witness
and give evidence, as it is you as the complainant, not
Council, who will need to convince a Magistrate that
the dog is a nuisance.
You must complete a comprehensive diary of the dog
barking over a minimum period of two (2) weeks. This
will show any patterns of the dog’s barking behavior.
Remember that the evidence you give may be subjected
to cross-examination in a court of law.
Council will advise you to take the matter to court only if:
• It is fully established that there is a case to answer
• All avenues for reconciliation of the problems are
• More than one person is prepared to go to court and
give evidence as well
Note - Council will not get involved in any domestic
dispute between you and your neighbour. If this
happens, Council will inform you to take your own
legal action.
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
Barking dog complaint form
Please be advised that all information recorded on this document is admissible as evidence and may
be used in Court.
Your details
Phone: (Home)
Offending Dog Details
Colour & Breed Dog 1
Colour & Breed Dog 2
• Have you read the “Barking Dog Reference Guide”?
• Have you verified where the barking is coming from?
• Have you spoken to the neighbours about this problem?
• Are other neighbours prepared to support your claim?
• If YES, please provide their name and contact details below:
I, the undersigned wish to lodge a formal complaint with Brimbank City Council in relation to the dog(s) described
above which bark persistently to such a degree that it unreasonably interferes with my peace, comfort, or convenience
in my premises.
I submit all documented evidence of this as being truthful and accurate and will give evidence under oath before a
Court should the complaint not be rectified by the investigating Council Officer. I also understand that this evidence
may be subject to cross examination should the matter proceed to Court.
I understand that no action will be taken against the dog owner, by Council or its officers until the Complaint Form
and relevant evidence has been signed, and the information returned to Council.
Signature of Complainant
Privacy Statement: Brimbank City Council is collecting the personal information for the purpose of gathering information applicable to this complaint.
The information will be used for investigating the complaint and will not be disclosed to another party except as required by law.
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
- Barking / Yapping
- Whining
- Growling
- Howling
- Other (specify)
This information may assist Council staff in resolving the issue
Please note: (1) Please be aware that complaints need to be dealt with in order of priority.
(2) Should legal action be necessary, you will be required to give evidence in Court.
(3) For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service –
9249 4000
Complainant’s Signature
Please return completed forms to:
Privacy Statement: Brimbank City Council is collecting the personal information for the purpose of gathering information applicable to this complaint.
The information will be used for investigating the complaint and will not be disclosed to another party except as required by law.
Brimbank City Council
PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020
Brimbank Community and Civic Centre
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine 3020
Keilor Community Hub
704B Old Calder Hwy, Keilor 3036
Barking dog log
Offending Address
Start Finish Type
(see below)
Cause of nuisance
Briefly explain how alleged
nuisance affects you
25/9/20 9pm 9.10pm 4
Fireworks/thunder Disturbed me from…. study
26/9/20 5am 5.45am 1
Woke me up
26/9/20 9.15am 9.18am 1
car leaving
disturbed me from....
26/9/20 3pm 3.08pm 1
children walking past
waking my baby
In order for the investigation to be completed barking times need to be as accurate as possible
and specific to times of actual barking
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
- Barking / Yapping
- Whining
- Growling
- Howling
- Other (specify)
This information may assist Council staff in resolving the issue
Please note: (1) Please be aware that complaints need to be dealt with in order of priority.
(2) Should legal action be necessary, you will be required to give evidence in Court.
(3) For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service –
9249 4000
Complainant’s Signature
Please return completed forms to:
Privacy Statement: Brimbank City Council is collecting the personal information for the purpose of gathering information applicable to this complaint.
The information will be used for investigating the complaint and will not be disclosed to another party except as required by law.
Brimbank City Council
PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020
Brimbank Community and Civic Centre
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine 3020
Keilor Community Hub
704B Old Calder Hwy, Keilor 3036
Barking dog log
Offending Address
Start Finish Type
(see below)
Cause of nuisance
Briefly explain how alleged
nuisance affects you
In order for the investigation to be completed barking times need to be as accurate as possible
and specific to times of actual barking
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
- Barking / Yapping
- Whining
- Growling
- Howling
- Other (specify)
This information may assist Council staff in resolving the issue
Please note: (1) Please be aware that complaints need to be dealt with in order of priority.
(2) Should legal action be necessary, you will be required to give evidence in Court.
(3) For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service –
9249 4000
Complainant’s Signature
Please return completed forms to:
Privacy Statement: Brimbank City Council is collecting the personal information for the purpose of gathering information applicable to this complaint.
The information will be used for investigating the complaint and will not be disclosed to another party except as required by law.
Brimbank City Council
PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020
Brimbank Community and Civic Centre
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine 3020
Keilor Community Hub
704B Old Calder Hwy, Keilor 3036
Barking dog log
Offending Address
Start Finish Type
(see below)
Cause of nuisance
Briefly explain how alleged
nuisance affects you
In order for the investigation to be completed barking times need to be as accurate as possible
and specific to times of actual barking
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
- Barking / Yapping
- Whining
- Growling
- Howling
- Other (specify)
This information may assist Council staff in resolving the issue
Please note: (1) Please be aware that complaints need to be dealt with in order of priority.
(2) Should legal action be necessary, you will be required to give evidence in Court.
(3) For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service –
9249 4000
Complainant’s Signature
Please return completed forms to:
Privacy Statement: Brimbank City Council is collecting the personal information for the purpose of gathering information applicable to this complaint.
The information will be used for investigating the complaint and will not be disclosed to another party except as required by law.
Brimbank City Council
PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020
Brimbank Community and Civic Centre
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine 3020
Keilor Community Hub
704B Old Calder Hwy, Keilor 3036
Barking dog log
Offending Address
Start Finish Type
(see below)
Cause of nuisance
Briefly explain how alleged
nuisance affects you
In order for the investigation to be completed barking times need to be as accurate as possible
and specific to times of actual barking
Brimbank City Council –
Barking Dog Reference Guide
Barking Dog
Reference Guide
_______ / _______ / __________
Dear Dog Owner,
You may not be aware but your dog is currently causing a nuisance in the neighbourhood by barking.
Brimbank City Council suggests that as a first step, I express my concern to you, to allow you the opportunity
to rectify the situation without recording an official complaint with Council.
The nuisance barking is generally during the following times /situations:
1: _________________________________________________________________________________
2: _________________________________________________________________________________
3: _________________________________________________________________________________
The noise is mostly:
- Barking
- Whining
- Crying
- Growling
- Howling
Your cooperation is all that is needed at this time to avoid this matter progressing further.
Please refer to the link below for any guidance and advice that you feel may assist you.
Thank you
Refer to Council's
Barking Dog Owner Guide
150 - 0523