
Why is Brimbank Council providing these Grants?
................................................................................... 2
Council’s Strategic Directions
..................................................................................................................... 3
Target Groups
............................................................................................................................................. 4
What you need to know
............................................................................................................................. 5
Key Dates................................................................................................................................................. 5
How to Apply ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Need Support........................................................................................................................................... 5
What do I need to know before I apply?
................................................................................................... 6
Who can apply?
.......................................................................................................................................... 7
What we will fund
...................................................................................................................................... 8
What we won’t fund
................................................................................................................................... 9
Which Grant category should I apply for?
............................................................................................... 12
Criteria used to assess Grants
.................................................................................................................. 14
Assessment Process
.................................................................................................................................. 17
If your application is successful
............................................................................................................. 18
If your application is unsuccessful
......................................................................................................... 18
Frequently Asked Questions
.................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix One
........................................................................................................................................... 20
Climate Emergency Grants Category Additional Information
............................................................ 20
Grants can’t be used for
.................................................................................................................... 20
Frequently asked questions
............................................................................................................... 21
Appendix Two
........................................................................................................................................... 22
Young People’s Ideas Grants Category Summary Guide
........................................................................ 22

Why is Brimbank Council providing these Grants?
Brimbank Council is committed to providing
one off financial assistance to not-for-profit
organisations and community groups to deliver
projects that support and improve the
Brimbank community’s health and wellbeing,
support life-long learning, encourage
sustainable living, promote Brimbank as a
destination and build capacity through
partnerships and networks.
In accordance with the Community Grants
Policy (Major Policy) Council endorsed the
Brimbank Community Grants Program
2024/2025 categories to reflect:
the Together We are Brimbank Plan
that incorporates the Community
Vision 2040, Council Plan 2021 – 2025
and the Municipal Public Health and
Wellbeing Plan, and
Emerging and ongoing community
priorities including mental health,
social justice issues, community
connections, loneliness and isolation,
youth development and climate
The information in these guidelines is for use by
not-for-profit organisations and community
groups seeking financial assistance to support
initiatives that will benefit the Brimbank
community and align with the Council’s
strategic directions.
Council’s Strategic Directions
People and Community -
A welcoming, safe and supported community - An
inclusive place for all.
Wellbeing and Belonging - Responsive services that support mental and
physical wellbeing.
Pride and Participation - Community and cultural connections built
through social and artistic expression.
Projects that assist our community to:
be healthy and active
build social connections
support families, children and youth
support disability access and inclusion
improve gender equality
increase physical activity and healthy eating
address crime prevention
build safer and inclusive communities
support vulnerable communities and those most at risk.
2. Places and Spaces - Liveable and connected neighbourhoods that support
healthy and sustainable futures - A green place for all.
Liveable and Connected - Inviting and liveable spaces and facilities,
connected so people can get around.
Sustainable and Green - Protect natural environments for current and
future generations.
Projects that assist our community to:
get around our city
showcase and improve our public spaces
live sustainably
protect our natural environment
address waste and litter, climate change, renewable energy or water use
demonstrate local action for sustainable living or the natural environment.
3. Opportunity and Prosperity - A future focused, transforming city where all
have opportunities to learn and earn - A prosperous place for all.
Growing and Transforming - Optimise community opportunities through
infrastructure innovation and investment.
Earning and Learning - Everyone has access to education, training and
lifelong learning to support their aspirations.
Projects that assist our community to:
access education, training and life learning for people of all ages,
backgrounds and interests
deliver intergenerational initiatives
run place-making festivals and events
access employment
promote Brimbank for its location and significant qualities including
historical, cultural and recreational features.

Target Groups
We encourage projects and activities that support the whole of Brimbank community, including but not
limited to:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Families and children
LGBTQIA + people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning,
intersex, and asexual/aromantic. The '+' represents all other sexual orientations, gender
identities and physiological sex characteristics.
Multicultural groups
People with a disability and their carers
Senior citizens
Young people
We encourage projects and activities that consider and support gender equity in our community.
Appropriate measures should be considered in all grant categories to ensure access and inclusion of
people with all abilities, ages, genders and backgrounds.

What you need to know
Key Dates
Applications open
Wednesday 29 May 2024
Information and Grant writing sessions
June 2024
Applications close
Sunday 14 July 2024 at 11.59pm
Grants Assessments
August – September 2024
Notifications, Funding Agreements signing
and Grants distribution
November 2024
Implementation of funded projects and
November 2024 – December 2024
Progress Report
April 2025
Acquittal report
January 2026
How to Apply
Applications should be submitted online via Brimbank Council’s SmartyGrants. See link for more
information Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Need support
Check Council’s website for videos on how to apply online,
how to convert your ideas into a project, information session details, and Frequently Asked Questions.
Print too small
For a larger print version of this guideline, please contact our
Community Grants Officer on 9249 4036 or
Need an Interpreter
Contact Translating and Interpreting Service Phone 131 450
For further information contact the Brimbank Community Grants
Officer on 9249 4036 or
Remember to:
Speak with a Council Contact Officer before applying for a grant. Contact Officers are subject
matter experts who can provide advice on your project ideas. Please access the full Contact
Officer list on Council’s website.
Discuss your application with your group’s representatives/board to get agreement before
applying for a grant.
Leave plenty of time to prepare your application. You are encouraged to register for our
information and grant writing sessions which will be held in June 2024.
Ensure you add supporting documentation where applicable, including letters of support.
What do I need to know before I apply?
Who can apply?
Confirm your eligibility
to apply.
Read the guidelines
to understand the Grant's purposes, what can be
funded, won't be funded, closing date and how to apply.
the grant category
you plan to apply for. If unsure, speak to the
Grants Officer.
Speak with a listed
Grants Council contact officer
. This is a requirement.
Need more information?
Discuss your application with the Community
Grants Officer on 9249 4036 or
Use the SmartyGrants Form
Go to Once on the grant page,
APPLY NOW to begin your application on SmartyGrants.
Remember to save your progress in SmartyGrants every 10 - 15 minutes.
to clearly state:
what your project is, what you want to do, why the project is needed, how
you will deliver the project, and how you will measure success.
Submit on time,
before 11.59pm on Sunday 14 July 2024
Late applications will not be accepted
Who can apply?
To be eligible for the Brimbank Community
Grants Program, applicants must:
be a not-for-profit organisation, or an
incorporated community group, or apply
through an auspice arrangement
have Public Liability Insurance cover for
the duration of the project
have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
be based in Brimbank, or demonstrate that
the proposed project will substantially
benefit Brimbank residents
have a new project or a new stage of a
unless applying for a Festival and
Event Grant
have satisfactorily acquitted previous
grants funded under the Brimbank
Council’s Community Grants Program
be able to comply with State Government
public health requirements.
Please note
1. Only one application can be submitted per organisation or group.
2. Council will not fund the same project or activity if it has been funded in the last three years,
unless it is a new stage of the project or activity and/or is engaging a different target group.
3. Grant applicants previously funded under the Brimbank Community Grants Program will only
receive their grant after satisfactorily acquitting former grants
Auspice organisations help small or new
organisations who are not incorporated or who do
not have an ABN and/or Public Liability
overage to access grant funds. Read more about
Auspice Organisations on Page 20.

What we will fund
Items that may be covered include, but are not limited to:
Office items such as postage, stationery, printing costs (up to 20% of total budget requested).
Catering cost (up to 20% of total budget requested).
Venue hire for activities or events. If you are using a privately-owned or commercial venue for a
festival or event within Brimbank Council must be informed 12 weeks prior to the event date to
ensure regulations and safety standards are met.
Equipment hire for specific activities or events. Note: sporting equipment may be considered
up to 30% of total budget requested.
Facilitator/trainer/coach/artist fees:
Up to 30% of total budget requested, specific to programming of the project or activity
On a case by case basis, Council may consider artist fees up to 60% of total budget
requested for a festival or event that is artist-led and delivered.
If provided by an existing staff member or volunteer, you will be required to provide
evidence of payment for this additional service.
Small digital equipment purchase such as laptops, iPads or mobile phones may be considered
on a case by case basis and up to the total maximum value of $1,000, as part of a project or
activity, but not a standalone.

What we won’t fund
To ensure the Brimbank Community Grants Program aligns with Council’s values and vision, there are
some things that we don’t fund. Please refer to this list before applying to ensure your application
meets the criteria.
What’s not funded
Purchase of alcohol,
tobacco, fireworks, and
activities or items related to
These activities do not align with our Together We are Brimbank Plan
incorporating our Health and Wellbeing Plan and the Brimbank
Gambling Policy.
Projects and activities
funded in the last three
years (Excluding Festivals &
Events Category)
The Community Grants support unique projects and activities. We
encourage applicants to broaden their projects and be creative in
their approaches.
For example, you cannot apply to deliver the same project as funded
three years ago. However, you can deliver a similar project as long as
it has new or different activities or a different target group.
Catering in excess of 20% of
total budget requested.
Catering costs should be at a reasonable amount to cover simple
catering for your groups such as food and drinks for group meetings
or catering at an event.
Sporting equipment in
excess of 30% of total
budget requested.
This means that you can apply to purchase sporting equipment that is
related to the project you are delivering.
For example, if you are organising a series of soccer tournaments for
young people aged between 12 – 25 years, you can use up to 30% of
the total budget to purchase the required equipment if you cannot
source it from elsewhere.
Administration expenses in
excess of 20% of total
budget requested.
Administration costs such as printing, photocopying, flyer designs
should be at a reasonable cost based on your project. Administration
expenses does not include staff or volunteer time unless you can
provide evidence of payment for the administration services.
What’s not funded
Fixed or permanent
equipment, building
maintenance or capital
improvements such as, but
not limited to, heating or
cooling systems, shade sails,
and solar panels.
These activities do not align with our Community Grants Major Policy.
The Community Grants is focussed towards community activities and
projects benefiting a wide range of Brimbank residents and not for
capital improvements. You can sign up with Community Grants
mailing lists and receive information on other sources of funding that
support these activities.
Click on the link to join the Brimbank Community Grants Email list
Emergency relief and
material aid applications
such as food, household
items or clothes.
These activities do not align with our Community Grants Major Policy.
The Community Grants is focussed towards community activities and
projects benefiting a wide range of Brimbank residents. You can
contact charity organisations that offer emergency relief.
Projects and activities that
do not benefit Brimbank
Please refer to the ‘Who can apply’ section of these Guidelines to
ensure that you address this question.
Applications that have a
commercial purpose,
These activities do not align with our Community Grants Policy
Community Grants Major Policy.
fundraising applications or
events, competitions,
trophies, prizes or awards.
The Community Grants funds cannot be used to support fundraising,
competitions or awards.
Personal expenses such as
petrol, phone bills that are
not in the group’s name or
incurred by the group.
The Community Grants are designed to support the whole of
Brimbank community. They’re not designed to fund personal
expenses even though those expenses are related to group activities.
For example, if you or your volunteers catch a bus or drive a car to
attend a group meeting or event, you wouldn’t be able to use the
grant to cover your travel expenses including petrol costs. However,
if the group needs to hire a bus for a group related event, the grant
funding could cover hiring and transport expenses. This needs to be
included in your application.
What’s not funded
Operational costs and core
business of the organisation
e.g. salaries and wages,
office rent, utility bills and
These costs do not align with our Community Grants Major Policy
The Community Grants are designed to support the Brimbank
community. With limited funds, the grants are not available for these
Expenses for projects,
activities, events or festivals
that have already started
and outside the funded
If you’ve already completed or commenced delivery of a project,
event or festival, or have already paid for related expense items, you
won’t be eligible for a community grant.
Applications for projects,
activities, programs or
services considered to be
the responsibility of other
levels of government.
The Community Grants cannot be used to fund State or
Commonwealth-run programs or services that have had funding
reduced, exhausted or discontinued. However, the Community
Grants can be used as co-funding where there are shared objectives
with other levels of government that provide benefit to the Brimbank
community. Please discuss this with your Council Contact Officer.
Applications that don’t have
Public Liability Insurance. If
you don’t have Public
Liability Insurance, please
contact Council for a list of
Public Liability Insurance (PLI) ensures that your group is covered in
the event of an accident, injury or damage to property while running
an activity. Council will only fund groups with PLI cover of minimum
$20 million for festivals and events, or $10 million for all other
projects, activities and programs.
Applications with
incomplete or incorrect
information or supporting
Your application will not be eligible if it is incomplete or incorrect and
will not proceed to assessment.
You must ensure that your application is complete and you have
uploaded relevant supporting documents. Please check Eligibility
Criteria on page 7 of these guidelines for details. If in doubt that your
application may be incomplete, please contact the Community
Grants Officer.
What’s not funded
Applications that do not
meet the eligibility criteria
If you do not meet the eligibility criteria listed in these guidelines,
your application won’t be considered for funding.
Projects, activities and
events owned and managed
or already funded by
Brimbank Council.
Brimbank Council’s projects, activities and events already funded
through Council’s annual budget won’t be funded under the
Community Grants Program.
Projects, activities and
events that do not have
broader Brimbank
community involvement or
The Community Grants are designed to support the Brimbank
community. Projects, activities and events that limit involvement or
benefit to only the applicant’s members will not be considered for
funding. For example, a school-based project involving students and
with an outcome confined to the school property and/or school
community would not be considered for funding.
Which Grant category should I apply for?
The table below provides an overview of each grant category.
Description and example
Community Strengthening
Up to $10,000
Support for projects and activities that strengthen
the community, promote resilience and leadership,
lifelong learning, encourage partnerships and
involvement in community life and develop a strong
sense of belonging and identity. This also includes
projects that involve participants in developing
activities that improve and encourage healthy and
active lifestyles.
For example
, projects and activities focussing on
community issues and priorities such as community
forums, exhibitions, a sports day, activities that
boost community volunteerism, promote social
inclusion, access and participation, projects
addressing gender inequality, social isolation,
supporting people living with disability etc.
Climate Emergency Grants Up to $10,000
Support the community to implement projects that
fall under the five themes of the Climate Emergency
Plan: People Power, 100% Renewable, Green and
Cool, Resilient Rebuild and Circular Economy.

Description and example
For example
, a tree planting day to create a shading
at a community gathering place, an up-cycling
project where something new is created using
recycled or scrap materials, establishing a
community composting or a circular economy
initiative to encourage material or food waste
reduction, a native species planting project to
educate and support habitat gardening in
Refer to Climate Emergency Grants additional
information on page 20.
Mental Health and
Wellbeing Grants
Up to $10,000
Support projects or activities that improve
community mental health and wellbeing, build
community capacity to support mental wellbeing
and strengthen community connections.
For example
, programs and activities that reduce
loneliness and social isolation, promotes good
mental health and wellbeing in the community,
raises awareness of mental health and reduces
stigma such as mental health first aid training,
forums or information sessions, and encourage
people who are experiencing or at risk of mental
health to seek help.
Young People’s Ideas Grants Up to $10,000
This category is for a young person or group of
young people (aged 12-25 years) who are supported
by an auspice organisation or are part of an
incorporated group, to deliver a project, event or
program that is co-designed by young people and
positively impacts other young people in the
Brimbank Community.
For example
, projects and activities that are led and
initiated by young people such as forums, sporting
activities, art exhibition, performances, mentoring
and hangouts.
Refer to Young People’s Ideas Summary Guide on
page 22
Community Festival and
Event Grants
Up to $10,000
Support the contribution of smaller groups and
organisations in Brimbank that play a role in
building a more connected and engaged community
via a festival and event. These are local smaller
scale festival and events primarily attracting local

Description and example
For example,
art, music, sporting or cultural
celebrations, Reconciliation and NAIDOC week
Major Festival and Event
Up to $25,000
Support festival and events that showcase
Brimbank’s diversity, places, talents, cultures or
unique offerings. These festival and events enhance
Brimbank’s reputation as a great place to live, work,
visit and play and are of larger scale attracting in
excess of 5,000 people. A series of events would be
Seniors Operational Grants Up to
Support for seniors groups in Brimbank towards
their day-to-day operating costs.
For further information, please refer to the Seniors
Operational Grants Guidelines via
Criteria used to assess Grants
We assess eligible applications using the criteria below. Funding is awarded based on merit.
Applications for the following grant categories will be assessed using the criteria described
Community Strengthening Grants,
Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants,
Young People’s Ideas Grants,
Climate Emergency Grants
How we assess it
Is there clear alignment with the grant objectives?
Who or what will most likely experience a positive impact?
Examples include target groups or outcomes.
Will there be a gain for the broader Brimbank community?
Is what is planned a new concept or idea, or has it
previously been tested in Brimbank or elsewhere?
Will new community connections or partnerships be
Will success be measured and lessons learnt be identified?
Are aims and objectives clear, relevant and realistic and
aligned to the issue or need to be addressed?
For the Climate Emergency Grants, the aims and
objectives must align to one or more of the five
Emergency Plan
: People Power; 100% Renewable; Green
and Cool; Resilient Rebuild; and Circular Economy (see
details on page 20 of this document)
Is an identified community issue or need being addressed?
Is there evidence to demonstrate the issue or need?
Examples include data, research, and consultation.
Who else has been involved in developing this idea? Is
there community support?
For the Young People’s Idea Grants, have the project idea
and plan been co-designed by young people?
Capacity to
Is the delivery approach, plan or methodology sound and
Are promotion and engagement planned to encourage the
desired level and diversity of participation?
Is there demonstrated relevant experience in planning,
managing and delivering something similar? For example,
working knowledge of running a group, holding a festival
or implementing a project.
Are the right people or organisations involved in delivery,
and how? Examples include partners, staff and volunteers
Is the budget accurate, balanced and realistic, including all
financial and/or in-kind contributions?
Is there a clear need for the level of funding requested?
Does the budget and the funding requested demonstrate
value in the use of Council (public) funds?
Is there a suitable approach to measuring outcomes?
Access &
Is there a focus on active engagement or encouragement
of participation and inclusion from one or a combination
of target groups?
Organisations working with people with disability and their
carers are encouraged to apply, to improve inclusion and
participation and to achieve positive changes in attitudes,
structures and practices in Brimbank.

How we assess it
Examples of target groups or people who might
experience barriers to full participation in community life
in Brimbank include: young people; people from culturally
and linguistically diverse backgrounds; Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islanders; refugees and asylum seekers; and
LGBTQIA+ people.
Are appropriate measures in place to ensure access and
inclusion of people with all abilities, ages, genders and
Are there plans to enable activity to continue into the
Applications for the Community Festivals & Events and Major Festivals & Event Grants
categories will be assessed using the criteria described below.
How we assess it
Is there clear alignment with the grant objectives?
Who or what will most likely experience a positive impact?
Examples include target groups or outcomes.
Will there be a gain for the broader Brimbank community?
Will the festival or event attract members of the broader
Where practical, is the organisation committed to using local
Brimbank businesses/organisations for the supply of goods
and/or services to implement the project, event or activity?
Are aims and objectives clear, relevant and realistic and
aligned to the issue or need to be addressed?
Is an identified community issue or need being addressed?
Is there evidence to demonstrate the issue or need? Examples
include data, research, and consultation.
Who else has been involved in developing this idea? Is there
community support?
Capacity to
Is the delivery approach, plan or methodology sound and fit
Is promotion and engagement planned to encourage the
desired level and diversity of participation?
Is there demonstrated relevant experience in planning,
managing and delivering something similar? For example,
working knowledge of running a group, holding a festival or
implementing a project.
Are the right people or organisations involved in delivery, and
how? Examples include partners, staff and volunteers.
Is the budget accurate, balanced and realistic, including all
financial and/or in-kind contributions?
Is there a clear need for the level of funding requested?

Does the budget and the funding requested demonstrate value
in the use of Council (public) funds?
Has the applicant shown that they will conduct evaluation
which measures their proposed community outcomes?
Have other funding sources been sought or confirmed?
Access &
Is there a focus on active engagement or encouragement of
participation and inclusion from one or a combination of target
groups? Examples of target groups who might experience
barriers to full participation in community life include: young
people; people from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders; refugees
and asylum seekers; people with disability; and LGBTQIA+.
Are appropriate measures in place to ensure access and
inclusion of people with all abilities, ages, genders and
Applications for the Seniors Operational Grant category will be assessed using the Eligibility
criteria in conjunction with the following:
Have independent membership of more than 15 people
Majority of members aged 65 years or older and 50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander people
Assessment Process
The assessment process involves several stages which is why it takes a little longer before you find out
the outcome.
Eligiblity Check
First Assessment
Second Assessment
Notification to
Councillors and

If your application is successful
You will be informed of the outcome of
your grant application.
You will reive a funding agreement that
sets out the terms on which Council is
prepared to make the grant available.
If you accept the offer, sign the funding
agreement and return to Council.
Grant funding is paid by EFT (Electronic
Fund Transfer).
Complete a progress report after six
Complete a project variation form if you
would like to make changes to your initial
application. You cannot change your
project without written approval from
Complete an acquittal form at the end of
your project implementation that shows
how you used the grant money. Receipts
and proof of payment must show
expenditure in accordance with the
approved budget. Proof of payment can
be in the form of receipts, copy of bank
transfer or tax invoice with a $0 balance
owing. Copies of invoices without proof of
payment will not be accepted.
NOTE: Council will require grant funding to
be returned if:
the grant was used on unauthorised
expenses/payments or wasn’t used as
agreed in your funding agreement.
you are unable to provide proof of
If your application is unsuccessful
You will be informed of the outcome of
your grant application.
You will be provided feedback on why
your grant was unsuccessful.
There will be an opportunity to contact a
designated Council Officer to discuss your
project idea further or seek support that
will help you with a future application.
You will be invited to attend a Brimbank
Council community governance training
based on identified areas of support.

Frequently Asked Questions
Practical Considerations for COVID – 19
Applicants must adhere to current State
Public Health Requirements in the planning
and delivery of their activities and projects.
For further information, please click on this
What is auspicing?
Auspice organisations help small or new
organisations who are not incorporated, or
who do not have an ABN, to access grant
funds. An auspice organisation must be a not
for-profit organisation, have an ABN and
Public Liability Insurance. They accept legal
and financial responsibility for the grant if
successful. Applications can be submitted
directly by groups being auspiced. However,
the funding agreement for successful grants
will be made between the auspice
organisation and Council. The grant money
will be paid directly to the auspice
organisation. All applications through auspice
organisations need to submit an Auspice
Organisation Authorisation Form at the time
of grant application.
Public Liability Insurance
Applicants are required to include a copy of
their public liability insurance policy
document with their application. Council
requires that all grant recipients provide
evidence of public liability insurance in the
form of a copy of the certificate of currency
with adequate level of coverage before
payment is made. Organisations being
auspiced may be covered by the auspice
body’s public liability insurance, and so will
need to provide a copy of their certificate of
Taxation – does my group need an ABN?
An ABN refers to an Australian Business
Number issues by the Australian Taxation
Office. Your ABN must be included in your
application. You can read more at the ATO
Child Safe Standards
Brimbank Council is committed to being a
child safe organisation with zero tolerance for
child abuse. Grant recipients who are working
with children or whose grant activity involves
children (directly or indirectly) have a
responsibility to ensure that the organisation
complies with current legislation and
regulations related to Child Safety. This
includes but is not limited to Victorian Child
Safe Standards, Reportable Conduct Scheme
and Working with Children Act 2005. Further
information visit
safety or contact Council’s Early Childhood
Development Officer on 9249 4753.
Appendix One
Climate Emergency Grants Category
Additional Information
Grant Amount: Up to $10,000
The Climate Emergency Grants category
supports the community to implement
projects that aligns with one or more of the
Brimbank Climate Emergency Plan 2020-2025
People Power
Influencing positive environmental change
together and leaving no one behind. This can
be achieved through community-led action
and education. Projects under this theme
could include building partnerships, engaging
with diverse and hard to reach groups and
promoting Care for Country, traditional
knowledge and culture through the lens of the
Climate Emergency.
100% Renewable
Using clean renewable energy for all our
needs and achieving 100% renewable energy
for 100% of the people in Brimbank. Projects
under this theme could include education
around energy use, switching from gas
appliances to efficient electric appliances and
renewable energy. This theme could also
include projects which develop a
Sustainability Plan or 100% Renewable energy
goal for your organisation.
Green and Cool
Embracing nature as an ally for a comfortable
urban environment, reducing the impact of
heat waves in our local community, increasing
biodiversity and habitat and knowing that
what we eat has a huge impact on our planet.
Projects under this theme include planting
shade trees, planting to support wildlife and
habitat, building rain gardens and local food
growing projects. This theme also includes
projects which help to protect the community
from the effects of heat waves.
Resilient Rebuild
Building smarter, more thermally comfortable
and energy efficient buildings and travelling
by low emissions transport. Projects under
this theme could include promoting active
transport such as walking and cycling and
using electric bikes and vehicles to get around
Brimbank and projects to educate around
improving energy efficiency.
Circular Economy
The goods and services we use have a big
environmental impact so we need to choose
wisely, and design new things which do not
produce waste and pollution. It’s important to
keep products and materials in-use and
regenerate natural systems through food and
green waste composting. This theme could
include projects which address waste through
reducing, reusing, recycling, up-cycling and
Example projects
Tree planting day to create a shading
at a community gathering place.
Grant money could cover purchase of
semi-mature tree stock, or plants and
materials to construct a rain garden.
A festival which runs entirely off
renewable energy to raise awareness
for zero carbon and all-electric future
An up-cycling project where
something new is created using
recycled or scrap materials.
Establishing a community composting
or circular economy initiative to
encourage material or food waste
An event which promotes caring for
Country, utilising Traditional Owner
methods and values in response to
the Climate Emergency.
Professional services for a full energy
audit to help establish your
organisation’s 100% renewable
energy goal or Sustainability Plan.
Native species planting project to
educate and support habitat
gardening in backyards.
Grants can’t be used for
Fixed or permanent capital works,
including installation of solar panels
or fixed appliances.
Frequently asked questions
Can I install solar panels, split system heating, heat pump hot water or an induction cook top
from this grant funding?
Funding for capital improvement works for fixed appliances on a building is not included in the Climate
Emergency Grants category.
This is because capital upgrades for clean renewable and electric energy are supported through other
government and Council programs. Find out more at our 100% Renewable Brimbank page via
Is funding for wildlife and flora conservation efforts included under the climate emergency
grants category?
Yes, provided projects meet application criteria.
Are veggie seedlings or native plant seedlings covered under the climate emergency grants
Yes, provided projects meet application criteria.
Can I use this grant to plant native or edible plants on my nature strip?
Yes, provided projects meet application criteria.
For more information and to obtain a copy of Brimbank’s Nature Strip Planting Guidelines, please
contact Climate Emergency Officer at 9249 4738 or email
Appendix Two
Young People’s Ideas Grants Category Summary Guide
Grant Amount: Up to $10,000
Which Grant
should I apply for
• Young People's Idea Grant
• Refer to page 13
What you need to
• Key dates and information - Refer to page 5
• Closing Sunday 14 July 2024
Who can apply
• Young person aged 12 - 25 years.
• Supported by auspice organisation or part of incorporated group.
• Refer to page 7
What can be
• Projects and activities led and initiated by young people.
• Refer to page 8
What can't be
• Refer to page 9
How we assess
• Refer to page 14
How to apply
• Use SmartyGrants