Brimbank Council Meeting No. 634 - 18 June 2024
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Response To Preliminary Views Of Governance Issues At Brimbank City Council
Response to Preliminary Views of Governance Issues at
Brimbank City Council
People, Partnerships and Performance
Georgie Hill
Danny Bilaver
1. Letter from Minister Melissa Horne MP to Brimbank City
Council [
- 3 pages]
2. Letter to The Hon Melissa Horne MP RE Response to
Preliminary Views of Governance Issues at Brimbank
- 6 pages]
For Council to endorse the response to a letter from the Minister Local Government,
Melissa Horne MP, dated 28 May 2024 regarding the preliminary views of governance
issues observed by the municipal monitors to Brimbank City Council.
That Council endorses the response to the letter dated 28 May 2024 from the
Minister for Local Government Melissa Horne MP regarding preliminary views of
governance issues at Brimbank City Council, including its commitment to the 10
Point Plan, at Attachment 2 to this report.
Council received a letter from Minister Melissa Horne MP dated 28 May 2024 regarding
the preliminary views of governance issues observed by the Municipal Monitors to
Brimbank City Council
(Attachment 1)
. The letter requested a response on the issues
outlined in the letter and a written commitment to the 10 Point Plan by 30 June 2024.
Matters for Consideration
The Municipal Monitors were appointed to Brimbank City Council on 12 February 2024 to
31 December 2024, and have been working closely with Councillors and the Executive
Leadership Team.
The letter from the Minister raised serious concerns in relation to the Council’s ability to
provide good governance to the Brimbank community, including:
failures to give effect to the overarching governance principles in section 9(2) of
Local Government Act 2020
the Act
failures to take into account the supporting principles in section 9 (3) of
the Act.
failures by councillors to perform their role in accordance with section 28 of
behaviour that may be inconsistent with the Standards of Conduct in the
Council’s Councillor Code of Conduct.
The Minister has asked for Council to provide a response by 30 June 2024, on the action
that will be taken to address and remedy these concerns.

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A response to the letter from the Minister has been drafted at
Attachment 2
Council’s consideration and endorsement. The response letter includes Council’s
commitment to advancing the 10 Point Plan.
Resource And Risk Implications
Resource requirements can be met within the Annual Budget 2023/2024.
There are no Community, Environmental, Financial, Regulatory or Safety risks
Legislation/Council Plan/Policy Context
This report supports the Council Plan 2021-2025 strategic direction and objective of:
4. Leadership and Governance - A high performing organisation that enacts the
vision and decisions of Council through the delivery of quality and innovative
services - A fairer place for all
• High Performing and Accountable - Our workforce strive to enhance services and
liveability for the Brimbank community.
Council officers contributing to the preparation and approval of this report, have no
conflicts of interests to declare.

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Public Records Act 1973
and the
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. Should you have any
queries or wish to gain access to your personal information held by this department please contact our Privacy Officer at the above address.
Ref: CMIN-2-24-23888
Cr Ranka Rasic
Brimbank City Council
Dear Cr Rasic
On 16 April 2024, I received an update from the municipal monitors at Brimbank City
Council, Ms Janet Dore and Ms Penelope Holloway, on their preliminary views of governance
issues at the Council.
The update confirmed that in a short period of time, the municipal monitors have observed
evidence of poor governance practices, poor decision-making, and behaviour that is
negatively impacting the wellbeing of councillors and senior staff.
Their observations raise serious concerns in relation to the
Council’s ability to provide good
governance to the Brimbank community including by, but not limited to:
failures to give effect to the overarching governance principles in section 9(2) of the
Local Government Act 2020
(the Act)
failures to take into account the supporting principles in section 9 (3) of the Act
failures by councillors to perform their role in accordance with section 28 of the Act
behaviour that may be inconsistent with the Standards of Conduct in the Council’s
Councillor Code of Conduct.
he municipal monitors’
update included the following observations about the Council
which I have set out below.
1. There is a lack of trust, respect and goodwill amongst councillors and the group is not
acting as a team. This behaviour is hindering the
Council’s capacity to give effect to
the overarching governance principles specified in sections 9(2)(b) and (c) of the Act.
Councillors are expected to adhere to conduct principles, such as treating others with
dignity, fairness, objectivity, courtesy, and respect as well as clause 1 of the
Standards of Conduct.
It is my expectation that councillors work together as decision makers and representatives of
their communities. A lack of mutual respect and goodwill places undue pressures on the
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Attachment 13.13.1
ability of councillors and the administration to work together effectively and promote good
governance practices.
2. Councilors are demonstrating a lack of understanding of their role, undervaluing their
strategic role, and preferring to focus solely on ward issues. There are concerns that
Council meetings are viewed as a platform for self-promotion rather than a decision
making body.
As such, councillors may not be meeting the requirements for fulfilling the role of a
councillor specified in section 28(2)(a) of the Act and the overarching governance principles
as stated in section 9(2)(b) of the Act.
3. There is poor attendance at meetings, particularly briefings, despite the option to
attend meetings via electronic means. The monitors report that two major budget
and financial planning meetings were poorly attended and attendance at Audit and
Risk Committee meetings has been very poor. The monitors have also observed an
insufficient use of Council processes to inform council decisions by councillors.
I note that under section 28(1)(a) of the Act, councillors must participate in the decision
making of the Council and must act in accordance with the Standards of Conduct for
councillors (section 28(2)(e)) including in relation to use of Council processes to become
informed about matters (clause 2(b) of the Standards of Conduct).
4. Rather than focusing its attention on strategic planning and decision making, the
councillors are involving themselves in matters that are the responsibility of the CEO
including providing written instructions to staff. Section 28(3) of the Act explicitly
states that the role of a councillor does not include the performance of any
responsibilities or functions of CEO.
It appears from this that councillors may not fully understand the separation between the
political and administrative branch in local government.
5. There is deficiency in the governance rules in relation to the appropriateness of
notices of motion which needs to be addressed.
6. A lack of strategic engagement by councillors, with some councillors often
participating in community activities that are only relevant to their wards.
A strategic focus is crucial for good governance, as it prioritises the overarching governance
principles in the Act involving achieving best outcomes for the community, promoting
economic, social, and environmental sustainability, and ensuring Council's financial viability.
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Attachment 13.13.1

7. Poor councillor conduct has had a detrimental and profound effect upon staff morale
at the Council. The conduct of the Council has led to an unsafe work environment at
the Council which has resulted in staff resignations, staff not attending meetings,
seeking medical assistance, and seeking leave of absence. Further, some councillors'
behaviour towards the CEO and other senior staff appears to be inconsistent with
clause 1 of the Standards of Conduct, endangering the ability to maintain a mutually
respectful, productive, and professional working relationship between the Council
and the administration, which is critical to good governance.
It is my expectation that the Council will take all the necessary steps to ensure a safe
working environment for the CEO and council staff.
I understand that the monitors held a group session with the councillors to brief them on
their work, but not all councillors attended and the
“Councillors Working together”
facilitated session was only attended by eight of the eleven councillors. While councillors
have demonstrated a willingness to improve their performance, I am now seeking your
written assurance that all councillors
will actively engage with the municipal monitors’
during their tenure and work to advance the Ten Point Plan.
I request that Council provide me with a response by 30 June 2024 outlining the steps the
Council intends to take to address and remedy the concerns identified by the municipal
monitors in their interim report.
I ask that you ensure all councillors receive a copy of this letter.
It is my expectation that all councillors perform their duties and conduct themselves
respectfully and in accordance with the Act and continue to work with the monitors
I look forward to receiving and considering the Council’s response.
Yours sincerely
The Hon. Melissa Horne MP
Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation
Minister for Local Government
Minister for Ports and Freight
Minister for Roads and Road Safety
Date: 28/05/2024
cc. Chief Executive Officer, Fiona Blair
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Attachment 13.13.1

T 9249 4000
Sunshine, Victoria 3020
19 June 2024
The Hon Melissa Horne MP
Minister for Local Government
Level 16, 121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Minister,
Re: Response to Preliminary Views of Governance Issues at Brimbank City
Council (Ref: CMIN-2-24-23888)
Thank you for your letter dated 28 May 2024, in which you conveyed the preliminary
views of governance issues observed by the municipal monitors to Brimbank City Council.
We appreciate your concerns and would like to assure you that the Council takes these
matters seriously and is committed to addressing and remedying the identified concerns.
We acknowledge the observations made by the municipal monitors regarding poor
governance practices, poor decision-making, and behaviour negatively impacting the
wellbeing of councillors and senior staff.
Councillors also recognise the importance of good governance in serving the Brimbank
community effectively. Outlined below is Council's commitment and steps it intends to
take to address and remedy the concerns that have been identified in the interim report:
1. There is a lack of trust, respect and goodwill amongst councillors and the group is not
acting as a team. This behaviour is hindering the Council’s capacity to give effect to
the overarching governance principles specified in sections 9(2)(b) and (c) of the Act.
Councillors are expected to adhere to conduct principles, such as treating others with
dignity, fairness, objectivity, courtesy, and respect as well as clause 1 of the
Standards of Conduct.
All Councillors agree to:
Revisit and adhere to Councillor commitments and outcomes from the
‘Working Together Workshop’
Attend regular Councillor-Only Time meetings to discuss items prior to
decision-making to ensure there are no surprises.
Use informal processes to resolve relationship issues
Participate in team building activities
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2. Councillors are demonstrating a lack of understanding of their role, undervaluing their
strategic role, and preferring to focus solely on ward issues. There are concerns that
Council meetings are viewed as a platform for self-promotion rather than a decision
making body.
All Councillors agree to:
Revisit previous governance training available through the Councillor Portal
Read briefings and reports, understand processes for clarification and be
prepared for Council Meetings
Speak in the interest of the whole community and respectfully accept the
decisions of Council
Act in a strategic manner in accordance with the adopted strategies and plans
including the Council Plan, Budget and Long Term Financial Plan.
There is poor attendance at meetings, particularly briefings, despite the option to
attend meetings via electronic means. The monitors report that two major budget
and financial planning meetings were poorly attended and attendance at Audit and
Risk Committee meetings has been very poor. The monitors have also observed an
insufficient use of Council processes to inform council decisions by councillors.
All Councillors agree to:
Read agendas and reports even when not able to attend meetings and seek
clarification in advance of the meeting.
Attend and be prepared for briefings, committees and meetings.
Rather than focusing its attention on strategic planning and decision making, the
councillors are involving themselves in matters that are the responsibility of the CEO
including providing written instructions to staff. Section 28(3) of the Act explicitly
states that the role of a councillor does not include the performance of any
responsibilities or functions of CEO.
All Councillors agree to:
Build better relationships with the CEO and Directors and seek advice when
Be mindful of what is operational and is not, and seek clarification if required.
Not interfering in the role and responsibilities of the CEO.
There is deficiency in the governance rules in relation to the appropriateness of
notices of motion which needs to be addressed.
All Councillors agree to:
Avoid using Notices of Motions (NOMs) for self-promotion.
Seek feedback from officers and Councillors prior to lodging NOMs.
Review Governance Rules in relation to NOMs.
Participate in a session regarding the process for NOMs.
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Attachment 13.13.2

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A lack of strategic engagement by councillors, with some councillors often
participating in community activities that are only relevant to their wards.
All Councillors agree to:
Attend engagement opportunities across the municipality and explain the role
of Councillors under the Local Government Act.
Seek strategic information across the municipality.
Seek and encourage engagement from a wide section of the community via
different options.
Poor councillor conduct has had a detrimental and profound effect upon staff morale
at the Council. The conduct of the Council has led to an unsafe work environment at
the Council which has resulted in staff resignations, staff not attending meetings,
seeking medical assistance, and seeking leave of absence. Further, some councillors'
behaviour towards the CEO and other senior staff appears to be inconsistent with
clause 1 of the Standards of Conduct, endangering the ability to maintain a mutually
respectful, productive, and professional working relationship between the Council and
the administration, which is critical to good governance.
All Councillors agree to:
Treat the CEO, Directors and officers with respect.
Call out bad behaviour and discuss ways to deal with it.
Revisit and comply with the Councillor Code of Conduct.
Additionally, I enclose our written commitment to advancing the Ten Point Plan.
Councillors are committed to working closely with the municipal monitors during their
tenure and improving our performance through the Plan.
Yours sincerely
Mayor of Brimbank City Council & Councillors
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Brimbank City Council
Good Governance 10 Point Plan
1. Understand the role of a Councillor (Local Gov. Act and Code of
Council commits to
understanding the role of a Councillor as defined in the Local Government Act,
adhering to the Councillor Code of Conduct and calling out any behaviour that conflicts with the Code
of Conduct.
Council will do this by
attending and revisiting training sessions on the Local Government Act and
Code of Conduct, revisiting the 'Working Together' workshop outcomes and active participation and
evidence based decision making.
2. Understand the role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Council commits to
understanding and complying with the roles and responsibilities of the CEO as
outlined in section 94 of the Local Government Act, utilise the CEO as a source of knowledge,
respectfully communicate with the CEO, respect operational boundaries and avoid interfering in
operational matters.
Council will do this by
taking personal responsibility for understanding the role of a CEO as outlined
in the Local Government Act, build positive relationships with and seek advice from the CEO and
Directors, and seek advice and guidance from the independent advisor to the CEO Performance
3. Understand the Governance Rules
Council commits to
ensuring a thorough understanding of the Governance Rules, avoiding using
Notices of Motion for self-promotion, promptly and respectfully seeking clarification for the Rules and
giving officers enough time to answer questions comprehensively.
Council will do this by
attending and revisiting training sessions and workshops on the Governance
Rules, engaging in discussions to clarify Governance Rules and seeking feedback from officers early to
inform decision-making.
4. Read agendas and briefing materials
Council commits to
reading all agendas and briefing materials before meetings, preparing adequately
for meetings and asking informed questions in advance.
Council will do this by
allocating time to review agendas and briefing materials, seeking clarification
in advance of meetings to ensure thorough understanding.
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Attachment 13.13.2

5. Respect each other and staff
Council commits to
acting in accordance with the Councillor Code of Conduct, respecting peers and
Council staff, making decisions in the best interest of the community, and addressing disrespectful
behaviour in a respectful manner.
Councill will do this by
fostering a safe environment of mutual respect and open communication for
Councillors and staff, revisiting the "Working Together" workshop outcomes and seeking to resolve
differences informally and early.
6. Avoid last minute input
Council will commit to
avoiding last-minute amendments or unnecessary input during meetings,
raising matters in a timely manner and seeking clarification as soon as possible.
Council will do this by
using structured Councillor Only Time (COT) and briefings to discuss issues in
advance, seek advice from Executive and other Councillors before lodging Notices of Motion,
committing to being prepared and giving officers enough time to respond to queries.
7. Maintain strategic outlook
Council commits to
focusing on the long-term strategic goals of the Council, and aligning discussions
and decisions with the adopted Council’s strategic plans.
Council will do this by
supporting the adopted Council Plan, long-term financial plan, and other
strategic documents, attending development opportunities and workshops to enhance strategic
thinking, and encouraging a collective commitment to evidence-based decision-making.
8. Understand Council policies
Council commits to
familiarising with and respecting Council policies, accurately representing and
following Council policies in all actions.
Council will do this by
regularly reviewing relevant Council policies and seeking clarification when
needed, take personal responsibility to increase understanding of Council policies, and promoting
discussions on the positive impact of Council policies.
9. Keep out of operational issues
Council will commit to
respecting the operational boundaries, avoiding inference in operational
decisions and requesting information about operational issues.
Council will do this by
taking personal responsibility to understand the roles of a Councillor and CEO
as described in the Local Government Act 2020, consulting with Directors or the CEO to determine if
an issue is operational, using appropriate channels for raising operational and administrative matters,
and retaining a focus on strategic objectives rather than operational details.
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10. Work together
Council commits to
complying with the Councillor Code of Conduct, ensuring open and respectful
engagement between Councillors and the CEO, Directors, and staff as well as fostering a positive and
safe work environment for all.
Council will do this by
revisiting the 'Working Together' workshop outcomes, governing strategically
for the whole municipality and not just individual wards, and building and maintaining positive
relationships with each other, the CEO and Directors.
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Attachment 13.13.2