T 9249 4000
W brimbank.vic.gov.au
E info@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Sunshine Victoria 3020
301 Hampshire Road
Service Unit
Reviewed Date
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An application for the establishment of a new licensed premises or the
extension of an existing licensed premises must be accompanied by the
following information.
1. A recent copy of the title of the land, together with confirmation that the present
boundaries are the same as the title boundaries. A copy of Title can be obtained
online at www.landata.vic.gov.au.
2. Details of any registered restrictive covenant or S173 Agreement affecting the land. You will
need to check both the plan of subdivision (if the land is a lot on a plan) for restrictions and the
certificate of title for restrictive covenants registered or recorded on the title.
You are advised that pursuant to the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a
planning application that proposes a breach against the covenant cannot be supported
variation or removal of the covenant is obtained
prior to the development application being
3. Plans drawn to scale, including full dimensions showing:
• A site analysis plan detailing the proximity of the premises, including areas adjacent to the
boundaries of the site used in association with the licensed premises to neighbouring
properties, including details of doors, windows and open space areas on all properties in
proximity to the site.
• A site plan detailing all areas to be used by patrons of the premises, including areas adjacent
to the boundaries of the site used in association with the licensed premises, i.e. outdoor
seating, public spaces, footpaths and car parking areas.
• Plans detailing the existing and proposed layout of the premises, including all external
windows and doors, the total number of patrons to be accommodated on the premises, the
allocation of patrons to identified areas, and the location of waste storage areas.
4. A written submission:
• Details of the proposed hours of operation of the premises.
• Details of car parking to be provided for the new use, including an empirical assessment of
car parking demand, the availability in the locality and public transport in the locality where a
dispensation from car parking requirements at clause 52.06 is being sought.
• Justification for any variation from standard Liquor Licensing Victoria hours of operation
and/or standard conditions.
• An assessment by a registered building surveyor detailing the patron capacity of the
premises (unless patron numbers have been restricted by a condition of a previous planning
5. Noise and Amenity Action Plan (NAAP) containing the following information:
• The identification of all noise courses associated with the premises (including, but not limited
to, music noise, entries and exits to the premises and courtyards) likely to impact on
neighbouring properties.
• Measures to be undertaken to address all noise sources identifies, including on and off-site
noise attenuation measures.
• Standard procedures to be undertaken by staff in the event of complaints by a member of
the public, the Victoria Police, an “authorized office” of the Responsible Authority or an office
of Liquor Licensing Victoria.
• Details of staffing arrangements including numbers and working hours of all security staff,
bar staff, waiters/waitresses, on-premises manager, and other staff.
• Details of training provided for bar staff in the responsible service of alcohol.
• Hours of operation for all parts of the premises.
Liquor Licence
Service Unit
Reviewed Date
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• Lighting within the boundaries of the site.
• Security lighting outside the premises.
• Details of the provision of music including the frequency and hours of entertainment provided
by live bands and/or DJ’s.
• Details of waste management plan including storage and hours of collection for general
rubbish and bottles associated with the licensed use.
• Any other measures to be undertaken to ensure minimal amenity impacts from proposed
licensed use.
6. Planning Application Form and relevant fee. Visit our website for lodgment options at:
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning have additional information to
assist you with the preparation of your planning permit application here:
Please note this checklist is for standard information required for lodgement. Additional information may be
required by the assessing planning officer after registration.