Through its Electronic Gambling Policy 2019, Council seeks to reduce the economic,
social and health harm associated with electronic gaming machines (EGMs) and other
forms of electronic gambling in Brimbank. This Report Card provides a summary of key
achievements during the 2023-2024 year.
Electronic Gambling
Policy 2019
Community Report Card 2023–2024
Objective One: Advocate to Federal and
State Governments for a safer gambling
environment and stronger regulatory
reforms to prevent and reduce harm.
Council made a submission to the Public
Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Inquiry
into the Victorian Auditor-General’s reports no.
99: Follow up of Regulating Gambling and Liquor
(2019) and no. 213: Reducing the Harm Caused
by Gambling (2021). The Committee formally
accepted Council’s submission, and it has
been published on the Parliament of Victoria’s
website as a public document.
Council wrote to the Minister for Casino,
Gaming and Liquor Regulation requesting that
funding remains ongoing for the Victorian
Responsible Gambling Foundation for a
vital service that counters and supports the
harms caused by gambling in Victoria and in
particular the City of Brimbank.
Council lodged a submission to the Victorian
Gambling and Casino Control Commission
(VGCCC), opposing the Braybrook Hotel’s
application to extend the trading hours of
their gambling room from 1am to 3am, due
to the proximity of the hotel to vulnerable
communities in Brimbank. Braybrook Hotel
subsequently withdrew their application.
Council wrote to the Victorian Minister for
Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation and
Western Metropolitan Region State and
Federal Members of Parliament calling on
the Federal government to impose tougher
regulations around the accessibility of
gambling apps, games and promotions
to children and to both Federal and State
governments to provide support to
children and families to treat gambling and
gamification apps as health addictions.
Participated in workshops with the Alliance for
Gambling Reform regarding Victorian landmark
reforms to reduce gambling related harm and
money laundering.
Maintained its status as a Leadership Council
with the Alliance for Gambling Reform.
Objective Two: Minimise the impact
of electronic gambling and promote
alternatives that have positive
economic, social and health outcomes
Developed a Youth Engagement Resource, ‘Start
the Conversation’ cards, which were piloted in
four schools in Brimbank. Data showed that 70%
of students received a better understanding
about gambling harm. The Youth Engagement
Resource will be used as part of the ‘Be Ahead of
the Game Program’.
Delivered programming through libraries
that provided alternatives to gambling for
the community.
Continued to partner with the St Albans Sports
Club on a Gambling Harm Reduction Program, as
part of the club’s lease agreement with Council.
Objective Three: Increase
understanding of and take action
to prevent and reduce gambling
related harm.
Gambling-related information was updated on
Council’s website and social media, including
current Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM)
expenditure data, Council media releases, and
programs that provide alternatives to gambling.
Conducted the Resilient Youth Survey with
high school students in Brimbank, which asked
questions relating to online gaming and gambling,
helping to increase understanding of gambling
harm for young people.
Supported communications and promoted activities
during Gambling Harm Awareness Week in October
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