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Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee - Terms Of Reference
Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference
Community Wellbeing
Lynley Dumble
Rose Bruhn
1. Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
April 2024 [
- 5 pages]
2. Brimbank Public Art Selection and Approval Process
- 5 pages]
For Council to consider the draft Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee (BAAC) Terms of
Reference (TOR) and adopt its use for the next iteration of the committee.
Officer Recommendation
That Council:
a. Adopts the revised Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee Terms of
Reference at Attachment 1 to this report
b. Approves the recruitment through an Expression of Interest process, of
arts sector and community members to the Brimbank Arts Advisory
Committee members for a two-year period.
The Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee (BAAC) brings arts sector expertise to help the
Council envisage and develop creative projects in line with the Arts and Cultural Strategy
2024-2028. Committee members act as cultural champions, discussing community
needs and issues, advocating for the arts, providing feedback and aiding in the
dissemination of relevant information.
BAAC has been supporting Council with advice relating to Arts and Culture projects for
more than 10 years. During this time, BAAC’s scope has been reviewed and adjusted to
align with the expanding remit of Council’s Arts and Culture offering. The opportunity to
revise BAAC’s Terms of Reference (TOR) arises every two years when each iteration of
the Committee concludes its tenure.
The current revision aims to strengthen and clarify the advisory role of the committee
and empower its members as cultural champions for Brimbank.
Matters for Consideration
In developing the revised TOR, Council officers benchmarked against several Western
Metropolitan councils. The revised TOR clarifies the committee's role and emphasises its
advisory, rather than decision-making, function. This reiterates the committee's function
and authority.

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Another proposed change to the committee's structure is an increase in the number of
committee members from 12 to up to 15. This increase is intended to provide the
committee with greater breadth and expertise. It also allows for the formation of
subcommittees for specialised projects, such as Public Art commissioning (process as per
attachment). While the sub-committee function is retained from the previous TOR, it was
previously not enacted due to the smaller membership.
Revised TOR for the BAAC that reflect these changes are documented in
Attachment 1
Related TOR for BAAC sub-committee for commissioning and selecting public art are
documented in
Attachment 2
If the draft TOR are adopted at the Council meeting, Council officers will proceed with an
Expression of Interest process to establish the committee. The selection of community
committee members would occur in mid-July, with a proposed date for the first meeting
set for late July to early August 2024. The current Councillors on the committee would
continue in their role for this meeting. This introductory meeting would be an
opportunity for new members to meet and become better acquainted with current Arts
and Culture delivery. It would occur prior to the caretaker period and not involve Council
in any new programs or commitments.
In the next term of Council, Councillor appointments to the Brimbank Arts Brimbank Arts
Advisory Committee will be made as part of the appointment of Councillors to Advisory
Community Engagement
The revision of the TOR began with an engagement session involving community
members from the previous iteration of BAAC. While these members praised the
Council's commendable work in arts and culture, they also expressed frustration
regarding some members' attendance at meetings and the frequent lack of quorum,
which led to meetings being postponed or cancelled. They recommended establishing a
means for meetings to proceed regardless of attendance numbers, feeling their
opportunity to provide advice had been somewhat restricted. The revised TOR allows for
meetings to proceed without a quorum as a quorum will only apply to items on the
agenda that require a recommendation to Council.
If the TOR is adopted, the next phase of community engagement will involve establishing
the committee. This process will invite community members with expertise in the arts
sector to apply for committee membership. Ideally this membership would include
diversity and a breadth of experience in different areas of the arts sector such as visual
and digital arts, public art, theatre and performance, community art and arts
administration. Successful applicants will then serve on the BAAC for a two-year term,
providing ongoing community engagement and advice in the development and
governance of creative projects in alignment with the Arts and Culture Strategy for
Resource And Risk Implications
Resourcing for BAAC is provided in the Arts and Culture operating budget.
potential impact on community, including public trust and customer
service impact
• Yes - There is a reputational risk if the Arts Advisory Committee does not proceed. The

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committee plays a central role in incorporating the community's voice into Arts and
Culture programming. Some art programs may be challenging and occasionally cause
community concern. The committee serves as an important mechanism to ensure
community perspectives and sensitivities are considered in programming.
There are no environmental, financial, regulatory or safety risks.
Legislation/Council Plan/Policy Context
This report supports the Council Plan 2021-2025 strategic directions and objectives of:
1. People and Community - A welcoming, safe and supported community - an
inclusive place for all
• Pride and Participation: community and cultural connections built through social and
artistic expression.
2. Places and Spaces – Liveable and connected neighbourhoods that support
healthy and sustainable futures – a green place for all
• Liveable and connected – inviting and liveable spaces and facilities
This report complies with the draft Arts and Culture Strategy 2024 -2028.
Council officers contributing to the preparation and approval of this report, have no
conflicts of interests to declare.

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Brimbank Arts Advisory
Terms of Reference
1 Purpose
The purpose of the Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee (the Committee) is to provide arts
sector expertise to help the Council develop and govern creative projects in accordance with
the Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2028. Committee members act as cultural champions
and engage in discussions on community needs and issues, advocate for the arts, offer
feedback and disseminate information.
2 Objectives
The Committee’s objectives are to:
a. Ensure creative strategies undertaken by the Council through this Committee have
expert arts sector and community input.
b. Build connections between Council and the community regarding creative projects.
c. Provide strategic input to policy development in relation to Brimbank’s creative
sector, when required by Council.
d. Raise community and arts sector awareness about the work being undertaken by
Council in the creative arena.
3 Extent of Authority
3.1 The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to Council and is not a committee established
by Delegated Committee in accordance with section 63 of the
Local Government Act 2020
3.2 The Committee does not exercise any power of Council.
3.3 The Committee has no power to commit Council to any decision or action.
3.4 The Committee has no power to direct Council officers in their duties.
3.5 Brimbank City Council hereby establishes the Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee (“the
Committee”) and delegates the duties, responsibilities and authorities described below to
the Committee.
3.6 The Committee, which includes experts from the arts sector, contributes strategic thinking
to the Council through its advisory capacity.
3.7 The Committee has no power to commit Council to any decisions or actions or to direct
Council officers in their duties.
3.8 The Committee shall be established for a period of 2 years.
3.9 These terms of reference apply to the Committee only. References in this document to
‘the Chairperson’ are to the Committee Chairperson.
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The input and advocacy of the Committee may be broad but its interests include:
Council strategic documents
Public art commissions
The Brimbank City Council Art Collection
The Bowery Theatre
Arts programming and projects across all Council venues including neighbourhood
houses, libraries, community centres and galleries.
4 Committee Behaviours
4.1 The Committee will be guided by Council's values and behaviours:
We act with Integrity
We find Better Ways
We are Respectful
We work Together.
4.2 All members are required to refrain from bullying and harassment.
4.3 All members must engage in behaviours that are respectful, tolerant, courteous and
4.4 Committee members who are Councillors will comply with the Councillor Code of Conduct.
4.5 Committee members who are staff members of Brimbank City Council will comply with the
current employee Code of Conduct while performing duties as committee members.
Members who are not staff members or Councillors are required to meet the standards of
Committee behaviours in this section and are further required to keep all information that
is provided as a consequence of their membership in the Committee confidential.
4.6 The Chair has the ability to remove members from a committee meeting or revoke
membership of the committee if they deem any non-staff or non-Councillor member is
engaging in behaviours that do not meet the required standards.
4.7 The Chief Executive Officer has the ability to remove any non-Councillor member from this
committee where it is believed that a member is engaging in behaviours that create a risk
to the health and safety of other members.
5 Conflicts of Interest
5.1 The Committee will recognise that members will have different obligations and methods of
disclosure under the
Local Government Act 2020
and the Brimbank Governance Rules.
5.2 Committee members must disclose any General or Material Conflicts of Interest prior to
their appointment, and on an ongoing basis, in accordance with the
Local Government Act
and the Brimbank Governance Rules.
5.3 Committee members will disclose to the Committee at, or before, each meeting if they
have disclosed any Conflict of Interest in accordance with their obligations under the
Government Act 2020
or the Brimbank Governance Rules in relation to any matter to be
discussed in the agenda at that meeting and identify the relevant item of the agenda for
which the Conflict exists.
5.4 A Committee member who is not a relevant person under the
Local Government Act
disclose any potential or perceived conflict of interest to the Chair on appointment to the
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Committee and on an ongoing basis and identify the relevant item of the agenda for which
the Conflict exists.
5.5 Committee members must absent themselves from discussions in relation to matters
which they have disclosed a conflict of interest.
6 Membership
6.1 The Committee will comprise:
8-12 Representatives of arts sector stakeholders and community members
1 Brimbank City Councillor (who will act as Chair)
Up to 2 additional Brimbank City Councillors
Director Community Wellbeing (ex-officio)
Manager Community Learning and Participation (ex-officio)
Brimbank City Council Arts and Culture Coordinator (ex-officio)
Brimbank City Council Visual & Public Arts Senior Officer (ex-officio).
6.2 The Council officer positions do not hold voting rights.
6.3 The Chair, in consultation with the Committee, may co-opt additional members on an ex
officio basis where specific skills or experience will assist the work of the Committee.
6.4 Members are free to resign from the Committee at any time. In the event of a resignation
during the term, the Director Community Wellbeing will have the delegated authority to
review applications from an Expression of Interest process and appoint a new member for
the remainder of the term.
6.5 Each member of the Committee is selected for their individual expertise and not as an
advocate for any group or organisation.
6.6 The Chair, in consultation with the Committee, may co-opt additional Council staff, guest
Consultative bodies and other professionals to attend meetings to present, or respond to,
agenda items on an ex-officio basis only for the purpose of providing relevant information
and advice on matters being considered by the Committee.
6.7 The Committee may establish working groups (sub-committees) to help fulfil its purpose.
Members of working groups will be appointed by the Committee and can be drawn from
the Committee, from Council, third party organisations, industry experts or other
com.munity members.
7 Recruitment
7.1 Council will appoint Councillor representative/s to the Committee and determine the Chair
7.2 The Director of Community Wellbeing will appoint other members to the Committee, and
fill vacancies as they arise
7.3 Appointments will be reviewed annually, or as needed.
8 Procedures
8.1 The Committee will be led by a Chair, whose role is to:
Ensure meetings are scheduled and committee members are notified
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Invite specialists to attend meetings as required
Guide the meeting according to the agenda and time available
Ensure all discussion items end with a decision, action or definite outcome
Review and approve the agenda and draft minutes before distribution.
9 Meetings
9.1 A minimum of three 90-minute meetings of the general committee during the calendar
9.2 The Chairperson will decide if additional general meetings, or project specific sub
committee meetings, are required for the Committee to fulfil its duties.
9.3 Meetings will be held after usual business hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the
9.4 A meeting schedule will be determined at the first meeting.
9.5 The location of meetings will be determined by the Committee.
9.6 Council will provide administrative support to the Committee for the purpose of:
convening meetings, i.e. booking meeting rooms and arranging invitations
preparation and distribution of agendas and minutes
minute taking
Ensure meetings are scheduled and committee members are notified
Invite specialists to attend meetings as required.
9.7 If the Chair is not able to attend a meeting they will delegate the role of Chair to one of
the Councillor members or Director Community Wellbeing.
Minutes and Agendas
9.8 Agendas will be distributed one week prior to the meeting.
9.9 Minutes will be distributed within one week of the meeting being held.
9.10 The Committee will be required to endorse the minutes as a true and accurate record at
the commencement of the next meeting.
9.11 A quorum of the Committee is 50% of the members plus 1. A quorum is required for
matters making recommendations to Council. For a recommendation to be adopted at
least 50% of the quorum vote in favour of the recommendation. In the event of an equal
number of votes the Chair shall have the casting vote.
9.12 Committee members must advise the Chair or Council officer if they are unable to attend
a meeting.
9.13 If a Committee member is absent for three consecutive meetings without notice or
justifiable reason, the Chair, in consultation with the Committee, will review, and may
cancel, their membership.
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Attendance by non-members
9.14 Meetings are not open to the public.
9.15 Non-members may attend at the invitation of the Chair.
10 Confidentiality
10.1 From time to time the Committee may discuss or be provided with material that must
remain confidential. Such items and discussions will be identified at the time. All
Committee members will be required to maintain confidentiality.
10.2 The Chair of the Committee is the media spokesperson.
11 Committee Member Entitlements
11.1 Participation in the Committee is on a voluntary basis for all members of the public.
11.2 Committee members are not entitled to be remunerated for their time/Committee
members will be reimbursed for necessary out of pocket expenses incurred while
performing duties as a committee member, with such reimbursements to be made in
accordance with Brimbank City Council policy and guidelines.
11.3 Staff members are entitled to be remunerated for their time spent on Committee activities
as per their current employment agreement.
11.4 Councillors are able to claim expenses in accordance with Brimbank's expense policy. Any
expenses claimed by Councillors in their capacity as Committee members will be reviewed
by Council’s Audit and Risk Committee and reported publicly.
12 Review
12.1 The Terms of Reference will be reviewed and adopted by Council.
12.2 The Committees performance and compliance with its Terms of Reference will be subject
to review by Brimbank City Council and the completion of a self-assessment program
Obtaining feedback on the Committees; performance and operations form members
Assessing the performance of the Committee against its Terms of Reference.
13 Schedule - Documents Incorporated by Reference
13.1 Committee members will comply with the policies and protocols included in the
Documents Incorporated by Reference.
Brimbank City Council Employee Code of Conduct
Local Government Act 2020
Brimbank Governance Rules
Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2028
Festivals and Events Policy and Strategy 2022-2025
In the Public Interest: A conflict of interest guide for councillors, delegated committee
members and council staff
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Attachment 12.9.1
The commissioning of each new major Public Artwork requires the establishment of two
A Public Art Advisory Panel (PAAP) which is a subcommittee of the Brimbank Arts
Advisory Committee (BAAC)
A Project Working Group (PWG) made up of Council staff.
reviews artists’ applications in line with the selection criteria, shortlists candidates
and makes recommendations to Council about the preferred project.
Membership includes 1-2 Councillors from BAAC and 2-3 Arts Sector members from BAAC with
relevant expertise. This includes an understanding of art in the public domain, experience in
working with community and community groups and/or demonstrated interest/experience in
public or visual arts.
Council Officers on the PAAP will include the Visual and Public Art Senior Officer and Arts and
Culture Coordinator. Depending on the project, additional representatives from other Council
Departments may be required such as Parks and the Public Realm, Urban Design, Community
Safety or Leisure and Community Facilities.
Similarly, specific projects may require 1-2 community stakeholders if they hold a particular
connection to the project or site.
focuses on the overall delivery of the project, not just the public art. This committee
focuses on additional considerations such as access, materiality and maintenance.
The PWG may include relevant stakeholders from other Council departments such as Traffic
and Transport, Engineering, Project Management, Urban Design, Arts and Culture, Leisure
Review, Assessment, Recommendation Process:
See flowchart overleaf
Approvals Process:
1. Memo sent to Manager - Community Learning and Participation for approval (works less
than $20,000)
2. Memo and Procurement Plan to Strategic Procurement for endorsement, to Manager
Community Learning and Participation for endorsement, then to Director for approval
(works greater than $20,000)
3. Public art commissions valued at $250,000 and above shall adhere to established
Procurement guidelines, necessitating either a Public Tender or a Selective Tender,
thereafter complemented by an Expression of Interest (EOI) process as delineated
within the document.
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Public Art Advisory Panel public art selection process
The Visual and Public Art Senior Officer invites and
Invite and commission shortlisted artists to prepare concepts
commissions shortlisted artists to prepare concepts
Shortlisted artists present their final design to PAAP
The Visual and Public Art Senior Officer circulates the shortlisted proposal to PWG for technical advice and comment. Once technical issues addressed preferred artist project is
recommended to Senior Management for final sign off
Final email sent by Visual and Public Art Senior Officer to PAAP and PWC confirming final approval by Senior Management
Visual and Public Art Senior Officer prepares artist brief based on information from Project Working Group (PWG) and community consultation. The artist brief can either be an open,
limited invitation or direct appointment, depending on the requirements of the project. PAAP and PWG to provide feedback on the brief via email.
If the Open EOI
method is chosen, the Visual and Public Art
Senior Officer works with Procurement to advertise an
Expression of Interest (EOI). The Arts and Culture Coordinator
and Visual and Public Art Senior Officer create an initial short
list based on the assessment criteria (no more than 20). This
shortlist is then assessed by members of PAAP against the
criteria. The top scoring 3-4 applicants are discussed and
recommended for advancement to the next stage.
If limited invitation
method is chosen, the Visual and
Public Art Senior Officer will assemble a list of artists with
particular expertise or relevance to the project or site and
present them to PAAP for approval. The top scoring 3-4
applicants are discussed and recommended for
advancement to the next stage.
Public Art – Major Commissions
($20,000 - $250,000)
PAAP prioritise artists’ projects using selection criteria.
Present project to Senior Management for
endorsement to seek State Government
procurement exemption (if required)
The Visual and Public Art Senior Officer sends a Memo and Procurement Plan to Strategic Procurement for endorsement, then Manager, Community Learning and Participation for
endorsement then Director for approval.
If direct appointment
method is chosen, the
Visual and Public Art Senior Officer and the Arts
and Culture Coordinator will present artist to PAAP
for initial approval.
Invite and commission shortlisted artist to prepare
final design to PAAP
Artist presents design to PAAP
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Draft Terms of Reference Public Art Advisory Panel
The Public Art Panel is a subcommittee of the Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee (BAAC) and
operates under the BAAC Terms of Reference in addition to these subcommittee guidelines.
1. Purpose
The Public Art Advisory Panel’s (PAAP) purpose is to
Contribute to discussion and advise on permanent capital works public art commissions, providing
advice on:
commissioning processes following Brimbank City Council procurement guidelines and one
of these processes
Open/ EOI - advertise an EOI first, then shortlist
Limited invitation - shortlisting up to 3 artists
Direct appointment - commissioning a selected artist for specific reasons
review of artist brief and documentation
proposals for artists to be shortlisted where required
artist selection for public art commissions
2. Membership, Term of Appointment
Membership consists of Council Officers, Councillors, BAAC members with relevant expertise and
optional additional community members.
1-2 Councillors (from BAAC)
Arts and Culture Coordinator
Visual and Public Art Senior Officer (if not coordinating the public art project)
Internal Council representative (optional)
2-3 BAAC members with public art experience or understanding/knowledge
1-2 Community stakeholders (optional)
The terms of appointment are for the duration of the Public Art Project or until the end of the
member’s tenure on the Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee.
Recommendations of the PAAP are by consensus. Determining a consensus position may involve a
committee vote. All members of the committee have the right to vote except for Council’s Visual
and Public Art Senior Officer if they are coordinating the public art project. The Visual and Public
Art Officer may vote if they are not responsible for coordinating the public art project. In the event
of an equal number of votes the Chairperson shall have the casting vote. All members represent
the community interest or provide advice on their area of expertise and do not represent individual
or sectional interests.
In line with the BAAC Terms of Reference this committee has no power to commit Council to any
decisions or actions, or to direct Council officers in their duties. The purpose of the vote is to clarify
the PAAP’s position in making recommendations to Council. Council will ultimately determine the
matters having regard to the advice of the Panel.
All members will be required to complete Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest forms to be a
member of the PAAP.
3. Limitations of Authority
The Panel has no authority to:
Expend moneys on behalf of Council
Commit Council to any arrangement
Consider any matter outside these terms of reference
Direct Council officers in the performance of their duties.
4. Meetings
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TOR for Public Art Advisory Panel (draft)
The Panel shall meet up to eight times a year of up to two hours duration, to coincide with timing
of Council’s public art projects or related projects.
Information including documents may be exchanged by email communication.
5. Administration. Agendas and Minutes
All secretariat tasks for the Panel will be undertaken by Council’s Visual and Public Art Senior
Officer. Chairperson duties for meetings will be performed by a Councillor.
Agendas and minutes of previous meetings shall be forwarded to members at least five working
days before the meeting.
6. Volunteers
Committee members other than Council staff are volunteers.
7. Process for Public Art commissioning
8. Definitions
Key terms
Public Art
Public art is a place-based creative practice – an evolving and
creative conversation between artists and the wider community
about and for shared public places. Public art processes may
produce permanent or temporary artworks, including
participatory and event-based outcomes. Artworks can form a
consultation and information gathering
- Visual and Public Art Senior Officer lead
Community consultation
: via appropriate approach (e.g. survey, workshops, forums etc.)
- Visual and Public Art Senior Officer and relevant PWG members, Comms,
Community Strengthening or by utilising external consultants
Collate Information and write draft brief
- Visual and Public Art Senior Officer
Conduct Artist Research for limited invitational model
- Visual and Public Art Senior
Officer creates shortlist of potential artists, or
Shortlisting for open EOI model
- Visual and Public Art Senior Officer initial evaluation
provide feedback on draft Artist Brief and shortlisted artists if required
provide feedback on draft Artist Brief, propose commission method and shortlisted
artists - Visual and Public Art Senior Officer
Finalise Artist Brief and shortlisted artists (limited invitation), advertise or invite Artists
(open EOI)
to provide concept depending on method (if required) following consultation
with PAAP - Visual and Public Art Senior Officer
oversees design and delivery of the public art project. (Visual and Public Art Senior
Officer leads public art project)
attends concept presentation and provides advice and recommendations on artist
selection - PAAP and Visual and Public Art Senior Officer
Preparation of
brief and artist
Advertise or
Invite Artist
PAAP Review
PAAP advice
Artist Selection
Appointment of
Artist/ Project
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TOR for Public Art Advisory Panel (draft)
part of the infrastructure of the physical built environment, or
they can form a part of community engagement processes and
cultural programs.
Council officer
Means the Chief Executive Officer and staff of Council appointed
by the Chief Executive Officer.
PAAP Subcommittee
A subcommittee of the Brimbank Arts Advisory Committee
Open Expression of
Interest (EOI)
Open call for artists to express an interest in a public art project.
Art industry standards propose that artists can be asked for a
CV, a short response to the brief, examples of previously
completed commissions and other relevant work.
Limited invitation
A limited invitation invites a selection of artists to respond to a
brief. There is no Expression of Interest process for this
commissioning model.
Direct appointment
The Visual and Public Art Senior Officer, in consultation with
PAAP and the PWG will directly appoint an artist for a particular
site or project if there is a strong rationale.
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