Brimbank Settlement
Action Plan 2019–2023
Year 4 Report Card
The Year 4 Brimbank Settlement Action Plan 2019 – 2023 outcomes have ensured
the settlement journey for migrants and newcomers settling in our municipality is
sustainable, optimises opportunities for everyone while supporting multiculturalism,
community harmony and social justice.
Recently Arrived Residents
The 2021 Census shows Brimbank having 51% of its residents born overseas and
62% speaking languages other than English at home. Our work to welcome migrants
and refugees, enhanced by our status as a “Refugee Welcome Zone” has strength
ened our social diversity.

Key Achievements
1. Addressing Education, Training
and Employment Needs
Linked Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)
communities with a wide range of virtual and face to
face programs at libraries and community centres that
support belonging and learning.
Collaborated and referred community members to
the Neighbourhood House Pathway and Employment
program to link newcomers with education, training
and employment needs through a job fair.
Ensured diversity and inclusion elements were factors
considered in recruitment and training within Council
run community centres and libraries.
Together with Brimbank Service Provider Network
(BSPN) and other key agencies, Council advocated
to State government to support projects that create
employment opportunities for local communities.
Delivered community leadership and community
governance training and respond to local needs and
make a positive contribution to the community.
2. Building positive connections
for community members,
including civic participation
Council delivered and supported a range of activities
to promote positive connections celebrating symbolic
days as Refugee Week, Cultural Diversity Week,
IDAHOBIT, and International Women’s Day.
Council’s “Living in Your Neighbourhood” program
helped build knowledge of Council services and
Australian Government Systems, by facilitating tours
to several service areas.
Council provided translation and interpreting services
that allowed newcomers with limited English or no
English to participate in community activities.
Continued to build on the Brimbank Youth Council
initiatives such as combating racism among young

3. Developing support services
and systems
Shared service information through the Brimbank
Service Providers Network meetings and identified
service gaps for recently arrived migrants,
opportunities for collaboration and ways to reduce
service duplication.
Delivered cultural awareness sessions to the Brimbank
Service Providers network e.g. LGBTQIA+ and First
Nations people sessions, especially around the VOICE
to Parliament and the upcoming referendum.
Council encouraged the use of community facilities by
providing affordable women only swimming programs.
Council assisted CALD communities to access annual
community grants by providing information in multiple
languages and access to interpreter services.
As an executive member of the Local Government
Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum,
through the Back Your Neighbour Campaign, Council
has mobilised community support to influence federal
policies around a fairer Refugee Status Determination
process through sending letters and meeting with
Members of Parliament and tabling Notions of
Motions at respective Ordinary Council Meetings.
4. The challenges of housing and
Council convened a Brimbank Service Provider
Network meeting that brought in the major players
in the affordable housing and homelessness sector.
Critical information on focus areas, challenges and
opportunities for collaboration were shared among
service providers, local and state government
representatives. The housing needs of newly arrived
communities was among the top priorities to be
Council continues to roll out the homelessness
protocol that is intended to provide an integrated,
consistent and flexible approach for Council staff
to safely engage and support people experiencing
Council officers and service partners worked together
to address complex social issues at selected areas
around the municipality related to the challenges of
housing, homelessness and substance abuse where
required, partnerships were developed with services
to provide culturally specific support.
5. Responding and Living with
Council officers worked with relevant service
providers such as MiCare to facilitate research and
learnings from the COVID pandemic and how these
can be used for future preparedness against any
other emergence, particularly how it impacts the
most vulnerable. For example, accurate translation
of documents.
Council worked with the multi-agency Municipal
Emergency Management Planning Committee
(MEMPC) to explore diverse communities
vulnerabilities and exposures to emergencies.
Council coordinated locally based COVID-19 recovery
responses that targeted Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse (CALD) Local Partnerships through its
Community Grants program.
Council continued to work with the Brimbank
Maribyrnong Interfaith Network (BMIN) to maintain
the vital messaging link to their congregations.

250 - 0823
Brimbank City Council
9249 4000
PO Box 70, Sunshine, VIC 3020
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