Through its Electronic Gambling Policy 2019, Council seeks to reduce the economic,
social and health harm associated with electronic gaming machines (EGMs) and other
forms of electronic gambling in Brimbank. This Report Card provides a summary of key
achievements during the 2022-2023 year.
Electronic Gambling
Policy 2019
Community Report Card 2022–2023
Objective One: Advocate to Federal and
State Governments for a safer gambling
environment and stronger regulatory
reforms to prevent and reduce harm.
Council wrote to federal and state ministers
requesting that their governments commit
to gambling reforms which include improved
regulation of sports betting and limits on
advertising, reduced operating hours of gaming
venues, introducing mandatory pre-commitment
cards and improved access to financial counselling
and support services for people experiencing
gambling harm;
Council participated in a rally led by the Alliance for
Gambling Reform in recognition of Gambling Harm
Awareness Week on 19 October 2022 outside the
Deer Park Hotel and Deer Park Club. Attendees at
the event, including councillors and officers, made
the short 700 metre walk to highlight the ease of
venue hopping which enables patrons to gamble 24
hours a day in Deer Park.
Council wrote to the Victorian Government, in light
of announcements by the NSW and Tasmanian
governments, calling for a bipartisan approach in
introducing reforms that utilise pre-commitment
systems and cashless cards to reduce the harms
of electronic gambling on working and vulnerable
people in the West.
Council wrote to the Federal Minister for Social
Service, the Victorian Minister for Casino, Gaming
and Liquor Regulation, and Western Metropolitan
Region State and Federal Members of Parliament
calling on the Federal government to implement
a total ban on sports gambling, online and media
betting ads on television and social media.
Council developed the Gambling After Dark
video campaign highlighting the harms of
gambling on the Brimbank community and
the importance of libraries role in providing
alternatives to gambling venues.
Objective Two: Minimise the impact
of electronic gambling and promote
alternatives that have positive
economic, social and health outcomes
Council delivered Libraries After Dark, a
state-wide initiative funded by the Victorian
Responsible Gambling Foundation, which provided
alternatives to the lure of EGM venues in high
risk communities. The program offered a mix
of events such as author talks, a spoken word
poetry workshop & open mic, drop-in games and
puzzles nights as well as financial management
and personal development sessions. Other
sessions explored activities over a four-week
series of workshops to support continued skills
development and social connectedness. Sessions
included: bibliotherapy, mindful clay handbuilding,
memoir writing, modern weaving, fighting food
waste, gardening, journaling writing for mindful
living, cricut for beginners and learn to paint
aquatic animals with eco-friendly paints.
Council partnered with the Australian Vietnamese
Women’s Association to deliver the ‘Invest in You
Too’ project, which aims to prevent gambling harm
amongst Vietnamese women with pre-school
aged children. Funded by the Victorian Responsible
Gambling Foundation, the project delivered four
playgroups with six fortnightly sessions each
during school terms, which were supported by a
Council appointed project officer.
Council continued work with the St Albans Sports
Club on a two-year Gambling Harm Reduction
Program, as part of the club’s lease agreement
with Council.
Objective Three: Increase
understanding of and take action
to prevent and reduce gambling
related harm.
Gambling-related information was updated on
Council’s website and social media, including
current EGM expenditure data, Council advocacy
initiatives and information on alternative activities
to gambling.
Council partnered with the Australian Vietnamese
Women’s Association to hold a BBQ for Gambling
Harm Awareness Week. The event provided an
opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the
Invest in You Too project and raise awareness of
the harms of gambling.
Council supported the delivery of a mural in
Sunshine North that considers the theme ‘what’s
the harm in gambling?’. The project was led by IPC
Health in partnership with the Young Leaders of
the West program and was funded by Council and
the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.
The mural was created by Sebastian Fransz and
co-designed with young people.
Gambling Harm in Brimbank was a focus of the
Brimbank Service Providers Network in May 2023
to support service providers in responding to clients
experiencing gambling harm.
Council provided a letter of support to Deakin
University for an Ian Potter Foundation grant for
a proposed research project: Using citizen science
to empower older adults to respond to gambling
industry tactics, and advocate for gambling reform.
Council participated in an evaluation, led by Lirata
Consulting for the Invest in You Too project. The
primary purpose of the evaluation was to build an
evidence base regarding program achievements
in reducing risks, and identifying actions that may
prevent gambling harm.
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