Council Meeting
Meeting No. 630
4 March 2024
Commenced at 7.45pm
Council Chamber
301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine,
Fiona Blair
Chief Executive Officer
7 March 2024

Brimbank Council Meeting No. 630 4 March 2024
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Cr Ranka Rasic
Cr Jae Papalia
Deputy Mayor
Cr Victoria Borg
Cr Sarah Branton
Cr Thuy Dang
Cr Sam David
Cr Maria Kerr
Cr Bruce Lancashire
Cr Jasmine Nguyen
Cr Thomas O’Reilly
Cr Virginia Tachos
Leave of absence
Municipal Monitors
Ms Janet Dore
Municipal Monitor
Ms Penelope Holloway Municipal Monitor
Governance Team
Mr Danny Bilaver
Manager Governance and Risk
Mr Tony Vo
Coordinator Council Business
Ms Jessica Zelenbaba
Council Business Officer

Brimbank Council Meeting No. 630 4 March 2024
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Table of Contents
1 Opening (Including Acknowledgement Of Country) ........................................4
2 Council Commitment.......................................................................................4
3 Apologies/Leave Of Absence ..........................................................................4
4 Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest..................................................................4
5 Designation Of Items As Confidential .............................................................4
6 Confidential Business......................................................................................5
7 Meeting Closure..............................................................................................5

Brimbank Council Meeting No. 630 4 March 2024
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Order of Business
1 Opening (Including Acknowledgement Of Country)
The Mayor, Cr Ranka Rasic, opened the meeting at 7.45pm and welcomed all in
On behalf of Brimbank City Council, I respectfully acknowledge and recognise the
Wurundjeri and Bunurong Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of this land and pay
respect to their Elders, past, present and future.
2 Council Commitment
The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, read the Council Commitment:
As the Council, we will act in the best interests of the Brimbank community and consider
the immediate and long term impacts of our decisions. We will make these decisions
fairly and without bias.
We will uphold all of our obligations under the laws of Victoria and Council’s local laws,
and will act in accordance with our Code of Conduct.
3 Apologies/Leave Of Absence
The Mayor noted that Cr Maria Kerr, Cr Bruce Lancashire and Cr Thomas O’Reilly
submitted an apology for this meeting.
The Mayor noted Cr Virginia Tachos had requested a leave of absence.
4 Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest
5 Designation Of Items As Confidential
That Council declares confidential in accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the
Government Act 2020 (the Act)
Confidential Report 6.1
as it relates to personal information, being information which if released would result in
the unreasonable disclosure of information about any person or their personal affairs (s
3(1)(f) of the Local Government Act 2020).
Moved Cr Jasmine Nguyen/Seconded Cr Sam David
That Council declares confidential in accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the
Local Government Act 2020 (the Act)
Confidential Report 6.1

Brimbank Council Meeting No. 630 4 March 2024
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as it relates to personal information, being information which if released would
result in the unreasonable disclosure of information about any person or their
personal affairs (s 3(1)(f) of the
Local Government Act 2020
6 Confidential Business
Moved Cr Victoria Borg/Seconded Cr Thuy Dang
That, in accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the
Local Government Act 2020
the Act
), the meeting be closed to members of the public for the remaining of
the meeting for the consideration of Confidential Report 6.1 which is classified
as confidential as it relates to personal information, being information which if
released would result in the unreasonable disclosure of information about any
person or their personal affairs (s 3(1)(f) of the
Local Government Act 2020
and is the last item for consideration at the meeting.
This meeting was closed to members of the public at 7.49pm.
7 Meeting Closure
The Mayor thanked all in attendance and closed the meeting at 7.58pm.
Confirmed at the meeting of Council held on …………………………………
Cr Ranka Rasic