Brimbank Council Meeting No. 635 16 July 2024
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Activity Centre Strategy Implementation Status - 2024
Activity Centre Strategy Implementation Status - 2024
City Futures
Kelvin Walsh
Leanne Deans
1. Activity Centre Strategy Implementation Status Report -
June 2024 [
- 14 pages]
For Council to consider and note the Brimbank Activity Centre Strategy Implementation
Status Report at
Attachment 1
Officer Recommendation
That Council notes the Brimbank Activity Centre Strategy 2018 Implementation
Status Report at Attachment 1.
The Brimbank Activity Centre Strategy 2018 (Strategy) aims to guides growth and
development and contains objectives, strategies and actions to help facilitate vibrant
community hubs and places where people shop, work, meet, relax and live.
The Strategy was adopted by Council on the 16 October 2018 to replace the previous
2008 strategy. The Strategy provides planning and development guidelines for 53
activity centres in the municipality and contains a series of actions that seek to facilitate
investment and development that supports the realisation of the vision.
Matters for Consideration
The following options are available to Council:
A. Note the Activity Centre Strategy Implementation Status Report Shown at
Attachment 1
B. Note the Activity Centre Strategy Implementation Status Report with changes.
Officers recommend Option A and highlight that work to prepare an updated Activity
Centre Strategy is underway. On this basis there is a limited opportunity to incorporate
any changes. The preparation of an updated Strategy will provide opportunities for
Council to flag a different approach.
The Strategy contains 67 actions comprising 47 centre-specific actions and 20 general
actions that have sought to facilitate investment and development as well as enhance
place making in each of the activity centres in the municipality.
The Strategy establishes principles and supporting guidelines to inform Council’s
approach to the development and management of activity centres. This approach
identifies ways to support activity centres and their stakeholders, ensure planning for
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economic viability and ongoing improvements into the future. The Strategy identifies six
key principles including convenient access, safety, business friendly environment,
sustainability, integrated transport and investment opportunities to guide improvements
in activity centres.
The Implementation Status Report provided at
Attachment 1
shows 85% of the actions
having been commenced or completed. A summary of the progress against the 67
actions contained in the Strategy, indicates that:
12 actions (18%) are complete
45 actions (67%) are ongoing or business as usual, and
10 actions (15%) have not commenced.
Key actions and activities implemented from the Activity Centre Strategy in 2023/24
The delivery of several activations across activity centres as part of the Enjoy
Local Program, which encourages visitation and expenditure
Delivery of initiatives associated with the ‘Think Shop Buy Local and Google My
Business’ campaigns at over 20 Local Activity Centres promoting businesses to
local residents.
The delivery of Activity Centre Strategy surveys at Sunshine, St Albans and
eight other Local Activity Centres, as well as community consultation at Glengala
Village seeking to understand business needs and feedback
The renewal of the St Albans Marketing and Business Development Special Rate
which commences in the 2024/25 financial year
The adoption of the Alfrieda Street Master Plan that sets out guidelines for
transforming and activating Alfrieda Street in the St Albans Activity Centre
Completion of designs for streetscape improvements, including Devonshire
Road, Sunshine, East Esplanade St Albans, and Billingham Road Local Activity
Centre, Deer Park.
Ten actions have not commenced and many of these are constrained by site features,
private ownership, and changing strategic priorities. Some of these actions are outside
the control of Council but have been the subject of Council advocacy.
Council continues to establish and maintain relationships with all stakeholders (including
State Government, private owners, and business groups) to deliver the key strategic
aims of activity centres across the municipality.
Next steps
Council officers will continue to implement the Strategy and progress the preparation of
a new Strategy.
Community Engagement
Council officers engage with a range of stakeholders through the delivery of the
No external consultation was required in the preparation of this report.
Resource And Risk Implications
Resource requirements can be met within the Annual Budget 2023/2024.
potential impact on community, including public trust and customer
service impact
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• Yes - The status of the Activity Centre Strategy and the significant progress Council
has made in terms of its implementation should create public trust in Council’s ongoing
commitment to improving Brimbank’s activity centres.
impacts on environmental sustainability, including water/waste
management, climate change, and contaminated land
• Yes – The Activity Centre Strategy seeks to create diverse mixed-use centres with
commercial, retail, services and housing at increased densities to support the concept of
living locally and improve sustainability outcomes.
significant financial impacts
• Yes – The implementation of ongoing actions mainly forms part of Council’s routine
duties and should be catered for in operational budget. However, requirement to prepare
revised strategy and structure plans for selected activity centres as per the Strategy
would require resourcing and budget allocation.
legal, legislative or regulatory implications including the rights/obligations
of stakeholders
• None
: health, safety or duty of care impacts
• The delivery of activations, audits and physical improvements across activity centres
contributes to improved safety and perceptions of safety.
Legislation/Council Plan/Policy Context
This report supports the Council Plan 2021-2025 strategic direction and objective of:
2. Places and Spaces - Liveable and connected neighbourhoods that support
healthy and sustainable futures - A green place for all
• Liveable and Connected - Inviting and liveable spaces and facilities, connected so
people can get around
3. Opportunity and Prosperity - A future focused, transforming city where all
have opportunities to learn and earn - A prosperous place for all
• Growing and Transforming - Optimise community opportunities through infrastructure
innovation and investment.
Council officers contributing to the preparation and approval of this report, have no
conflicts of interests to declare.
A review of the implementation of the 67 actions is summarised below:
Theme/Action Group
Completed Ongoing Not
Strategic Planning Actions
Business Development Support
Public Ream & Access Improvements
Activity Centre Monitoring
Sunshine Metropolitan Activity Centre
Major Activity Centres
Neighbourhood Activity Centres
(Business as usual)
Not commenced
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Attachment 12.5.1
Ref Strategic Planning Actions
Timeframe Status Where are we now?
1 Program the delivery of strategic work identified in the Place Reports
above over a five year period (This relates to the actions identified in
Section 6 of the Activity Centre Strategy and listed below in the Activity
centres key works program)
Actions are programmed based on the availability of resources and budget.
2 Review activity centre provision in the Local Planning Policy Framework of
the Brimbank Planning Scheme and update as required.
This action was considered as part of the review of the Brimbank Planning
Scheme and translation into the Planning Policy Framework as part of
Amendment C225brim. Council lodged the adopted amendment with the
Minister for Planning in 2022 and is waiting for a decision.
3 Undertake strategic work to establish Council’s approach to delivery of the
20 minute city
The 20-minute principle forms part of the standards and principles for
delivering services through Council’s Community Services and
Infrastructure Plan (2018-2038). Further strategic work to deliver Council’s
approach of the 20-minute city is being explored as part of a revised
activity centre strategy and the preparation of an integrated transport
4 Undertake strategic work to identify the appropriate use of the
Commercial 1 Zone and Residential Growth Zone to plan for future growth
of Activity Centres in Brimbank
The Brimbank Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy developed
in 2024 considers utilising Residential Growth Zones (RGZs) to intensify
residential development. As part of the review of the activity centre
strategy, ongoing economic analysis will further inform considerations for
rezoning to facilitate future growth of activity centres in the municipality.
Business Development Support Actions
Timeframe Status Where are we now?
1 Facilitate and promote opportunities for business engagement, knowledge
sharing and networking through Council’s Business Development Program
Council continues to promote opportunities for business and in
2023/2024 delivered:
Two business breakfasts
One Women in business event
Monthly Brimbank Business Link Meetups
17 Business Development Workshops.
2 Build Council’s relationship with the business community and ensure an
ongoing understanding of the needs of business
Council officers continue to develop relationships with businesses to
understand their needs and offer requisite support. In 2023/2024, the
following activities/ programs were undertaken:
Activity Centre Strategy surveys were administered at Sunshine,
St Albans and eight other Local Activity Centres
A community consultation was conducted at Glengala Village
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Attachment 12.5.1
Place managers attended business association meetings in
Sunshine and St Albans. Economic Development Officers attend
other meetings on request.
Officers regularly met businesses face-to-face to provide
required assistance and support.
Business surveys are regularly conducted to assess evaluation of
activation and centre performance.
Skills and employment event were supported to help connect
businesses and job seekers.
3 Encourage and support the appropriate clustering of businesses and
complementary services in suitable locations to maximise investment and
employment potential, with a focus on Brimbank’s town centres,
industrial precincts and strategic sites
Council provides timely responses and support to investment queries
through Economic Development and Strategic and Statutory Planners,
including assistance with identification of potential sites for investors. The
Sunshine and St Albans Town Centre Managers provide support to
developers and leasing agents prior to lodging development applications
and leasing premises.
4 Pursue opportunities for place making through the programming and
delivery of streetscape improvements. This could include pop up activities,
entertainment, mural, shop front improvements
During the life of this strategy, the Arts and Culture, Economic
Development, Place Management and Urban Design areas have
collaborated to facilitate place making. In 2023/2024 the following
activities were undertaken to support this action:
Public arts installations across the activity centres (including
Sunshine, St Albans and local activity centres).
Four temporary art installations on the Sunshine and three art
installations erected in St. Albans,
Streetscape decals at Clarke Street, Sunshine
Lunar New Year Lighting installations.
47 activations at Sunshine and St Albans and 38 activations in
other activity centres as part of activities of the Enjoy Local
Program which encouraged visitations and held people in the
town centres for an extended period.
Shop front improvement program delivered in Sunshine and St
Albans. City Planning seek to limit signage through planning
5 Encourage and support formation of representative and financially
sustainable business groups and networks that facilitate local leadership
and business and community led initiatives
The St Albans and Sunshine Business Associations continued to be
financially sustainable with the support of a special rate scheme. Council’s
Town Centre Managers support the business associations through
collaborating and supporting projects together with providing updates on
Council activities through attendance association meetings.
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Attachment 12.5.1
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and related impacts for businesses,
a taskforce was formed which operated between May 2020 and December
2021. Work by the Taskforce led to providing business support measures
over two financial years (i.e., 2021/2022 to 2022/2023).
6 Promote business attraction opportunities in Brimbank Activity Centres as
part of Council’s investment and business attraction program
In 2023/24, Council developed an investment prospectus that promotes
investment in activity centres and elsewhere and can be viewed on
Council’s website.
7 Promote opportunities for business engagement in visitor attraction
initiatives as outlined in the draft Experience Brimbank Strategy 2018 to
grow the local visitor economy
Council actively promotes business opportunities through the Western
Melbourne Tourism Inc. and actively participates in events such as
Melbourne Food and Wine Festival and food tours as part of Westside
Crawls. In 2023/24, the Think Shop Buy Local and Google My Business
campaigns were delivered in 20 Local Activity Centres.
Council officers have also commenced work on a new Visitor Economy
Public Realm and Access Improvements Actions
Timeframe Status Where are we now?
1 Prepare capital works program for Local Activity Centres
Council’s existing Local Activity Centre Capital Works Framework was
prepared in 2017 to provide framework for prioritising capital works
investments and improve the public realm in the 30 local activity centres
within the municipality. The implementation of the framework yielded
several public realms improvements to activity centre, which in the last
financial year included:
Suffolk Road Shopping Centre Upgrade works in May 2023.
Leslie Street Local Activity Centre, Glengala Road Village Public
Realm improvement, and Billingham Road Local Activity Centre
Upgrade in 2023/24.
The Urban Design unit is currently leading the review and updates of a
capital works framework which is expected to be completed in 2024/25.
2 Program business development support in line with Local Activity Centres
capital works program.
The Economic Development Unit undertakes trader engagement prior,
during and post capital works projects in local activity centres. An officer
works as a conduit between the trader and the Council and its contractors.
In 2023/24, Council officers actively engaged and provided business
support before, during and after Capital works disruption in Leslie Street St
Albans, Suffolk Road Sunshine North and Porter Court Deer Park.
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Attachment 12.5.1
3 Develop a program to prepare and implement Streetscape Master Plans
for larger activity centres and program as part of the 10 year capital works
Short to
Council adopted the Alfrieda Street Public Realm Master Plan in April 2024
which sets out the vision and guidelines for transforming Alfrieda Street’s
public realm. In 2023/24, Council officers continued to implement the
existing masterplans as part of Council’s capital works program subject to
The breakdown of the implementation of the streetscape master plans and
capital works for 2023/2024 is as follows:
Design for Devonshire Road, Sunshine Activity Centre
Streetscape Upgrade, George Street, Sunshine
Adoption of Master Plan for Alfrieda Street, St Albans
Detailed design for East Esplanade, St Albans Activity Centre.
4 Encourage, advocate for and facilitate access and connectivity
improvements, including public transport to key employment nodes.
In 2022, Council updated its Transport Priorities Paper, which identifies key
transport issues and guides advocacy for transport services and
infrastructure in the Brimbank community. The Strategic Transport
Coordinator and Council’s Advocacy Unit continues to advocate to the
State Government to support initiatives that facilitates and improves
access and connectivity to key employment nodes within the Brimbank
municipality and its surroundings. Council is preparing an Integrated
Transport Strategy to inform and prioritise access and connectivity
improvements and advocacy.
5 Develop a municipal approach to car parking provision
In 2019, Council adopted the Brimbank Parking Strategy to provide an
overarching framework that will guide Council in responding to local
parking issues in a transparent and consistent way across the municipality.
The consequent Planning Scheme Amendment C216brim which applies Car
Park Overlay to the land zoned Commercial 1 Zone and Mixed-Use Zone in
the St Albans Activity Centre and land zoned Activity Centre Zone in the
Sunshine Activity Centre came into operation on 14 April 2023.
6 Continue Council’s proactive maintenance and cleaning program in key
activity centres and consider opportunity to expand
Proactive maintenance and cleaning programs are delivered in the St
Albans and Sunshine Activity Centres, including:
four maintenance audits per annum and regular reporting on
issues including graffiti and dumped rubbish
two maintenance audits per annum, regular reporting of issues,
daily street sweep and high pressure cleans.
7 Continue to support business led community events through Council’s
community grants program
The Brimbank Community Grants Program contains a festival and events
category that supports business associations and community to deliver
festivals and other initiatives in activity centres.
8 Continue to celebrate Christmas through the installation of banners and
decorations in key locations
Council continues to deliver an annual program of Christmas decorations
for activity centres. In 2023/24 Council delivered Christmas installations
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Attachment 12.5.1
(e.g. lights, decorations and entertainment) in Sunshine Town Centre, St
Albans Town Centre, Deer Park, Keilor Village, Albion, Keilor Park, St
Albans, Sunshine North and West.
Activity Centre Monitoring
Key Work Plan Actions
Timeframe Status Where are we now?
1 Prepare an annual report about implementation of the Activity Centre
This report provides Council with an update on the implementation of the
actions contained in the Activity Centre Strategy.
Specific Activity Centre Actions
Sydenham Major Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Review the Sydenham Activity Centre Structure Plan to reflect recent
planning zone reforms and other infrastructure investment including a
review of the area boundary.
The bulk of the land is in one ownership therefore collaboration and support from the
landowner is required. Council has an established relationship with owners, and they
are currently satisfied with the existing structure plan and planning provisions.
2 Explore opportunities with Watergardens Centre Management to
encourage business development and activation
City Development maintains a good relationship with the owners to encourage external
facing development that facilitates activation of ‘streets’ through the delivery and
development of a developer-led master planning for the area. Over the period 2023/24,
Council work closely with centre management to facilitate workshops and other
programs and partnered to organise a commemorative event to mark the International
Women’s Day in March, a Career Day event in April and a Jobs Expo in May.
3 Provide high level development facilitation to ensure that future
development delivers quality public spaces, permeable and integrated
connections, a mix of uses including community services and amenities,
and activation of shopping centre interfaces
Council’s City Development Department encourage the activation of the eastern arm of
the activity centre. Recent and future projects contribute to delivering integrated
connection and mixed uses, including:
The construction of Quest Hotel in 2023
Proposed 8 storey office including creek parkland upgrade with permits issued
in November 2023.
4 Advocate to the State Government to elevate the status of Sydenham
Major Activity Centre
Council’s draft submission to Plan for Victoria, prepared in June 2024, advocates for
Sydenham to be elevated to a Metropolitan Activity Centre and will be explored further
as part of the Activity Centre Strategy review.
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Attachment 12.5.1
Keilor Downs Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Prepare an Urban Design Framework Plan that addresses site connections,
interfaces, public spaces, activates frontages, and provides for appropriate
mixed use development
In response to this strategy, a new Keilor Downs Urban Design Framework (UDF) was
adopted in 2018. The UDF seeks to develop an integrated and mixed use street-based
centre by connecting existing and future activity nodes. The framework establishes
design vision that enhances place-making opportunities and future character.
2 Liaise with Public Transport Victoria to investigate opportunities for a
principal public transport network connection and / or improved public
transport interchange and provision
Advocacy for transport amenity has been an ongoing task of Council’s Strategic
Transport Coordinator. Public transport access to the Keilor Downs Activity Centre is
being actively pursued through the Brimbank Transport Priorities Paper, which
proposes a new bus route that could potentially service Sunshine to Watergardens and
improve accessibility to locations included in Keilor Downs. This plan has been shared
with Public Transport Victoria.
3 Maximise the community benefit from council investment in the St Albans
Leisure Centre redevelopment by potentially broadening the service offer
and examining opportunity for urban renewal
The redevelopment of the leisure centre, now called Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness
Centre, was completed in 2022 and offers a wide ranging health and fitness services.
Council continues to explore options for maximising its potential for urban renewal
through facilitation of major development in the area. Opportunities for this action
have also been a subject of the ongoing review of the Activity Centre Strategy.
Delahey Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Liaise with Public Transport Victoria to investigate opportunities for a
principal public transport network connection and / or improved public
transport interchange and provision
Advocacy for transport amenity is an ongoing task of Council’s Strategic Transport
Coordinator. Council’s Strategic Transport Priorities Paper advocates for new bus route
connection between Sunshine and Watergardens which will improve connectivity to the
Delahey Activity Centre. Council’s Engineering Services meet monthly with the
Department of Transport, Victoria Police, and bus operators regarding a range of
operational matters, e.g. speed humps etc.
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Attachment 12.5.1
2 Encourage the appropriate development of the Broadcast Australia Site
and ensure that any new development associated with the Broadcast
Australia site positively integrates with Delahey Village shopping centre
and Kings Road
The site was offered for sale in April-May 2023 and the Strategic Planning and City
Planning departments held several pre-purchase meetings with prospective purchasers
to discuss a range of matters including integration with surrounding uses and
development constraints including native vegetation.
3 Provide development facilitation support to the land owners of the
Broadcast Australia site and the Delahey Village Activity Centre to
encourage appropriate development through their preparation of
planning scheme amendment application to potentially rezone the land
and apply other relevant provisions and overlays.
Strategic and Statutory Planning officers have participated in numerous meetings with
the owners about the development of the site and provide feedback about potential
planning scheme amendment proposals.
Taylors Lake Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Liaise with Centre Management and discuss future development and
activations, including improvements to external spaces including
provision of public lighting, furniture and other amenity improvements
City Planning officers hold pre-application meetings to offer support and advise for
improving external spaces and amenities in future development proposals.
2 Encourage improvements to internal pedestrian connections as part of
any future development approval
City Planning officers hold pre-application meetings and facilitate applications as
required. Discussions include encouraging improvements to pedestrian access and
Deer Park Village Major Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Prepare a Structure Plan with regard to the Derrimut Neighbourhood
Activity Centre, Deer Park Railway Station and surrounding industrial
and residential uses, including a review of the boundary of the activity
The preparation of structure plan for Deer Park has not progressed due to the area
being adjacent to a major hazard facility and is not recommended for intensive growth
and development.
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Attachment 12.5.1
2 Encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of the private car park to
the south of the Ballarat Road businesses
This action has not commenced as the preparation of a structure plan has not
3 Encourage the formation of a business association to drive local
The Economic Development Unit initiated the development of a business association,
however, there was insufficient interest among traders to commit to the formation of a
formal business association. Officers remain available to provide support should this
Brimbank Central Major Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Encourage the shopping centre owners to implement a program to
enhance the external interface of the shopping centre and strengthen
links with the Deer Park library
The redevelopment of the Deer Park Library may provide the opportunity to deliver this
2 Liaise with the shopping centre owners to improve public lighting and
community gathering places around (external) the shopping centre
This will occur opportunistically as part of development applications associated with the
development of the shopping centre.
3 Examine opportunities to integrate the Deer Park Library with the
shopping centre, or redevelop the library within the shopping centre
The redevelopment of the Deer Park Library may provide the opportunity to deliver this
4 Advocate for amenity improvements of the bus stop to include
enhanced pedestrian priority through car park and real-time travel
Council officers consult with landowners, residents and bus companies to advocate for
bus stops improvements at this activity centre.
5 Liaise with centre management / property owners in relation to their
consideration of future development and business development
opportunities including the potential for expansion
Economic Development continues to engage with the centre management and provide
business support. City Planning facilitated a proposal adjoining the activity centre to the
north and although predominately residential, it contains a super lot that is anticipated
to be a mixed used development facing Station Road. The super lot may serve as an
expansion to the retail/ commercial offer adjoining the centre. City Planning continue
to hold pre-application meetings with owners where business development and
expansion opportunities are considered.
6 Examine opportunities to improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity to
the surrounding area
The Brimbank Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016 offers guidance on improving active
transport connectivity in several areas, including its town centres. Council has
commenced developing wayfinding strategy that will inform signage across town
centres to facilitate pedestrian friendly environment. Advocacy for active transport
improvements is also an ongoing task of Council’s Strategic Transport Coordinator.
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Attachment 12.5.1
Cairnlea Activity Centre Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Continue to advocate to Public Transport Victoria to improve public
transport connections to the activity centre
Advocacy for transport improvements is an ongoing task of Council’s Strategic
Transport Coordinator. The 2022 Transport Priorities Paper identifies the need to
deliver a new bus route that will connect Sunshine and Brimbank Central via Cairnlea
Drive. The Department of Transport and Planning has prepared route plan for a
potential Bus service 405, which will greatly enhance accessibility to and around the
Cairnlea Activity Centre.
2 Liaise with Centre Management / Property owners to encourage
development and business development including activation
As part of the core business of City Planning, officers hold pre-application meetings and
facilitate applications as required. The Economic Development Unit also maintains close
relationship with centres and businesses to provide support where needed.
3 Encourage improvements to the outdoor forecourt e.g.
awnings/increase seating furniture/increase outdoor trade
As part of the core business of City Planning, officers hold pre-application meetings and
facilitate applications as required. This includes liaising with officers from the Urban
Design Unit as required to advise on public space improvements.
The Urban Design Unit is conducting a gap analysis that includes mapping all activity
centres across the municipality which will inform strategies and initiatives in this area.
Derrimut Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Explore way-finding methods to strengthen pedestrian and cycling
connections between key destinations within the area including the
Deer Park Railway Station
Urban Design Unit is currently preparing a wayfinding strategy for to the municipality
and will include improving pedestrian and cycling connections at activity centres.
2 Encourage future development along the Mt Derrimut Road frontage
that reflects and supports the service/business/retail on the eastern side
of the road
Although no specific projects have commenced for activating frontages along the Mt
Derrimut, a new commercial development proposal (i.e., for a Guzman y Gomes
restaurant) was recently approved to be developed on parts of the car park which could
begin activation of the area. The full activation of the road frontage is likely to evolve
over time.
3 Examine potential for the activity centre to ‘join up’ with activities on
eastern side of Mount Derrimut Road and formalise as a larger activity
centre through development of a framework plan
This will occur opportunistically as part of development applications associated with the
shopping centre subject to the property owner’s development of a framework plan.
4 Encourage shopping centre owners to develop a framework plan to
show the future development opportunities for vacant land to the south
of the existing shopping centre
This will occur opportunistically as officers continue to liaise with the property owner
about development of the shopping centre.
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Attachment 12.5.1
Sunshine Metropolitan Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Continue implementation of the Sunshine Rising program with a focus
on investment attraction to secure regional office and residential
development, improving business standards and appearance, and
evening activation
The following initiatives were implemented in response to investment attraction:
Council officers participate in a bi-monthly Transforming Brimbank working
group meetings to facilitate collaboration.
City Planning maintain a register of major planning applications that
demonstrate the level of investment in Sunshine and provide data regarding
floors pace, dwelling number and share this with the Department of Transport
and Planning.
Economic Development Unit provides a single point-of-contact for investment
and development enquiries and can provide cross-functional departmental
coordination and liaison support for major planning applications process.
Council officers continue to liaise with investors and developers regarding
Sunshine’s potentials and provide information about the centre.
2 Provide development facilitation support for major development with a
focus on maximising the development opportunities associated with the
Melbourne Airport rail link
All planning permit applications within the designated area and along the rail corridor
are referred to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP). Council provides
ongoing facilitation which has resulted in numerous medium-density development,
notably including the following in 2023/24:
Completion of retail, office and accommodation (including 15x Specialist
Disability Accommodation) at 15-19 Service Street, Sunshine in 2023
Construction commenced for a mixed-use development at 99 Derby Road,
Approval of retail and residential development at 21 Devonshire Road and 25
Hertford Road in 2023/24
3 Commence a car parking study to potentially inform development of car
parking overlay
A car parking plan was completed for the Sunshine Activity Centre and Planning Scheme
Amendment C216brim was prepared to apply the Car Park Overlay. The overlay came
into operation on 14 April 2023.
4 Update the Sunshine Rising Business Plan
The Sunshine Rising Action Plan was adopted in August 2019 and a revised plan is being
5 Renew the Sunshine Marketing and Business Development Special Rate
The Sunshine Marketing and Business Development Special Rate was renewed in 2023.
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Attachment 12.5.1
6 Continue delivery of the public realm and streetscape improvements
program including delivery of the Hampshire Road Masterplan, Albion
Station Access Improvement Project and Development Contributions
Council continues to work on delivering improvements to these areas, including:
A multidisciplinary team working to achieve the best development option for
Albion Station and provide input into the preparation of the Albion Quarter
Structure Plan Discussion Paper, which will deliver further improvements to
the Albion Station Quarter. The Structure Plan Discussion Paper is currently on
the Engage Victoria Website and includes potential public realm and
streetscape improvements.
Urban Design completed delivery of the Hampshire Road Masterplan.
City Planning continue to administer the collection of the developer
contribution and open space levy.
7 Work with relevant land owners and stakeholders to facilitate the
renewal of the Albion Station Precinct including completion of the
Albion Station Access Improvement Project, facilitating delivery of the St
Albans Road extension and development of the Albion Triangle Precinct
and the John Darling Flour Mill
Planning for the Albion Triangle is currently being undertaken by Department of
Transport and Planning (DTP), however a multidisciplinary team within Council
continues to meet, advocate and provide input to DTP regarding development
outcomes. Council continues to work with the State Government as they prepare the
Albion Quarter Structure Plan which will facilitate the renewal of the Albion Station
Precinct. The City Planning Unit continues to assess development and planning
applications and liaise with land owners, Department of Transport and Planning,
Heritage Victoria and other stakeholders to facilitate development in the precinct.
St Albans Major Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Prepare the Go St Albans Business Plan to outline and coordinate
Council’s Place Management Program
The Go St Albans Action Plan 2019 – 2024 was completed and adopted by Council in
2 Provide development facilitation support for major development
As part of the core business the City Planning officers hold pre-application meetings and
facilitate applications as required, with recent key projects including:
Five storey residential property at 13 West Esplanade completed in 2023.
Five storey residential property at 21 Albert Crescent under construction.
3 Commence a car parking study to potentially inform development of car
parking overlay
A car parking plan was completed for the St Alban Town Centre and Planning Scheme
Amendment C216brim was prepared to apply the Car Park Overlay to the land zoned
Commercial 1 Zone and Mixed-Use Zone in the St Albans Activity Centre The overlay
came into operation on 14 April 2023.
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4 Renew the St Albans Marketing and Business Development Special Rate
The scheme was reviewed and came into effect on 1 January 2019 and expires on 30
June 2024. A renewed scheme was adopted in December 2023 with implementation
commencing on 1 July 2024.
5 Develop a public realm and streetscape improvements program
From the 2017/2018 financial year until the 2022/2023 financial year, seven public
realm and streetscape improvement projects have been completed to the value of
$4.12M. The Urban Design unit led the preparation of the Alfrieda Street Master Plan
which was adopted in April 2024. The Activity Centre Capital Works Framework
currently under preparation will include a program public realm and streetscape
6 Develop and implement wayfinding strategy
The Urban Design Unit is preparing a wayfinding strategy for the entire municipality and
will include the St Albans Activity Centre.
7 Continue to plan for activation of the public realm including the St
Albans ‘Pop Up’ Park
The St Albans Place Manager programmed activations of the public realm in St Albans
through the Enjoy Local and Go St Albans Programs.
8 Finalise the Master Plan for Collins Street, St Albans
At the Council Meeting on 16 April 2019 Council resolved not to finalise the Draft
Collins Street Master Plan on the basis it is not in accordance with the intent and
purpose of the Public Acquisition Overlay that applies to Collins Street through Planning
Scheme Amendment L2.
Keilor Village Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Key Work Plan Actions
Status Where are we now?
1 Continue to support the business association to encourage local
The Economic Development Unit continues ongoing engagement with businesses,
offering support to encourage formation and maintenance of local leadership.
However, over recent years there has been inadequate interest, and the business
association has become inactive.
2 Work with the Keilor Village Traders Association to explore sustainable
funding opportunities to support ongoing marketing and business
Council commenced a process to re-establish a business association however the Keilor
businesses did not take up the opportunity.
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3 Identify appropriate future commercial opportunities to protect the
economic viability of the centre
This will be considered as part of a broader economic analysis of the Brimbank activity
centre hierarchy which will inform the update of a new strategy.
4 Continue to promote the tourism potential of Keilor Village
Information about the Tourism potential of Keilor Village is contained on the Experience
Brimbank website on Council website. Council’s social media platforms also regularly
promotes key locations and events in Keilor.
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