Inside this Issue
P 2 Future housing & neighbourhoods • Join Brimbank Community Voice • Donate non-perishable goods to the Giving Tree
P3 We Are Brimbank Awards 2023 • Help for kids to get In2Sport • National award for investment attraction P4 Ward updates
P5 Council business P6 Meet Brimbank's first female waste truck driver • Sydenham Park shared user path opens • Snake season
P7 Wellness services • Your questions answered • Let’s make it a greener Christmas P8 Christmas Calendar • What's on
1 • 2023
comes to
Brimbank will be bursting with festivities
throughout December as our city comes
together to spread good cheer during the
most wonderful time of the year.
The main event will be a
Festive Family Fun Day
on Saturday 2 December from 11am-3pm, at Green
Gully Reserve in Keilor Downs.
Entry is free so bring your family and friends to
enjoy a full stage show program of entertainment,
community performers and sing-a-long Christmas
There also will delicious food to tempt your taste
buds, as well as face painting, craft activities for the
kids to show off their creative flair or they can learn
how to hoola hoop.
And you will get the chance to pose for a festive
photo in our Christmas Wonderland with the
jolly fellow in red, Santa Claus, who ho-ho-hopes
you’ve been good this year.
There will be an accessible drop-off zone at this
event and a chill-out zone should you or your
child need space to rest.
More celebrations
In addition to celebrations at Green Gully, our
Sunshine and St Albans town centres and local
shopping centre activations will entertain while
you shop to your heart’s content this season.
Check out the popular
Sunshine Christmas
on Friday 1 December from 3–6.30pm
at Civic Green in Hampshire Road.
Get your photos with Santa in the big red chair,
see stilt-walking Christmas beetles, a roller
skating elf, plus face painting and festive music.
Or why not drop into the
St Albans Town Centre
on Saturday 9 December from 11 – 2pm in Library
Reserve, Alfrieda Street, for your Santa photos?
You can help to create social media buzz by tagging
your vibrant photos on Facebook @brimbankcouncil
or on Instagram @brimbank
Check out our full calendar of Christmas events
across the city on page 8.
There is something for everyone. For more details
on our festivities, visit
Share your vision for future housing and the
look and feel of Brimbank’s neighbourhoods
Have your say on the draft Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy,
and help shape the future of housing in Brimbank.
We’ve prepared a draft Strategy to guide housing
growth and development to meet Brimbank’s
future housing needs.
Our draft vision is for Brimbank to include green,
connected and diverse neighbourhoods, offering a
range of high quality, sustainable housing choices
for everyone at every stage of their life by 2041.
We’re seeking the community’s feedback, and
here’s a few things to reflect on when considering
Brimbank’s future housing needs:
• What type of housing will you and your family
need over the next 20 years?
• How should Brimbank’s neighbourhoods look
and feel in the future?
• Where should new housing be located?
to review
the draft strategy and provide your feedback. You
can also join our final drop-in session at Sunshine
Library on Thursday 30 November, 5.30–7.30pm.
Feedback can be provided until 13 December 2023.
Donate non-perishable
goods to the Giving Tree
Don’t forget to show kindness to those struggling
in our community by donating non-perishable goods
to our 2023 Giving Tree program.
This is a chance to show how much you care by collecting
extra items in your shopping trolley at the store and
dropping them off at one of our charity partners. They are:
430 Melton Hwy, Taylors Lakes
Saturday 18 November – 9am-4pm  
Saturday 25 November – 11am-1pm
Friday 1, 8, 15, 22 December – 10am-1pm 
Donation box in foyer
Commonwealth Bank Australia
Keilor Central Shopping Centre
80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs
Donation box in foyer
Commonwealth Bank Australia
Watergardens Shopping Centre
399 Melton Hwy, Taylors Lakes
Donation box in foyer
Brimbank Council Festive Family Fun Day
Green Gully Reserve, Keilor Downs
Saturday 2 December – 11am-3pm
Keilor Retirement Village
868 Old Calder Highway, Keilor
Donation box in foyer
Levande The Lakes Community
(Retirement Village)
800 Kings Road, Taylors Lakes
Donation box in foyer
Office of the State Member for Sydenham
Natalie Hutchins MP
Aquagardens Shopping Centre
28A Hume Drive, Sydenham
Donation box in foyer
Salvation Army
42 Devonshire Road, Sunshine
Tuesdays to Fridays – 10am-4pm
Tin Shed Neighbourhood House
309A Main Road East, St Albans
Mondays to Thursdays – 9am-3pm
West Welcome Wagon
Unit 6, 42-46 Vella Drive, West Sunshine
Mondays to Fridays – 10am-4pm
Saturdays – 10am-12noon
Westvale Community Centre
45 Kings Road, St Albans
Mondays to Tuesdays – 10.30am-1pm
Thanks for your generosity – and let’s all
look out for each other this festive season.
Read, learn & play with your Brimbank Libraries membership.
To join today, scan the code or visit
Brimbank Community Voice is a group of
community members, ratepayers and business
owners whom we call upon to provide insights
and feedback to help design services, programs
and policies that impact on the community.
Earlier this year community members were
invited to join Brimbank Community Voice, to
share their views and ideas with Council and help
shape Brimbank’s future.
Almost 300 people have joined Brimbank
Community Voice and have participated in a
variety of workshops, focus groups, discussions
and surveys including:
• Community Engagement Policy review
• LGBTIQA+ Action Plan
• Housing and Neighbourhood Character
• Draft Annual Budget and Action Plan
Is this you?
We are now looking for more members. We are
particularly seeking greater representation from:
• Young people aged 18-24 years
• Older adults aged 75+ years
• People who identify as LGBTQIA+
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
• People who operate a business with
3 or more employees.
We're also calling for people who speak
Vietnamese, Arabic, Macedonian, Cantonese
and Punjabi.
What’s required of you?
No special knowledge or experience is needed,
just an interest in contributing to the community.
Everyone aged 18 years and older is welcome
to sign up. As a member, you’ll be the first to hear
about upcoming consultations and opportunities
to have a say, and you’ll help Council design and
deliver services that meet community needs. You’ll
also be able to put up your hand up to participate
in the activities that suit your interests and
availability. There will be different opportunities
to be involved. This may include participating
online, face-to-face, or over the phone. There is
no minimum time commitment required, you can
choose to participate when it suits your schedule.
Supporting you
Council will provide support to make sure all
members of Brimbank Community Voice can
participate. If members need interpretation, vision
or hearing support, or other assistance such as
childcare or help with other caring responsibilities
or transport support, Council will work to provide
this. When registering, please let Council know
about any special requirements.
How to register
To register your interest in joining the Brimbank
Community Voice panel, please visit:
If you have questions contact Nivek Thompson,
from Deliberately Engaging, by calling
0472 761 324
or emailing
We’re looking for more
members to join Brimbank
Community Voice to ensure
the panel is representative
of the broader Brimbank
National award
for investment
Brimbank Council has won a national award for
a program to attract migrants to move to and
open businesses in Brimbank.
The Brimbank Investment Attraction Plan for
Business Migrants with a Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse Background was a winner at the Economic
Development Australia Awards for Excellence. It
won the Economic Development Equity, Diversity
and Inclusion category, which recognises economic
development projects that foster equity, diversity and
Council created a new migrant investment and
settlement support network, specifically aimed at
non-English speaking business migrants seeking
permanent residency in Australia. The Vietnamese
market was identified as the ideal target in the
trial phase as it is Brimbank’s largest culturally and
linguistically diverse community. This is the first
successful in-language Vietnamese Investment
Migration program initiated and run by a local
government in Australia.
Learn more about investing in Brimbank by calling
9249 4750
or email
Multicultural women
excel in leadership
Brimbank women are learning new skills
for advancement.
Our dynamic Brimbank Multicultural Women’s
Leadership Program saw 25 women from
diverse cultural backgrounds sharpen their skills
in communication, public speaking and other
leadership capacities.
The program was designed to support the
participants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia,
Somalia, South Sudan, Burundi and Myanmar to
increase their confidence, learn from each other,
work across cultural lines and acquire skills to
advance into positions of community leadership.
In partnership with not-for-profit organisation MiCare,
the program ran from August to October as part of
the Brimbank Community Leadership Program. This
program is open for registrations in late January 2024
for the February/March intake, so keep an eye out for
more information on our website.
Help for kids to get In2Sport
Applications open in early 2024 for this program
which makes sports participation easier
for families, carers and single parents with
a Health Care or Pension Concession Card.
The In2Sport program helps kids in Brimbank take
part in community sport, regardless of financial
circumstances. If you’re eligible, you can claim up
to $200 or 75% of membership fees per child.
Applications open 22 January for winter 2024 season
for priority period applicants, and 12 February
for everyone else. The priority period is open to
females, first time applicants, carers and people
living with disability.
Get in quick so you don’t miss out.
To be eligible for In2Sport,
applicants must:
• Live in Brimbank
• Choose a Brimbank sports club or a
community-based sports program in
Brimbank (must be not-for-profit)
• Be aged 6–18 years (at time of application)
• Have their name listed on the uploaded Health
Care Card/Pension Concession Card. The provided
card must be valid at the time of application.
The program provides an opportunity for children
to be part of an inclusive sports activity program
and makes sports participation even easier!
Image shows (L-R) Pat Banerjee from Utsav Melbourne Association, Partha Sinha from Utsav Melbourne Association, Megan O’Shea
from Friends of Iramoo, Emma Kilinakis from Defib in your Street, Marj Devereux from Defib in your Street, Jacob Thang from
Auschin Group, Patrick Nicholls from Hester Hornbrook Academy, Carmen Maddison from Auschin Group, Jemma Rowe from
Hester Hornbrook Academy, as well as Loretta Beliniak, Gary Egan, Sarah Carthew, and Neil Hunichen from Friends of Sydenham Park.
We Are Brimbank Awards 2023
This year’s winners have shared and celebrated culture, saved lives, preserved our unique flora
and fauna, helped settle new arrivals, and provide alternatives to traditional education pathways.
The 2023 We Are Brimbank Awards
pay tribute to the extraordinary groups and organisations making
a positive difference in our community and recognise the exceptional contributions, hard work and
determination of those making a positive difference in Brimbank. Awards were presented across five
categories, and the winners are:
Arts, Culture or Tourism Award
Utsav Melbourne Association
Utsav Melbourne Association (UMA) hold events
that celebrate Durga Puja Indian/Hindu festival, and
other programs that assist the community including
counselling sessions, fundraising drives and food
deliveries to the homelessness and others in need.
Community Engagement Award
Defib In Your Street (St John’s Ambulance)
Defib In Your Street provides free training programs
and resources to community groups and schools,
educating about First Aid, defibrillator use and
emergency awareness.
Innovation Award
Auschin Group
Auschin Group is a family-run commercial landscaping
business established in 2018 to create employment
opportunities for newly arrived Chin refugees.
Auschin supports Chin and Burmese people with
education, employment, settlement and community
services and advocacy, as well as preserving the
culture, traditions, and values of the Chin community.
Learning Excellence Award
Hester Hornbrook Academy  
Hester Hornbrook Academy provides free, high
quality education with extensive wellbeing and
academic supports to young people in the west.
Environment or Sustainability Award
Joint winners:
Friends of Sydenham Park
and Friends of Iramoo
Friends of Sydenham Park actively contribute to
preservation of Sydenham Park, to encourage
use and promote environmental sustainability
for the benefit of future generations.
Friends of Iramoo are passionate about native
grasslands and sustainability in the west, who
are well known for their work at the Iramoo
Wildflower Grassland Reserve.
Congratulations to all the winners
and everyone who was nominated
or involved with this year’s awards.
Grasslands Ward
Albanvale, Cairnlea, Deer Park,
Kings Park, and the western part
of the suburb of St Albans.
St Andrews Park upgraded
St Andrews Park in Deer Park has been
upgraded to include a new playground,
swings, slides and nature play space.
There is a new sheltered picnic area
with BBQ facilities and seating, more
trees, gardens and better footpaths.
It’s another green space to support
our community’s physical health
and wellbeing.
Festive fun
Christmas is coming and our Enjoy
Local festive activations are returning
this year with plenty of festive family
fun. The Deer Park shopping strip
will come alive with children’s crafts,
live entertainment and face painting.
Don’t miss all the Christmas activities
spread across many shopping centres.
Visit Deer Park Library
Deer Park library recently celebrated
its 30th birthday. Visit the library and
discover a range of events for children
and adults, from storytime to study
sessions, crafts and computer classes,
and family friendly holiday programs.
Check out the newly developed
Maker Space too. It offers activities
in crafting, digital designing, coding
and creation.
Harvester Ward
Albion, Ardeer, Brooklyn,
Derrimut, Sunshine, Sunshine
North and Sunshine West.
Sunshine Community Battery
We’re exploring sites around Sunshine
for Brimbank’s first community battery.
Community batteries are mid-sized
batteries that can store excess solar
energy generated during the day to be
used in the evening when energy use
is higher. They provide benefits for the
community and the electricity system.
Council received a $500,000 Federal
Government grant as part of the
Community Batteries for Household
Solar program to fund this project.
Stay tuned for more updates.
iHarvest celebrates its five
year anniversary
December marks five years since
Brimbank Council opened the doors at
this vibrant and affordable co-working
location for start-ups, entrepreneurs,
freelancers and small business.
iHarvest offers an exciting program
of business mentoring, masterclasses,
workshops and networking. Located in
the heart of Sunshine, it is a short walk
from the Sunshine train station, and
there’s lots of free car parking nearby.
to see if iHarvest is right for your
business, or to book an obligation
free tour and trial.
Horseshoe Bend
Ward update
Kealba and Keilor Park, the Brimbank
parts of the suburbs of Keilor, Keilor
East and Tullamarine, and the eastern
part of the suburb of St Albans.
Road improvements
Road rehabilitation works started
early November in Patterson Avenue,
Keilor, and start end November in
George Street, St Albans. We’ll also
be constructing road humps on
Brimbank Road, Keilor East. More road
rehabilitation works will start early
February in Burns Avenue, St Albans.
Bowery Theatre
There’s plenty of choice at the Bowery
Theatre including the Australian
premiere of
I Me She Him
by Taiwanese
Playwright Stan Lai,
One Love Dance
Vision Workshops
or the End of
Year Party for 12-18 year olds. Visit
for details.
Special library Christmas
Don’t miss the Library Christmas
extravaganza at the Bowery Theatre
on 5 December. The show includes
Christmas stories, singing and
spreading cheer! Suitable for kids
of all ages.
Keilor Library has some exciting school
holiday activities in January, including
All Ages Storytime, Chalk Painting
Magic, STEAM Tech fun and the
National Gallery Victoria Kids on Tour.
For details visit
Taylors Ward
Calder Park, Delahey, Keilor
Downs, Keilor Lodge, Keilor North,
Sydenham and Taylors Lakes, and
the Brimbank part of Hillside.
Sydenham Park
Stage 1 open, Keilor
Some of the exciting and new
developments now completed are the
shared-use trails, a lookout, a picnic
space, seating and signage, with more
to come. Stage 1 works cost around
$2,400,000, which includes a grant
of $300,000 from State Government.
Linear Park, Taylors Lakes
Next time you visit Taylors Lakes
Linear Park, check out the new garden
bed which was recently planted, with
a total of 66 plants put in, along with
a generous layer of mulch.
Thistle Court, Delahey
Council has invested $283,000 to
rehabilitate Thistle Court using
innovative construction materials to
extend the road use life. This includes
using a longer wearing asphalt, as well
as improved drainage of water on the
road and a new kerb and channel.
For those really hot days, more tree
planting space has been created in
the area, as well as extra parking
strip space to allow room for passing
vehicles against parked cars.
This publication went to print before
the Council Meeting that was to
be held on 17 November to elect
the Mayor for the next 12 months.
For more information on the election
results visit
Council meetings
These are usually held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm.
The Council Chamber is open to the public to observe each Council meeting. Brimbank
also live-streams Council meetings via the website and YouTube. Council will not
tolerate any behaviour that threatens the safety of anyone present in the Chamber
during a Council meeting, or which disrupts the ability of Council to conduct its
business on behalf of the community. The next Council Meeting is on 12 December.
You can view the Meeting Agenda on our website from the Friday afternoon before
the Council Meeting. For more information visit
Council Business
Your elected Councillors meet once a month to debate Council business, set strategic objectives
and make decisions on behalf of the community. Here are some of the key decisions made recently.
Cr Victoria Borg
0429 365 527
Cr Sarah Branton
0407 836 064
Cr Thuy Dang
0437 744 803
Grasslands Ward
Cr Maria Kerr
0437 796 630
Cr Bruce Lancashire
0429 637 689
Cr Ranka Rasic
0437 861 296
Taylors Ward
Cr Jae Papalia
0437 838 710
Cr Virginia Tachos
0428 915 671
Horseshoe Bend Ward
Cr Sam David JP
0429 355 239
Cr Thomas O’Reilly
0409 210 431
Cr Jasmine Nguyen
0437 740 042
Harvester Ward
In September Council:
• Adopted the Brimbank Advocacy Plan
• Endorsed moving Brimbank’s Australia Day
Citizenship Ceremony to three days before
or three days after 26 January from 2024,
as provided for in the Australian Citizenship
Ceremonies Code.
• Gave notice of its intent to declare the
St Albans Town Centre Marketing and
Business Development Special Rate.
• Noted an update on Transforming
Brimbank that summarises progress
on major projects and key milestones
for the current financial year.
• Noted and approved, in principle, the
Financial Statements 2022/2023 and
Performance Statement 2022/2023.
• Carried two Notices of Motion: Community
Safety in Brimbank – raised by Cr Thomas
O’Reilly; and State funding for Taylors Lakes
Sporting Club Sports Lighting Upgrade –
raised by Cr Ranka Rasic.
In October Council:
• Adopted the Annual Report 2022-2023.
• Adopted the Sports Facility Development Plan 2023.
• Endorsed the draft Brimbank Housing and
Neighbourhood Character Strategy for
community consultation till 13 December.
• Endorsed the Draft Complaints Policy to be
released for public consultation.
• Resolved to go out to public consultation with three
proposed alternative Aboriginal names for Sydenham
Park in Keilor North.
• Endorsed a submission to the Australian Government,
providing recommendations towards the development
of a new National Housing and Homelessness Plan.
• Carried four Notices of Motion: Objection to the application
for extension of trading hours by Braybrook Hotel – raised
by Cr Virginia Tachos; Redesignation of the car parks in
front of Council 301 Hampshire Road to accessible car
parks – raised by Cr Maria Kerr; Call for government to
impose ban on gambling advertising – raised by Cr Virginia
Tachos; Communications with Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse communities – raised by Cr Thomas O’Reilly.
Reminder: check permit requirements before undertaking works
If you’re planning to build or change the way your land is being used, you may need a permit. Depending on what you want to do, you may need a
Planning Permit, a Building Permit, or both.
All it takes is a quick phone call to Council to check if a planning or building permit is required. Call us on
9249 4000
to speak to the Planning and Building departments.
You can also find information on planning and building permit requirements on our website
Meet Brimbank's first female waste truck driver
Employee Spotlight: Verna Pateman,
Waste Services Driver.
Verna is part of a tight-knit team of waste
collection drivers that picks up recycling and
green waste bins from around Brimbank.
“I love my job and I love the people I work with,”
she says.
“Everybody helps each other, so if someone
finishes their rounds early they pitch in to help
the others so we all get back at the same time.”
They tackle the main streets first to avoid the
busy traffic periods when people are going to
work or dropping their kids off at school.
The community appreciates the work Verna and
her team do to help keep our city clean.
“Little kids come into their front yard, wave at you and
want you to toot the horn on your truck,” she says.
Verna’s advice to other women looking to break new
ground is “go for it, give it a try, and never look back”.
Snake season
Here are some practical tips to get prepared for
snake season because as the weather warms up,
so do our slithery friends.
• Clean up around your house and keep grass short.
• Don’t leave stacks of timber or sheets of iron
lying about.
• Keep grain or pet food storage areas clean and tidy
as these attract mice – a snake’s favoured food.
• Keep garden rockeries and ferneries clear and tidy
as these are cool places that attract snakes on
warm days.
• Avoid walking around your backyard in bare feet. 
• Wear leg protection and use a torch on hot nights.
• Make sure your fences are secure with no gaps
under the fence, holes or broken palings, if your
property backs onto park land or creek.
If you see a snake on your property:
• Keep calm, walk away safely – taking any
pets with you – and keep an eye on the
snake from a safe distance.
• Do not attempt to remove it yourself.
• Remember that snakes are protected under
the Wildlife Act 1975. It’s illegal to capture,
kill or harm them.
There is a no charge professional snake 
catching service to remove snakes from
residential properties within Brimbank. This
is available seven days a week, including after
hours by calling
9249 4000
For more information visit
search for ‘snake’.
Work with us
Want to join the team at Brimbank Council and
make a real difference in the community? Head
over to our website to check out the job vacancies
on offer at
Sydenham Park shared user path opens
Council has created a new shared user path
at Sydenham Park providing access to the
city’s largest green open space.
We’ve created a destination for walking, cycling
and picnicking along a new $2.4 million shared
user path, which also includes a lookout, picnic
space, seating, signage and walking trails.
The pathway starts at the Kings Road/Calder
Freeway Interchange and connects to a 2km
walking circuit that allows residents to enjoy the
beauty of this natural asset.
The shared pathway is part of the Sydenham
Park Master Plan Stage 1 works, and the
beginning of developing Sydenham Park
as a key destination for Brimbank. This
project was made possible by the Victorian
Government’s $300,000 contribution as part
of the Suburban Parks Program. Brimbank
Council  contributed $2.1 million to the project.
About Sydenham Park
Sydenham Park is a 231-hectare reserve in Keilor
North with inherent environmental, cultural and
ecological values. Its distinct landscape includes
river valleys with vistas across the Maribyrnong
Valley and is home to kangaroos, wallabies,
birdlife, river animals, native plants and more.
Sydenham Park is also a place of cultural
significance. The Wurundjeri people have been
connected to this land for tens of thousands of
years, caring for the park’s waterways, land and
flora and fauna.
Brimbank’s open spaces play an important
role in supporting the community’s physical
and mental wellbeing through connecting
with nature. Sydenham Park is another green
space for our community to enjoy outdoor play,
physical activity and social interaction, leading to
healthier lifestyles.
Your questions answered
We answer the top five questions our Customer Service officers receive over the holiday period.
What dates are my Council rates due?
• 30 September - 1st instalment
• 30 November - 2nd instalment
• 28 February - 3rd instalment
• 31 May - 4th instalment
Will my bins be emptied on a public holiday
like Christmas Day and New Year’s Day?
We don’t pick up garbage, recycling or food and
garden organics (FOGO) waste on 
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day – it will be collected
following day, including Saturdays.
How do I organise a hard waste
collection for my property?
Every residential household in Brimbank can book
one ‘no charge’
At Call Hard Waste collection
service each financial year (1 July-30 June).
Book either online or call
9249 4728.
What are the Brimbank Customer
Service Centre opening hours?
Customer Service Centres are open Monday to Friday
between 8.45am–5pm at:
Brimbank Community and Civic Centre,
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine, and
Keilor Community Hub,
704B Old Calder Highway, Keilor
The centres do not operate on public holidays. 
What level of care is needed if I own
an empty block of land?
Owners need to maintain empty blocks, remove
any rubbish and keep grass less than 150mm high
throughout the year. Seasonal inspections have
started, making sure properties are kept safe during
the hotter months. Council sends out notices for
properties that fail inspection requiring owners
to carry remedial works, if needed.
Wellness services at Brimbank Aquatic
and Wellness Centre
Did you know our co-located partners provide a range of services to contribute to your wellbeing?
There’s plenty to do in the pool and at the gym,
but you may not be aware that there are a range of
other support services provided by our co-located
partners on the first floor at the Brimbank Aquatic
and Wellness Centre.
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
has been
supporting women, girls and families in the area for
over 30 years and offers a range of services, including:
• Family services
• Young families playgroup
• Financial counselling and financial capability
• Family violence services
• Youth homelessness
• No interest loan and financial services
is a culturally diverse community
organisation embedded in the west for more than 40
years and provides individual, family and community
services focused on creating positive change, growth
and empowerment through a range of prevention
and early intervention programs including:
• Community education
• Children’s contact services
• Legal services (through Brimbank Melton
Community Legal Centre)
• Neighbourhood house
• Community engagement and development activities
Distinctive Options
 is an approved NDIS support
located in Brimbank, Bairnsdale, Bendigo and Sunbury
with more than 35 years’ experience creating
opportunities for people to achieve their ambitions
and practice choice and control over their lives.
Distinctive Options supports NDIS participants to
build independence in all areas of life, including:
• Education and employment
• Leisure and recreation
• Social and communication
• Technology including virtual reality
• Accommodation
• Skills for life
• Holidays and short stays
• Self advocacy
The great benefit of having these organisations
co-located is that you can drop in when visiting or
make an appointment to fit in with your exercise
and recreation plans.
The Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre is located
at 90 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs 3038. Tel:
9249 4635
Let’s make
it a greener
Around Christmas the amount of waste ending up
in our bins jumps by about 30 per cent. Let’s do
what we can to avoid this. We’ve got some tips
to assist, and Council services you can use during
the festive season, and all year round.
1. Good festive habits
Changing our habits can help. Like gifting experiences
rather than bulky gifts, using less wrapping paper and
plastic and avoiding over-catering for festive events.
2. Go FOGO for Christmas
Ordering a food and garden organics bin – known as a
FOGO bin – will help reduce the amount of food scraps
going to landfill. Your food waste and garden clippings
are converted into compost for agriculture and gardens.
Sign up online at
and receive a no-charge kitchen caddy, while stocks last.
3. You book it, and we’ll pick it up
Use the no-charge ‘At Call’ Hard Waste Collection
service to get rid of bulky hard waste and green waste.
You can make a booking all year round – all residential
properties are entitled to one no-charge collection
service each financial year. Visit
or call
9249 4728
to learn more.
4. Use the Reusable Goods Drop-off Day
You can donate clothing, furniture and household items
that are in good condition. The next event is 20 April
2024 at West Sunshine Community Centre. More details
Use Detox Your Home events,
to drop off a range of toxic household chemicals. Visit
to learn more.
5. Brimbank Resource Recovery Centre
This is a one-stop spot to responsibly drop off
items you no longer need. For example, clothing,
shoes, handbags, electronic waste like televisions,
computers, hard drives, printers, video consoles,
batteries, fluorescent tubes (including CFLs),
motor oil up to 20L per vehicle, gas cylinders, paint,
and clean cardboard and paper.
It’s located at Stadium Drive, Keilor Park. Visit
for opening hours and
information about items that are and are
not accepted.
Do you have a
swimming pool
or spa?
Pools and spas can be lots of fun, however
having one also comes with responsibilities
and legal requirements.
Make sure you have a certificate of barrier compliance
issued and lodged with Council. If not, you’re infringing
the Victorian Government safety laws – and putting
yourself and loved ones at risk. You can give Council’s
Building Compliance team a call on
9249 4603
they can explain what your obligations are.
Distinctive Options’ participants enjoy community based activities,
including sports and recreation. Nam (middle) and Daniel (right) are
delighted to receive new footy boots from Reclink – an organisation
equally committed to developing physical health, mental health
and greater social inclusion for those who take part.
Sunshine Christmas
de Lights
Civic Green, Hampshire Road,
Festive Family
Fun Day
Green Gully Reserve,
Keilor Downs
Multiple sessions
Holiday Movie
Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans,
Sunshine and Sydenham Libraries
Christmas Show
Bowery Theatre
St Albans Town Centre
Library Reserve, Alfrieda Street
Multiple sessions
Christmas Storytime
Deer Park, Keilor,
St Albans, Sunshine
and Sydenham Libraries
Christmas 2023 Calendar
Brimbank City Council respectfully acknowledges and recognises the Wurundjeri and Bunurong Peoples
as the Traditional Custodians of this land and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future.
in your
Contact us
9249 4000
131 450
Local call costs apply
Use Brimby
, our
online virtual assistant
Printed on environmentally responsible paper.
What’s on
For more events visit
All events are
free of charge
unless listed otherwise.
What’s on @ Brimbank Libraries
Our libraries run events all year round for
people of all ages. Check out upcoming
events on the Brimbank Libraries website
Creative Brimbank
Find out all the upcoming events at Creative
Brimbank for artists, musicians, performing arts,
and the creative community in Melbourne’s West
Come to our Libraries
Christmas Show
Tuesday 5 December, 10.30-11.30am
Bowery Theatre, St Albans
Community Centre (STACC),
33 Princess Street, St Albans
Brimbank’s Bowery Theatre will come
alive this December for our spectacular
Libraries Christmas Show. Enjoy a
staged extravaganza – read fabulous
stories, sing catchy songs, and dance
with a fun and festive theme. It’s a great
opportunity for the whole family to enjoy
entertainment infused with creativity like
only Brimbank knows how. Entry is free,
but bookings are essential. So save this
date in your diary and we’ll see you there!
Solar Webinar (online)
Saturday 9 December 2023,
Attend this online event to find out
everything you need to know to set-up
a solar system to suit your needs, and
get the best return on your investment.
Presented by energy experts Renew
on behalf of the Western Alliance for
Greenhouse Action councils including
Brimbank. Visit
to register and learn more.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
Vaccine Catch Up Program
Tuesday 12 December, 4.30-7pm
St Albans Community Centre,
33 Princess Street, St Albans
Thursday 14 December, 2-4.30pm
West Sunshine Community Centre,
25 Kermeen Street, Sunshine West
Tuesday 19 December,
Derrimut Community Centre,
Corner Stirling Drive & Lennon
Park Way, Derrimut
Wednesday 20 December,
The Salvation Army Centre
2A Roseleigh Boulevard, Sydenham
The vaccine helps prevent common
types of HPV that can cause cancers of
the penis, vagina, cervical, throat, anal
and other types of cancers. Offered
free to Year 7 students. If your child
missed the vaccination at school, they
can be vaccinated by Brimbank Council
either by appointment or attending
a session. For more dates in January,
for further information.
What’s On in the West
December school holidays
Throughout Brimbank
Check out the What’s On in the West
online newsletter to find lots of youth
friendly and low-cost and events in
Brimbank and the west during the
summer school holidays. This is a
partnership between the six western
suburbs councils and is coordinated
by Brimbank Youth Services. Visit
to learn more.
Variety Abilities
Unleashed – Kids
Friday 1 December 2023, 10am-1pm
Keilor Basketball Stadium,
Stadium Drive, Keilor Park
This is a national initiative by Disability
Sports Australia to promote active
pathways for people with disabilities.
A fun and inclusive day connecting
children with disabilities to local sport
and active recreation opportunities.
Supported by Brimbank City Council.
Contact Max Reilly at Disability Sports
Australia for more information on
+61 2
8736 1221
School holiday show bags
From 21 December 2023
Throughout Brimbank
Everyone loves a show bag, and our
school holiday show bags are packed
with passes to some great activities on
your doorstep these school holidays.
Young people aged 10-17 years who live,
work, study and socialise in Brimbank
can enter the show bag ballot for their
chance to get their hands on a show
bag. Limited quantities. Cost: $15. Visit
to learn more.