Following the adoption of the Safe and Inclusive Brimbank Strategy in August 2020, an
implementation plan was developed covering the period to June 2023. This Report Card provides a
snapshot of Council’s work to achieve the goal of building a more welcoming and diverse community
where people feel safe, included and able to contribute and participate.
Safe and Inclusive
Brimbank Strategy
Implementation Plan Progress Report
(July 2022 to June 2023)

Priority Area 1: Stronger
This priority area focuses on building
a community where people feel safer,
crime is reduced and residents are
supported to feel included and actively
contribute to the community.
Council worked with local traders and business
associations in the Sunshine and St Albans Town
Centres to promote crime prevention including safety
and security inspections involving Victoria Police,
articles about business safety and security in the
Sunshine Rising and Go St Albans newsletters, and
and provided regular updates to the Sunshine and St
Albans partnership groups.
Delivered 20 activation events as part of the ‘Enjoy
Local’ program across Sunshine and St Albans.
Delivered special safety story times with guest story
tellers from the SES, Victoria Police, Metropolitan Fire
Brigade, Lifeguard, a general practitioner and a vet to
bring awareness on safety, how to assist children and
families to be safe.
Supported an inclusive community through
delivering LGBTIQ+ information and events within
Brimbank libraries.
Delivered internet safety sessions through libraries
such as ‘how to spot a scam’ and online safety.
Conducted a campaign to celebrate the 2023
Neighbour Day theme of ‘Create Belonging’. These
stories reflect community views of Brimbank as a
safe and happy place to live, with neighbours who
lend a hand and support each other.
Trialled a youth fitness/boxing program as a
preventative / diversion approach to address
violence amongst young men. The program was
initially run through the Sunshine Leisure Centre and
Lionsden Boxing Academy. An adapted program has
commenced at St Albans Secondary College through
Victoria Police and YSAS, with Brimbank Youth
Services supporting this initiative.
Implemented the Resilient Youth Australia
Survey within Brimbank to collect data to
support Youth Services programming. Over
8500 surveys were completed across 15 Primary
and 11 secondary schools.
Implemented joint police and council operations
within Sunshine and St Albans activity centres.
These were focused on the illegal sale of food,
goods and pedestrian safety around vehicular
traffic in the areas.
Priority Area 2: Safer Streets
and Public Spaces
This priority area focuses on the design
and maintenance of public places to
enhance perceptions of safety and reduce
opportunistic crime.
Installed 34 CCTV cameras in Sunshine Activity
Centre to support Victoria Police crime investigations
and continued to maintain the St Albans CCTV
Continued to deliver high-quality cleansing and
waste services including commercial cleaning across
Brimbank activity centres, street sweeping program,
targeted proactive collection and inspection of
discarded syringes and responding to cleansing
service requests.
Continued to maintain Brimbank parks to a high
standard of presentation. This includes weekly
inspections for feature parks and monthly
inspections for other general parks.
Installed Christmas neon lights to activate the public
realm outside the Sunshine & St Albans libraries.
Continued to schedule bi-annual proactive
maintenance and cleaning audits to maintain high
amenity standards across Sunshine and St Albans
activity centres.
Youth activations were conducted at two locations
within the Sunshine CBD: 1. Visy Cares Hub Sunshine
- 12 activations occurred with young performers,
games and food provided to young people and
community members. 2. VU Sunshine Trades Campus
- 13 activations occurred with outdoor soccer games
and an indoor drop-in program for vulnerable young
Developed the Alfrieda Street Master Plan and
conducted a review of lighting levels for Princess
Lane, St Albans to achieve recommended levels for
safety and amenity.

Priority Area 3: Strategic
This priority area focuses on formal
structures, such as the Safety Roundtable
and partnerships with Victoria Police and
other stakeholders. Council also provides a
capacity-building role to community in terms
of crime prevention and safety.
Established a new strategic Safety and
Wellbeing Partnership co-convened by Council
and Victoria Police. Partners include State
government departments, stakeholder groups
and service providers.
Updated statistical indicators for crime and family
violence to assist in monitoring crime trends.
In partnership with Victoria Police, service providers
and other stakeholders, established a bi-monthly
‘hotspots’ working group to address community
safety issues in identified areas using a collaborative
and on-the-ground approach.
Victoria Police representatives provide regular safety
updates at the St Albans Partnership Group.

253 - 0823
Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
PO Box 70, Sunshine, VIC 3020
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