Brimbank Council Meeting No. 634 - 18 June 2024
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Contract No 19/2503 - Provision Of Pound And Animal Collection Services - Extension Of Contract
Contract No 19/2503 - Provision of Pound and Animal
Collection Services - Extension of Contract
City Futures
Kelvin Walsh
John Petroro
1. CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - Extension Report Contract
No 19 2503 Provision of Pound and Animal Collection
- 2 pages]
2. CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - Lost Dogs Home Schedule of
Rates From 1 July 2024 [
- 5 pages]
For Council to consider an extension of Contract No 19/2503 Provision of Pound and
Animal Collection Services to The Lost Dogs Home, for final term of three years.
Officer Recommendation
That Council approves extension of Contract No. 19/2503 - Provision of Animal
Pound and Collection Services to The Lost Dogs Home for a second additional
period of three years to 30 June 2027, based on the agreed schedule of rates
and an estimated amount in the order of $5.2M.
Contract No. 19/2503 - Provision of Pound and Animal Collection Services, was initially
approved by Council at the Council Meeting 19 June 2018 for a three-year period with an
option of two three-year extension to be awarded at Council’s sole discretion. This report
recommends taking up the second three-year period Contract extension.
The Contract is due to expire 30 June 2024. The Contract consists of a lump sum
component and a schedule of rates (
Confidential Attachment 2
The services under this Contract allow Council to meet its legislative requirements to
accommodate the number of animals collected. The Lost Dogs home has provided the
services and facilities under the existing contract since June 2018.
The Contract is based on a schedule of rates where the incumbent has increased their
rates for cat and dog collection by 18 per cent for financial year 2024/25 and
subsequently for year five and six of the contract, rates will increase in accordance with
CPI which is estimated to be an additional 5 per cent.
Matters for Consideration
This report is presented to Council to consider the Contract extension assessment and
recommendation to extend the Contract for a further three-year period. Based on this,
and the information contained in the
Confidential Attachment 1
, it is recommended
that Council extends the Contract to The Lost Dogs Home for an additional three-year
period at the agreed lump sum and schedule of rates to 30 June 2027.
Based on the past performance of the current provider, which has met Council’s needs to
a high level and limited alternative service providers, it is recommended that Council
extend the Contract for a second period of three years, being the final term possible
extension period within the Contract.

Brimbank Council Meeting No. 634 - 18 June 2024
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Subject to Council approval, the Contract will be implemented for an additional three
year period from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027.
Community Engagement
Not applicable. No community engagement required.
Resource And Risk Implications
The cost for the Extension of Contract 19/2503 Provision of Animal Pound and Collection
Services for Financial years 2024/2025, 2025/2026 and 2026/2027 in the order of $5.2M
will need to be referred to Council’s annual budget process for consideration.
potential impact on community, including public trust and customer
service impact
• Yes - This is a long-standing and well-utilised service provided to residents.
significant financial impacts
• Yes - Budget expenditure is from Council funding; the Operational budget is subject to
Council approval.
legal, legislative or regulatory implications including the rights/obligations
of stakeholders
• Yes - Council has a statutory obligation to provide animal management services under
Domestic Animals Act 1994.
Services provided by this contract represents a key
component in councils ability to provide the service.
: health, safety or duty of care impacts
• Yes - Council has a duty of care under the
Domestic Animals Act 1994
to provide this
Legislation/Council Plan/Policy Context
This report supports the Council Plan 2021-2025 strategic direction and objective of:
4. Leadership and Governance - A high performing organisation that enacts the
vision and decisions of Council through the delivery of quality and innovative
services - A fairer place for all
• High Performing and Accountable - Our workforce strive to enhance services and
liveability for the Brimbank community.
This report complies with Procurement Policy and the
Local Government Act 2020 (the
Council officers contributing to the preparation and approval of this report, have no
conflicts of interests to declare.